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Guest RosieFT

Only the best animals are born in July - and by animals, i include the human species....... :D

Trixie bean is almost three!!!! wow...

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Happy Birthday to Gibbs - so do tell what special presents did he get?

He got a cuz crackle head, isqueak dog, mighty plush toy Sandy Seal, hammerhead Tuffy toy, mega last longdog, cuz tail, JW treat holy roller ball and a soft toy I got from work.


Edited by Mason_Gibbs
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Happy Birthday, Gibbs!!! You surely got spoilt with that stash! thumbsup1.gif

Hey CC, because I can see how free you are (:rofl:) if you're ever interested in doing a portrait sitting for a couple of Labs and a Mini Schnitzel, I'd be keen to hire you :) I will pay :)

I'd love too, but won't charge as it's purely a hobby - so long as you don't mind waiting a few weeks for editing :laugh: Although I have done the herding ones now, so that's one lot ticked off :)

With regards to the ear problem, have you ever tried Thornits? I highly recomend it :)


Hey CC, awesome, thanks! And of course I don't mind waiting laugh.gif Let me know when you are free and we'll try to work out a nice scenic place to take some snaps :D

As for the ear powder, I've heard of it, but no vets have ever said it is mites, it's wax and infection from some underlying allergy yet to be determined. I think the only thing I can do for her right now is just get them flushed. Will ring up tomorrow and book. Thanks, though!

I always thought it was normal for ears to get mucky every now and then, especially in floppy eared breeds like Labs who swim, but the derm vet made me realise it's not normal and she's right, Millie never gets mucky ears and her ear canals are smaller! My poor girl, I can only imagine that she's gotten used to the constant discomfort in her ears all this time, I am hoping the ear flush gives her some nice relief!!!!

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You will see a big change once u work out the allergies masons were always terrible then when he did elim diet he got heaps better and now i dont even wash his ears out that often and he is fine. Gibbs started scratching at his ears and made the flap very sore, i put him on hypoallergenic biscuits and he isnt nearly as itchy, derm thought it could be food allergies as he licked paws and scratched ears under 12 months old

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Thornits is very popular with uk cocker owners, and not just for mites but general ear health. I used it every couple of months on my lot as a preventative and my cocker never had problems with his ears, despite being soggy most of the time in Scotland :laugh: After you have them flushed give it a try, you have nothing to lose :)

I'll let you know when I'm free for pics :)

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Hi guys, I'm wondering of anybody has any of those wire compost thingies that double as a dog barrier that they aren't currently using that I could possibly borrow for a month or two? I am patching up a massive hole in my yard that was once a tree, and planting grass over the top (runners from the existing lawn). I want to keep certain Labbies off it until the grass roots takes hold a bit! If anyone can help, I'd be very grateful, thanks!!


Edited by RubyStar
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Guest RosieFT

Don't know if it would work on labs, but when we were growing back lawn we put chicken mesh on top of the soil, flat. rosie did not like walking on it, but hte grass could still get sun and water.

Good luck getting it to grow in winter though!

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Hi guys, I'm wondering of anybody has any of those wire compost thingies that double as a dog barrier that they aren't currently using that I could possibly borrow for a month or two? I am patching up a massive hole in my yard that was once a tree, and planting grass over the top (runners from the existing lawn). I want to keep certain Labbies off it until the grass roots takes hold a bit! If anyone can help, I'd be very grateful, thanks!!


Sorry nope I'm using mine around my garden as a fence :)

Rosie my grass grows better in winter it's summer that's a prob fr us

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Do you have Wintergreen MG? most lawns are dormant in Winter and grow slowly.

I have those panels but they are currently in use containing my other dog!

Cheeky Ruby!

Edited by amypie
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RosieFT, yep that does work as I've put wire down on the grass under my apricot tree and it deterred Millie from digging in it and the grads finally grew. But the tree gives that area too much shade so isn't looking too healthy again. The area I have to cover would be a tricky shape to get the wire down and I am really hoping for an easier solution with a barrier :crossfingers:

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Oh and my grass is growing very slowly in winter as you'd imagine, however, summer time kills my grass and I can't wait any longer to fix the stupid gaping hole so I have nothing to lose my trying to grow some runners! At least they didn't cost me anything :)

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