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  On 20/07/2012 at 11:47 AM, Ptolomy said:

Its been 4.30 starts on all but one day for me in the last week - thank you Nina - the joys of having a 13 week old puppy. Loving every minute of her - I wanted a out there in your face, naughty puppy with lots of attitude and that's what I got. Time will tell if she is anywhere near as good as her mum.

That's going to be a tough ask :)

Will you be bringing Nina to training on Mondays? I want another cuddle! And to see you and her in action, love puppy training, it's so much fun!

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Nina doesn't do cuddles - she is too busy. I took her to K9 on Wednesday - agility training and she explored while they were setting up the equipment. I would have expected a pup of that age to stay close by and to be unsure - but nope - went up and said hello to everybody - checked out all the equipment, came belting back when called, jumped out of the car when it wasn't her turn, jumped all over a much older pup and strutted around like she owned the place.

Going to have to keep my eye on bedazzled as I think she might swap the kelpie given half a chance rofl1.gif

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We can have 2 dogs within town limits, 4 outside town limits withou a permit.

They easily hand out permits for a third dog in town if there have been no noise/wandering complaints, costs nothing. If you want a fourth dog in town they will come and look at your property and speak to neighbours to be sure but once again costs nothing :)Not sure about above that :)

That sucks totally Ptolomy. Hope your insurance covers a new one for you.

Rommi is still going well adn coping well with confiment. I am however, bored of it. Lewis is getting to do loads of fun stuff and she isn't and I feel awful for her. Bright side, when she is finally all healed she will be able to do fun stuff and shouldn't have any pulling up lame issues. Still seems to be taking forever though........................

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  On 20/07/2012 at 11:47 AM, Ptolomy said:

Tumbleweed - when I lived in Bunbury I used to send challenges I called them to Livertreats in Perth - so things like your challenge this week is to be able to leave the kids in a sit stay in the lounge room and for you to walk to the kitchen open the pantry door and return without them moving. She also taught her kids scent discrimination by correspondence - so it can be done and its a really good idea for motivation. You could perhaps start a thread and issue a challenge for people to try and report back on - just a thought - you could even use the training thread.

Bedazzled and I are heading to Melbourne with the boys in a couple of weeks time for a drinking holiday/obedience competition - need to do some training between now and then biggrin.gif

Ptolomy - great idea. I've set up a Facebook group, and I think we are going to do a similar thing to that. E.G. "This is the topic of the month, here are some exercises for beginners, some for experienced folk, go practice a few and please video a couple and post" then everyone can comment and make suggestions. Helps keep the motivation levels up for those without a club. One of the best thing so far in our group is that over half are 'non-traditional' obedience breeds :thumbsup: . Plus some beautiful working dogs too. :D

Good luck over east with Bedazzled and the OC ones.

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I'm trying to fill out title applications for my little herders, and it's very confusing :( Can anyone tell me what "PTS" and "checked" mean? And what a "multi-certificate" means in the fees list? They are only associate dogs so do I need an updated cert of registration? We only need their titles recorded so we can pick up in the class where we left off when we move interstate :)


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  On 16/07/2012 at 3:05 AM, Tumbleweed said:

Hi all. Have posted this is the Rally-O facebook page and Dogzonline training forum but really keen on hearing from any West Aussies (particularly the country people out there)

I'm seeking expressions of interest for an 'online training club' (Rally-O & Obedience, but Agility as well if enough interest)

I have just moved to the country and am finding that the clubs nearby (i.e. the whole 2 clubs in a 200 km radius!) aren't quite what I am looking for :( . So...I am thinking of starting a small facebook group for people without a club nearby, or people unable to get to a training club.

My idea is that members can post comments and videos of themselves training and help critique the videos of others. Also, to encourage each other to keep going and provide advice when problems are encountered. Obviously for this to work there has to be enough interest, and some far more experienced trainers than me in the mix.

I would love to hear from anyone who is interested in joining this, and/or anyone who has had experience of doing this sort of thing (good/bad). Alternative suggestions on how to train effectively by yourself are also more than welcome!

Please PM me if you are keen or have any suggestions.

Cheers :D

Yep, Im keen. Im so disorganised and confuse myself so a bit more accountability is always a good thing :)

Can you post the details for the rally o fb page?

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  On 22/07/2012 at 4:43 AM, Weasels said:


I'm trying to fill out title applications for my little herders, and it's very confusing :( Can anyone tell me what "PTS" and "checked" mean? And what a "multi-certificate" means in the fees list? They are only associate dogs so do I need an updated cert of registration? We only need their titles recorded so we can pick up in the class where we left off when we move interstate :)


Can't answer your PTS and checked question, but assuming you are talking ANKC titles, multi-certificates to my knowledge are like agility ones, where you might get your JDO title, then get enough passes for JDO again, so they become JDO2 and so on. So don't worry about that. You also don't need an updated cert of registration, unless you want one. I'm not throwing more money than I have to at DogsWest for a piece of paper displaying their additional titles! Most, if not all, other CC's offer an updated cert of registration as part of the title application. But here, we have to pay extra for it!! icon_smile_mad.gif

All you'll need to apply for the title you are after is to fill in the form, copies of their qualifying certificates, and Bob's your uncle. I don't even send in a copy of their registration anymore, seems to get through ok laugh.gif

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Thank you so much Rubystar!! That has given me enough to go on with :) :thumbsup: I wonder if PTS = points?

My average level of confusion has increased greatly ever since I joined CAWA! :laugh:

Edit: and if I am applying for 3 titles on 2 dogs do I need to pay postage on each?


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  On 20/07/2012 at 12:05 PM, RallyValley said:

Here is the Zora pic for those not on FB (I can't resist sharing my girl!)


:love: :love: :love: Zora is looking stunning RV, so fit and healthy :D

Ptolomy that sucks :( Hope you have a great trip away though :)

We had a gorgeous walk up at Chidlow again today, about 7km in all up the track and back - both dogs were of lead most of the time and we had just one cyclist pass us on the entire walk - so stress free when no other dogs around :laugh:

Anyone free to do anything this Friday? I'm taking the day of and might pop to the zoo with my camera, but open to other suggestions if anyone else is free :D

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  On 22/07/2012 at 5:14 AM, Tiggy said:

Tumbleweed, do you mind posting the info for the FB group please. :)

Hi Tiggy,

People can find the group by doing a search on Facebook for 'Dog Obedience Online Training Group'. You will need to ask to join, and as 'admin' for the group, I just have to accept your invite.

Everyone who is interested and actively training dogs is welcome - the group has a focus for country people and obedience/rally but it isn't exclusively for any of those!

I'm hoping it will be a fairly active group so if you join then expect a lot of posts and traffic. Also, please be prepared to post some videos etc of yourself training as that is what it is all about :D

Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want further info.

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