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Guest RosieFT

GR- I could say that once you had given RR to your dog, your own body language relaxed and your dog fed off that. Who knows? Without a scientific double blind trial one with a placebo, one would never know. But, if it works for you and doesn't do any harm, why not?

MM - with the horse stuff, i read, watched and bascially sponged everything I could about horses, riding/training, feeding, types, breeds, sports etc etc from a very young age. By the time I bought my own horse I had had years of lessons and then had private lessons. My knowledge base was huge, so when i put it into practice, it was so much easier to work out.

With the dog training, well i read what i could in the months/years leading up to deciding on the breed and when to purchase a puppy and ballance that with the ages of our children. I did everything I thought was *right* and was paranoid of doing something *wrong* and messing up the dog. I went to obedience training as soon as seh was old enough and stuck it out through frustration and tears. I found that this dog was different to any others i had 'trained' before and that no matter what i did at home by myself, when out at the club it was pretty bad.

I asked questions (as i always do!) and didn't get satisfactory answers due to the fact that the 3 trainers i had whilst at the club told me different things, or basically said outright they couldn't help me. I felt like a complete failure and stopped attending. Carried on at home and was happy with the way Rosie interacted with my kids and functioned as a family dog, but she is still over excited when going to new places. Started agility to hopefully inject some focus into her and to gain some control when in a very distracted environment. I agree, I have never had the same 'help' that I had with the horses. I had a mentor from day dot of purchasing my first horse and always had someone highly knowledgeable to answer my questions and help me out if things got confusing or difficult. With Rosie, there is alot of conflicting advice out there, alot of judgement and alot of patronising - hmm actually it does sound like the horse world!! :( At agility, I found an instructor who actually liked my dog, liked the fact that she had plenty of spark, was switched on to toys and had a zest for life. To have someone be confident, encouraging and kind about my dog, made SO much difference to me. It has made me want to be there, want to learn and I am really enjoying it - even though I am not very good at it! My questions are answered as best they can be and I have something to aim for. I am happy when i go home, instead of in tears and feeling like a moron! :-) Anyway, i am waffling now!

RS - you are so into your dog training, i cannot believe you have not always been so into it! :-) .. it is good to have a passion I think. :-) I will see you tonight, hope the rain comes back late tonight after we go home!!

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Guest RosieFT

oh and TWO foxies???? ummmmmmmmmmmm, did you want me to lose my sanity???? it would be like adding a 4th child to the mix LOL... I must admit though, it crossed our minds when we watched her play at the dog beach with the other foxie.. just too damned cute!! :-)

I don't know how you guys do it with 2 dogs. It is difficult enough fitting in that walk every day with the kids activities, work and one dog... hmmm guess i could get a skate board and put harnesses on the two and just have them tow me around!! I won't bother spending every second of every walk getting loose lead walking because resistance is futile! LOL

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At agility, I found an instructor who actually liked my dog, liked the fact that she had plenty of spark, was switched on to toys and had a zest for life. To have someone be confident, encouraging and kind about my dog, made SO much difference to me. It has made me want to be there, want to learn and I am really enjoying it - even though I am not very good at it! My questions are answered as best they can be and I have something to aim for. I am happy when i go home, instead of in tears and feeling like a moron! :-) Anyway, i am waffling now!


Everyone likes different dogs, if I was an instructor dogs like Rosie would be my favourite :party::( But I have a soft spot for the mental small ones as you have probably noticed :party:

She's such a happy fun little girl, I'm really glad you are enjoying learning with her :party:

You'll get there :party:

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Guest RosieFT

naww, Amy, thankyou. That is really lovely to hear. The number of people at obedience who used to refer to her with phrases like "uh oh, here comes that crazy foxie!" I would say, 'she is not like this at home!" .. answered with nods and smiles. Meanwhile it didn't matter that their dogs were not perfectly behaved. Ahh well. Won't try that again!

Thanks again Amy. :(

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DOnt worry about it taking over your life Katie as long as it makes you happy, when I was involved in horses I would go to school all day and be with my horse until around 06h30pm, then when I started work i worked all day and was with the horse till around 8pm and then obviously on weekends I would spend the morning or afternoon at stables. Its amazing that my poor husband put up with me!

I'll end up being crazy dog lady! That's great you found a man willing to let you spend most of your time with animals, where do I find me one like that??

Scary to think that void is slowly being filled by a fox terrier :party::party:

:( But what about 2 fox terriers?! :rofl:

Imagine how fun it will be trying to water the plants if you had two! :party::laugh:


It has made me want to be there, want to learn and I am really enjoying it - even though I am not very good at it! My questions are answered as best they can be and I have something to aim for. I am happy when i go home, instead of in tears and feeling like a moron! :-) Anyway, i am waffling now!

RS - you are so into your dog training, i cannot believe you have not always been so into it! :-) .. it is good to have a passion I think. :-) I will see you tonight, hope the rain comes back late tonight after we go home!!

I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself! Now you've got an agility or jumping trial to aim for :rofl: I thought Rosie was adorable when we swapped dogs that one time in class!

Not sure how I got so into it. I think Ptolomy had something to do with it :( Before I knew who she was I would watch her working her red kids after class in awe and said to myself I want to do that one day :shhh: I was never allowed the Lab I had wanted since I was a kid but finally my mum gave in one day (out of the blue too mind you, I had stopped nagging long ago and one day she said ok you can get your Lab!) so when I finally got her that was when the passion started. I think I will be training and trialling dogs until I'm an old lady... I just hope that I get better by then :party:

Edited by RubyStar
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Hi I'm new to the forum although I have been reading for a couple of months. I have a 5yo red miniature dachshund female (desexed) who is very much my dog although will go to other pack family members when it suits her. She recognises me as "top dog" (or top bitch as my husband calls me!) and we have no disputes when I say "do it" she does it. We live in the south/west of wa and we have built her courtyard snakeproof for when we are away. However, that hasn't stopped her disappearing down rabbit holes twice (much to my dispare and anxiety). Last time she was down there for 6 hours and all we could hear was her killing...nice! We have since bulldozed all the rabbit holes around the house area and keep her on leash when out walking. She has a fantastic scent skill - I would hate to see her really hunt (well actually probably not see her again at all).

I am interested reading your posts abou trialing and obedience. I started obedience with a golden labrador in my teens. She was my best buddy in a time when I was struck down with an autoimmune illness - what can I say! After her death (15yo) I purchased a German Shepherd which I also took through dog obedience although it was harder due to distance issues. I loved the whole obedience scene and enjoyed the challenge and team work that I found with my dogs. I note dachshunds don't feature much with trialing and obedience - haha...I have to say they are a unique breed. The german shepherd was soooo easy to train in comparison (the lab a little harder).....but again maybe it was the personalities!!

However, just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading about people who love their dogs!! It's good to know there are others out there as obsessed as me!


*Rubystar I note we have similiar names....so sorry. My dachsund is Ruby and she is called Rubstar by other family members. But good to hear you have labradors!! We must be on the same wavelength :(

** Note the comments re: Rescue Remedy and Emergency Essence. I use Australian bush flowers for everything. If you want to test Emergency Essence then use it on a cut or burn and note how quickly it heals. My dog has been on various combinations eg. when I leave her alone, a vaccination reaction, etc. I mix my own so for animal use I don't put in any alcohol. (by the way, the alcohol in it is so minimal it would be similar to having a teaspoon of vanilla essence....sorry for those who wanted a quick nip!!)

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Guest RosieFT

Welcome rubstar - going to have to watch those names closely now! But since you will be talking about a dachshund and the other a lab, pretty easy :-)

My SIL has a mini red smooth dachsy who is called daphne and sooo cute. Does not do a word she says though LOL. She must be just over a year now. I think the cute factor can trick you into not realising that they are quite determined, big dogs in a little dogs body!

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oh and TWO foxies???? ummmmmmmmmmmm, did you want me to lose my sanity???? it would be like adding a 4th child to the mix LOL... I must admit though, it crossed our minds when we watched her play at the dog beach with the other foxie.. just too damned cute!! :-)

How about a Mannie :(:party: Then you won't complain about the dog not being interested in food :(

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Guest RosieFT

LOL while I find Trixie absolutely gorgeous, I think we are going to stick to just the one dog :-) ..... she is MORE than enough :(

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GR- I could say that once you had given RR to your dog, your own body language relaxed and your dog fed off that. Who knows? Without a scientific double blind trial one with a placebo, one would never know. But, if it works for you and doesn't do any harm, why not?

I might agree with you except that when I gave it to my dog, it was the middle of the night and I didn't even get out of bed!!! :( There was no body language going on there :party:

The bottle was on my nightstand and I just called the dog over, dosed him and snuggled back down to listen to the storm (which I love) :party:

Anyway, I have seen it work and will recommend it to others to try. Most people with anxious pets will do whatever they can to help them ease their anxiety. :(

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Guest RosieFT

Although, i guess having the responsibility of two dogs isn't much more than one...... hee hee :(

GR - I agree, if it works for you and does no harm, why not! :-) .

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Although, i guess having the responsibility of two dogs isn't much more than one...... hee hee :(

GR - I agree, if it works for you and does no harm, why not! :-) .

No it worked for my dog, not me :party:

As for two dogs - it really is double the fun. I am back down to one dog at the moment but expect to have a puppy before the end of the year and I can't wait!! :(

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Thanks for the welcome! I have actually been trying to change my user name since my last post :( I had lots of trouble in the first instance joining the forum and then I was knocked back on twice on choice of user name (already in use). So a bit frustrated and just typed in the next name that came to me -relieved that one was accepted UNTIL I went back online :( I will just keep persisting (might be the dachshund rubbing off on me).

Amypie - Earth dog trials?? Mind you, SHE would think she is up to any scent trial even with the BIG dogs. She loved all the big dogs at Leighton's dog beach (when we lived in Perth) and totally ignored the little ones. Her favourite was a Rhodesian Ridgeback - same colour but male. They were in love!!

Okay back to the changing of the name attempts.


- photos....yes, will have to attempt those AFTER I've mastered the change of name :party:

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Thanks for the welcome! I have actually been trying to change my user name since my last post :( I had lots of trouble in the first instance joining the forum and then I was knocked back on twice on choice of user name (already in use). So a bit frustrated and just typed in the next name that came to me -relieved that one was accepted UNTIL I went back online :party: I will just keep persisting (might be the dachshund rubbing off on me).

Amypie - Earth dog trials?? Mind you, SHE would think she is up to any scent trial even with the BIG dogs. She loved all the big dogs at Leighton's dog beach (when we lived in Perth) and totally ignored the little ones. Her favourite was a Rhodesian Ridgeback - same colour but male. They were in love!!

Okay back to the changing of the name attempts.


- photos....yes, will have to attempt those AFTER I've mastered the change of name :shhh:

:party: Can't wait to see piccies of your Ruby! Can you believe how popular that name is now? Had hardly heard of it for a dog name when I used it but now I hear it everywhere :party:

How about rubster or rubester? I don't think that is taken? Or try adding a number after your name like birth year or something? :laugh:

You don't have to change your name but I will :( if you do :party: I think it could get confusing for people mixing our posts up with each other! I'm seeing your name and even I'm thinking it's me :party:

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