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Western Australian Thread


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Awww come on don't you want to go for a nice evening drive? :thumbsup:

Your email just came through on WA Click Mirawee, it annoys me how those online lists are so delayed.

Hopefully there will be a reply soon!

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I can't figure out if I'm relieved or annoyed :thumbsup:

On one hand I wasn't looking forward to going out into the weather, but on the other hand we could really do with the training!

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ACWA usually post on the website if training is cancelled due to rain / heat. Nothing on there yet though.

Yes but unfortunately they often post on the website after I have already had to leave :thumbsup: Which is why when in doubt I often choose not to go as I have driven the hour before to find out that training had been cancelled :D

An hour drive..... sounds familiar, it also takes me an hour to get down there which is why I dont go very often...

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ACWA usually post on the website if training is cancelled due to rain / heat. Nothing on there yet though.

Yes but unfortunately they often post on the website after I have already had to leave :rofl: Which is why when in doubt I often choose not to go as I have driven the hour before to find out that training had been cancelled :(

An hour drive..... sounds familiar, it also takes me an hour to get down there which is why I dont go very often...

It's about an hour for me to. I've always wanted to go to the the ACWA but it's so far ;) . So it's not raining here yet but I did get a bit rained on earlier when I walked the dogs. Buster must know there's a storm coming because usually he doesn't want to come inside :D but today he came straight in, I have the total opposite problem with the Stafford kids :thumbsup: .

Edited by Tiggy
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Pouring down here close to the city - love it! :rofl: A bit of thunder and lightning would be good too though :thumbsup:

I'm about to make some homemade sausage rolls for the freezer - might have to have one for tea :D

Edited by Golden Rules
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So no need for me to rush ;) Hopefully the girls will be good on the weekend without training! At least we did some on Sunday :D

Well one might be, the other mmm who knows :thumbsup: but it's not worth you travelling in really bad weather even if training was on. Besides don't want you to break a leg or something on wet grass just before the states and Nationals, not that I would want you to break anything any other time either. :rofl:

Thanks for the heads up guys on no training, hope the weather holds of until I get home from DNA testing.

I guess not, souds like the rain has just hit here, might go get my powercut stuff out again......just in case. Jojo has been brought in from his avairy too ......just in case.

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ACWA usually post on the website if training is cancelled due to rain / heat. Nothing on there yet though.

Yes but unfortunately they often post on the website after I have already had to leave :rofl: Which is why when in doubt I often choose not to go as I have driven the hour before to find out that training had been cancelled :(

An hour drive..... sounds familiar, it also takes me an hour to get down there which is why I dont go very often...

It's about an hour for me to. I've always wanted to go to the the ACWA but it's so far :cry: . So it's not raining here yet but I did get a bit rained on earlier when I walked the dogs. Buster must know there's a storm coming because usually he doesn't want to come inside :laugh: but today he came straight in, I have the total opposite problem with the Stafford kids :laugh: .

Sooooo is not :p I have driven many a time to Guildford and surrounds when I was househunting and I'm close to the K9 - try half hour, 40 mins max! ;) :rofl: Hmm but then again, I didn't do those trips in peak hour :eek:

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Sooooo is not :cry: I have driven many a time to Guildford and surrounds when I was househunting and I'm close to the K9 - try half hour, 40 mins max! :(:rofl: Hmm but then again, I didn't do those trips in peak hour :rofl:

Don't say that now I'll want to join ACWA, which I've said so many times :laugh: , I do really it's just so far :laugh::eek: .

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If you want to join, the travel isn't that bad. You wouldn't be travelling in peak hour, so you're probably half hour away. Give it a test run one evening to see.

Easy for me to say though, I travel 10 mins up the road to training a few nights a week and most trials happen to be there too :laugh: Spoilt much? :laugh:

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Sooooo is not :( I have driven many a time to Guildford and surrounds when I was househunting and I'm close to the K9 - try half hour, 40 mins max! :p :rofl: Hmm but then again, I didn't do those trips in peak hour :rofl:

Don't say that now I'll want to join ACWA, which I've said so many times :laugh: , I do really it's just so far :laugh::eek: .

I always say that I am going to go watch stuff and I never end up going because I am too lazy do to the hours drive, when we compete it will be worth it but I am not holding my breath, maybe we will never be ready :cry:

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It used to take me 35 mins to get to Canine from Helena Valley and now takes me 55 mins from the other side of Gidge :rofl: And I am there once or twice a week or more :laugh: We did look at buying down that way but it is so boring and flat and flood prone :laugh: Still keep saying I should have moved down that way though then look at our property :rofl:

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It used to take me 35 mins to get to Canine from Helena Valley and now takes me 55 mins from the other side of Gidge :rofl: And I am there once or twice a week or more :rofl: We did look at buying down that way but it is so boring and flat and flood prone :laugh: Still keep saying I should have moved down that way though then look at our property :eek:

I know the only time I ever go south is to dog events, quite like living up here in no mans land, its very quiet and tranquil. :laugh:

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wow we're at the bottom of page one :D time for a bump...

don't want the rest of australia to think WA is boring now do we? :laugh:

I got stuck in traffic at ten to six last night when i left work... so it took me half an hour to get homefrom a 15 minute trip... ;)

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wow we're at the bottom of page one :D time for a bump...

don't want the rest of australia to think WA is boring now do we? :laugh:

I got stuck in traffic at ten to six last night when i left work... so it took me half an hour to get homefrom a 15 minute trip... ;)

Traffic, my pet hate !!

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Over 10 pages since I last looked!

Welcome Longdog!

Hope everyone got throgh the storm ok! I am such a bad dog mum, last night I went to a see friend who was home alone to keep them company and watch Glee :laugh: .

Toby has Southern River AM/PM trial then Nationals ;) he is in Thus/Fri/Sat and I don't think he will get anything other then DQ because of my poor handling!

Anyone want a Chesapeake puppy? :D He is un housebroken because he dosen't want to go outside and get his feet wet. :D He is so cute though when I set his dinner down and tell him to leave it, his pupils get all big and round and he stares at me while dops of drool come down, so cute! :wave: Then when I give him the command he just about pounces on his food! On second thought maybe he's not for sale :D . He is getting so big though, he must be at least 55cms at the shoulder already!

I want to start formal obidience with him soon but don't know which club to go to. :D Anyone know which club will offer rally classes? I might join there so I can do Rally classes when they start offering them.

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