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will recheck the link :) Thanks ptolomy for letting me know

for those that are on facebook its

K9 Pro-The K9 Professionals.

then link is on left hand side- action photo comp.

i reckon you can pick my photo lol

maybe this link will work

https://apps.facebook.com/offerpop/Contest.psp?c=79644&u=20182&a=254553244581393&p=118920428118492&rest=0&v=View this is the competiton page hopefully and this is my photo


Great pic :thumbsup:

I struggled to be able to vote for it, finally managed after right clicking on the thumbnail and viewing in a new window. :confused:

Good luck :crossfingers:

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will recheck the link :) Thanks ptolomy for letting me know

for those that are on facebook its

K9 Pro-The K9 Professionals.

then link is on left hand side- action photo comp.

i reckon you can pick my photo lol

maybe this link will work

https://apps.facebook.com/offerpop/Contest.psp?c=79644&u=20182&a=254553244581393&p=118920428118492&rest=0&v=View this is the competiton page hopefully and this is my photo


Great pic :thumbsup:

I struggled to be able to vote for it, finally managed after right clicking on the thumbnail and viewing in a new window. :confused:

Good luck :crossfingers:

Thankyou very much :) not sure why the link isn't working hmmm tied for second place last time i lookd :D

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will recheck the link :) Thanks ptolomy for letting me know

for those that are on facebook its

K9 Pro-The K9 Professionals.

then link is on left hand side- action photo comp.

i reckon you can pick my photo lol

maybe this link will work

https://apps.facebook.com/offerpop/Contest.psp?c=79644&u=20182&a=254553244581393&p=118920428118492&rest=0&v=View this is the competiton page hopefully and this is my photo


Great pic :thumbsup:

I struggled to be able to vote for it, finally managed after right clicking on the thumbnail and viewing in a new window. :confused:

Good luck :crossfingers:

Me too, I really wish people wouldn't use Offerpop! Can't use it on a mobile device, can't use it with Firefox. I have to use Internet Explorer to vote for offerpop stuff :(

Got there in the end though, good luck Emery!!

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So hot and tired!

It was a great weekend though :D

Ended up with Varda's unofficial second in the Obedience challenge, Taavi's Minor in Group on Friday night, Banjo's JD pass (and 3rd place) on Saturday night, a nice sleep on Sunday night :laugh: , then Anikka had her turn at Minor in Group last night :thumbsup:

So glad I didn't have to work today though!

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Yep think i will be a granny & be in bed by 7.30 pm :rofl:

But it was a lovely weekend with perfect weather .

I only took one dog to the show & ended up with Runner up to Best in Show & a great little stash of prizes

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Yep think i will be a granny & be in bed by 7.30 pm :rofl:

But it was a lovely weekend with perfect weather .

I only took one dog to the show & ended up with Runner up to Best in Show & a great little stash of prizes

Well done Showdog. Who got BIS for both shows?

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congratulations on everyones great results at the Classic, particularly Ptolomy and Scoota's very special award - a very fitting win! Sounds like it really meant a lot to you too. :thumbsup:

I went to the noisy concert yesterday :rofl: It was alright but I felt a bit like an old woman - and the music didn't sound as good or relevant as it did when I was an angsty teen :rofl: System of a Down were pretty damn good though.

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Well done Showdog :)

What did you get in the first show? I know Class in Show but did you get rBIG as well?

No RUIG this year ;) Did last year

Aust in show (# 1)

Runner up in show (# 2)

BIS # 1 Junior Staffy/RUIS Puli

BIS # 2 Puli

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congratulations on everyones great results at the Classic, particularly Ptolomy and Scoota's very special award - a very fitting win! Sounds like it really meant a lot to you too. :thumbsup:

I went to the noisy concert yesterday :rofl: It was alright but I felt a bit like an old woman - and the music didn't sound as good or relevant as it did when I was an angsty teen :rofl: System of a Down were pretty damn good though.

Me like System of a Down :)

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Congratulations Showdog :thumbsup:

I went to the noisy concert yesterday :rofl: It was alright but I felt a bit like an old woman - and the music didn't sound as good or relevant as it did when I was an angsty teen :rofl: System of a Down were pretty damn good though.

:rolleyes: I don't know - the youth of today and their 'pop' music :laugh:

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Thankyou to all those that have voted i am second place 14 votes from first. I have a few friends with only phones and they are unable to vote unfortunatly so appreciate those taking the time to :)

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Hi everyone just checking in!!

Just thought I'd tell RS and MG that there are SO many labs here, gorgeous ones too. Today we went to the woods and saw 4 labs, two blacks and two chocolate. The chocs were stunning, and they were all a fabulous weight too. One of the chocs played with Charlie (well, outran him given he has actually never been to the woods before and he was free of coat for the first time ever!). Her name was Ruby!

Anyway, to please AP and RosieFT, if it's not a lab, it's a terrier... lots of them, mixes, purebreds... LOTS of terriers and they are so cute. I've seen loads of Fox Terriers in particular. Today I saw a GSP though which just reminded me of my girls and made me a bit sad!

So as per above, yesterday we spent most of the day brushing out char in preparation for clipping, which we did shortly after. it took a really long time, and Char is really happy. after he got off the table, he got a bit excited, then he noticed his tail, I guess for the first time ever given that he has always had hair there. he spent about 10 minutes chasing his tail and he couldn't understand why he saw it more when it was wagging!!

anyway... so I got some good news from RV about Lulu who also had a fairly successful time at the western classic on Monday, taking out Puppy in Group and reserve challenge bitch. So exciting!!

I read everyones comments so a BIG fat congrats to everyone that did really well at the shows and obedience and agility! Very happy for you all :cheer:

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Slowly recovering! I went to agility training last night, and discovered my feet are a little blistered, ouch! Everyone else was recovering it seems as there were only 6 of us in class (3 in each height of 400 and 500), so every 3rd dog I was running again! Gave me an opportunity to switch my dogs around for a run with plenty of opportunities! I got Pippa out at 8pm for a tiny bit of training, I think she had fun! After we did a restrained recall, a bit of tugging, a bit of circle work (oopsies, ruined another one, she kept coming back to my left hand side!) and a couple of sends over a jump on the ground to get her toy, she was burnt out unfortunately, so we packed it in. She's easily distracted by other dogs too so we will keep it short and sweet and work her concentration up :) When she goes from tugging like a maniac, to half hearted tugging, I know I've gone too far. Something I need to keep in mind!

Edited by RubyStar
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