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It's such a shame when a few stupid dog owners make horse owners think we're all stupid dog owners :( I was at Hillarys Dog Beach on the weekend with ArtyFarty and MasonsMom and after a good swim, I walked my dogs down towards the horse bit for a look, and put them on lead way before we got to them. Once on lead, I didn't even enter the horse section, I stood many metres away just watching in awe at the beautiful horsies swimming :o A couple of horses did approach the dog section as I was walking back and the girls were back offlead, so I leaded them up again to be safe as they have never seen horses. I did however see a few dogs swimming amongst the horses, not sure if the owners had horses too or what :laugh: But I wouldn't risk it taking my dogs into a horse area.

SparkyTansy, thanks for the directions! It sounds lovely :) I'm not a morning person, but last week we went to the beach 3 times, twice in the morning and once in the afternoon and both morning trips the water was LOVELY, afternoon was not :o So I will definitely only do the beach in the morning now!!

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RubyStar, Naval Base has quite a few dogs there as well, but nearly all are owned by horse people and have someone without a horse keeping an eye on them so they aren't a problem :laugh: Hillaries, who knows how many dogs in the horse section came with a horse. The main reason I won't take my horses there now are because of the dogs on the horse beach... plus how small the horse section is now, when I used to go it was 2 or 3 times bigger!

The problem is with the people who think that horses are just big dogs and of course their dog is "friendly" so it won't be an issue... same as with letting off lead dogs run up to other dogs because they are "friendly" :) Oh, and I never said all horse owners think dog owners are stupid... just that some are and if you have a dog that isn't used to stock don't go to horse beaches and let them off lead... on Sunday there was even a goat at the horse beach :(

Edited by mirawee
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Mirawee do many people at Kwinana take their dogs onto the horse section? I can't say i have ever had the inclination... why bother when a few hundred meters down the road there is a massive dog area? I hope you have better luck with other beaches you go to!!

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Mirawee do many people at Kwinana take their dogs onto the horse section? I can't say i have ever had the inclination... why bother when a few hundred meters down the road there is a massive dog area? I hope you have better luck with other beaches you go to!!

ST, at Naval Base there is no dog and horse section... it is just one section. As I said though the majority of dogs belong to the people with horses and so are well behaved around them. Plus I think the last time I went there would have been at least 50 horses - probably more - and maybe 10 dogs :laugh:

I haven't been to the other beaches down that way as it is out of my neck of the woods (I am in the Hills - Gidgegannup!) so I just go where my friends from down that way told me to go :)

At Hillaries you used to get dogs in the horse section all the time, both onlead being taken for a walk (which was fine) and offlead and allowed to run up to the horses :)

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Mirawee do many people at Kwinana take their dogs onto the horse section? I can't say i have ever had the inclination...

Me neither, was quite happy with my 2 minute look at the horses from afar with my dogs on lead for extra safety's sake. I LOVE Hillarys, just wish it wasn't so far away from me!! :laugh:

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Mirawee do many people at Kwinana take their dogs onto the horse section? I can't say i have ever had the inclination...

Me neither, was quite happy with my 2 minute look at the horses from afar with my dogs on lead for extra safety's sake. I LOVE Hillarys, just wish it wasn't so far away from me!! :(

Well we'll have to do Leighton Beach as well as Kwinana because I think you'll find there's not too much difference distance wise from where you are :)

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I usually go to Kwinana beach because it's close to my brother's house. It's okay, the waves are generally small and it is fairly quiet most of the time.

Hey who's organising the meet this month? I presume ILFC is busy pushing out a baby? :champagne:

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I haven't been to Leighton beach yet but i hear it is nice.. does it get busy?

imuch prefer a quieter beach because James' recall isn't the best sometimes and the less to distract him the better - he is a little bit of a socialite with people!! The other day he took a liking to a 1 year old at the beach who had a biscuit... just followed her around hoping for a morsel... didn't even try to take it off her... such a good boy!!

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I haven't been to Leighton beach yet but i hear it is nice.. does it get busy?

imuch prefer a quieter beach because James' recall isn't the best sometimes and the less to distract him the better - he is a little bit of a socialite with people!! The other day he took a liking to a 1 year old at the beach who had a biscuit... just followed her around hoping for a morsel... didn't even try to take it off her... such a good boy!!

Leighton is busy at the weekend but all the beaches are.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

aww can i join in hehe im from perth :D

i awhile ago i decided on getting a stufford bull terrier and today i met with the breeder that i liked and also met mum and dad to be *the mum is due to go into heat this month/ next* and im now on her list she accepted my family for one of her next litters.

must add not liking the heat today

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I posted in General but just realised this info may be more likely to be picked up in this thread :D

A friend of my parents is a vet in Bunbury - he is reporting a Parvo outbreak and has had to put a number of (mostly unvaccinated) dogs to sleep of late.

Thought it worth a mention.

thankyou for that i hop it dosent come my way

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Yes my husband is a vet and he has had to euthanase 8 puppies in 3 weeks, moslty unvaccianted or puppies not completed their vaccination course and owners who cant pay for treatment

Yes there certainly is an outbreak of sorts. My husband has had to euthanase or tried to treat 8 puppies in 3 weeks. Mostly unvaccinated or pups that havent finished their course.

I made him have a bleach shower before setting foot in the door since i have a 10 week old puppy at the moment :thumbsup:

We stayed in the aircon then went for a swim in our pool. Im off to work now for night shift, airconditioned thankfully. The dogs have been flaked out in the aircon all day too!

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Guest belgian.blue
I posted in General but just realised this info may be more likely to be picked up in this thread :thumbsup:

A friend of my parents is a vet in Bunbury - he is reporting a Parvo outbreak and has had to put a number of (mostly unvaccinated) dogs to sleep of late.

Thought it worth a mention.

I heard it was going through Armadale too.

Is it a concern for dogs who have been vacc?

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I posted in General but just realised this info may be more likely to be picked up in this thread :thumbsup:

A friend of my parents is a vet in Bunbury - he is reporting a Parvo outbreak and has had to put a number of (mostly unvaccinated) dogs to sleep of late.

Thought it worth a mention.

I heard it was going through Armadale too.

Is it a concern for dogs who have been vacc?

Vacc dogs can still get it

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