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How many people usually leave collars on when flying? I don't generally leave collars on my dogs and am tossing up whether to this time... it has been 3 years since we went East to compete :rofl:

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This is all great information :) I was worried about how flying us and the new puppy back from Sydney was all going to work but from this thread and the other one in General I am feeling like it isnt going to be hard at all.

The jet lag from 3 weeks in the US and a puppy might be a lot harder!

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RS - I meant to say congrats to Ruby and what a cute pic of her, but you distracted me with puppy pics :laugh: So congratulations Ruby :D

Zander_Asher on her is very good I believe :) maybe pm her or I have her email addy. Kathy Kopelis McLeod I have heard is also good, I think Crazy Cresties may have her details for you :)

Yup pm zayda_asher or Kathy's website is http://kathysdogtraining.com.au/

Congrats AP and hope you have a fun trip :D

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Good luck Amypie at the Nationals - we will be cheering from here - and good luck to Caffy and Snazzy too.

My kids fly with collars on and I always put a spare lead under the bedding in the crate. There is nothing worse than trying to find your lead in your hand luggage with the dog going nuts in the crate wanting to get out.

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My dogs fly with collars on which have shire registration and microchip database info. I also have tags for their crates with their name, my name and contact details. Sometimes I attach a lead to the outside of the crate for convenience, and I have a water bowl attached to the grate on the inside of the door. Iceblocks in the bowl last longer than water, but will still melt before takeoff.

Never had trouble flying the dogs, and always put bedding of some kind in with them. For those that wreck bedding, just a piece of carpet is all I use. Have been flying my dogs east/west for 15 years and only had two loading problems in that time that required a complaint to the airline.

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Thursday will be 12 weeks since Gibbs had surgery, we were told he would probably have a very bad limp at this stage still..... But we are lucky and no limping at all he is doing great I coding be happier with his post surgery rehab etc :)

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Back to specialist on 11 June to hear what the next step of rehab is :) our elim diet went pear shape and set off Gibbs gastro worse i had to get him to a vet on sar morning who put him on RC gastro intestinal biscuits and he is 100x better im wondering if he is one of those dogs that cant eat raw

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Guest RosieFT

Thursday will be 12 weeks since Gibbs had surgery, we were told he would probably have a very bad limp at this stage still..... But we are lucky and no limping at all he is doing great I coding be happier with his post surgery rehab etc :)

Firstly, I cannot believe it has been 12 weeks already! Where is this year going?? Secondly, that is fantastic news :-) .

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Awesome news MG - unfortunately mine isn't so good :(. Nearly 4 weeks down and not sure what Kenz has managed to do but she spent the better part of last night on three legs and very unsettled :(.

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Ness not good about Kenz :( I have to admit I gave up on trying to get Kinta sound after about 3 years... but she was never a real obvious lameness just very minor and in fact the first notice we often had that she was sore again was her going under jumps rather than over :(

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Hmmm Mirawee this is her surgery leg though and not the one that usually bothered her :(. She is ok this morning not sure if its worth mentioning it to the specialist or not. We have had a few instances of her not putting weight on it after she has been crated and he doesn't think that is anything overly concerning at the moment combination of lack of activity and the cold but last nights was bizarre in that she hadn't been crated and she actually went to step on something and the leg appeared to buckle.

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