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You sure can - and well done on your efforts today thumbsup1.gif

Okie doke, uploading some now.

Thanks :D

Thanks ptolomy i burnedwith both girls but got minor in show with the male i show and got an excellent grading (top grading v ) with the junior bitch i show

Congrats emery!!! thumbsup1.gif

Thanks Rs

gorgeous pics i'll take dark girl thanks

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Darker girl - another cute photo. She kinda stole my heart as well, even though light girl is my fave :laugh:


Chicken neck time! Their first time apparently. Dark girl decided she'd bury it for later :laugh:


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Guest RosieFT

hello all, hope you enjoying your long weekend :-) .. so far i have had a wedding (not mine!) starting at 1pm and finishing at 11pm, then up to clean house and make lunch for inlaw invasion lunch (was very nice), then spent all evening making profiterols - including the creme patisserie filling, but ran short so made chocolate whipped cream - ran short, so then made plain cream.. then dipped in melted chocolate and the rest in toffee. I never want to see another proffiterol in my life and I didn't even eat one. ugh.

Now off to brother's surprise 40th... what a weekend..

BUT the point is, who are the recommended behaviour people in the dog world in Perth? my SIL brought her two mini dachshunds over and her youngest boy is very nervy. To be fair he has only been around my kids once before when he was only weeks old. He was so skitty aorund them.. and barked if they did anything like run or bounce (on tramp or on the ground) . I had them feeding him treats and he was ok. I assume he just needs more exposure - my kids are 7 and 9 so not at the very young age.

I had to separate rosie from him twice because she was getting really aroused (hackles up) and confused by his behaviour and I didn't want to risk anything. My OH was saying to 'just let them sort it out' hmmm. They would just stare at each other... then one time rosie reached back to scratch her self and he lunged at her, barked and ran as fast as he could to hide behind his owners legs.... most of hte time all 3 dogs were fine (Rosie and the girl dog have met each other quite a few times and get on really well, even with toys involved. Yesterday, I had to remove all toys as there was an altercation really early on - noise and no teeth, but Rosie was put in time out and all toys removed.

He seems fear aggressive, nervy/edgy - tail down the whole time, worried eyes. Funnily enough, he is the boss dog between the two at home.

I don't know if she would be able to afford a behaviour person as she is a student at the momen (mature age) but will be finished soon and practising medicine :-) , but wanted to give her some info anyway. She keeps saying she wants to drop them both off here for a couple of weeks of boot camp - i told her i don' tthink there would be 3 dogs to pick up!

On the whole the dogs were fine, but then he would run barking at the kids (when on trampoline) and rosie would get very confused and aroused. We discovered even the kids jumping up and down on the grass had the same effect and the owner jumping on the tramp had not effect. So i got the treats out and got him so my daughter could jump a couple of times and treat and he was ok.

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Guest RosieFT

Thanks MG :-)

could just be small dog syndrome, but her other dachsie isn't like that.

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Ptolomy and RS, Love the pics... what cute little butterballs you have, and SO hairy!! they are all very cute, I like blondie too, though, when I saw her stacked pic :)

Emery congrats on your weekend and well done on your handling to placings!

My weekend was good... I think I overdid it a little bit though... tracking on Saturday with Ari, dinner Saturday night, then headed to RV's house, then up at 4am the following day to take Lulu and Zora to a field trial. We didn't enter, we just watched what happened. WGAA is a different organisation and do tehir own field trials, This one was mostly pointers and setters, with some interstate entries as well! We watched a lovely pointer go through to win... then they were kind enough to allow Lulu and Zora to have a go retrieving a fresh quail. Zora enjoyed it although was a bit miffed with the feathers. Lulu didn't notice the feathers as she was too keen - no teeth marks but she did nearly swallow part of the wing while I was trying to take it from her mouth! they also had a turn doing some training - but the field we went to had few birds and the wind had dropped, so we worked on ranging and quartering, mostly. was a GREAT day!

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The Toller babies are just too cute!

Sounds like a fun day ST!

I had a thoroughly enjoyable day at the agility trial on Saturday and Trixie managed two quallies (one in ADX one in JDX) and won herself some food :eat: She was a good girl, that was her last trial before we head off to Sydney on Saturday for the Nationals :eek: :eek: :eek:

I road tripped to Mogumber on Sunday with Rubystar to the retrieving trial, was really great to watch the dogs doing what they were designed for, very interesting. :thumbsup:

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Aww, puppies are so cute! My girl isn't a cute little puppy any more :o She is still cute though :laugh:

ST, a field trial sounds interesting :)

Good luck AP if I don't remember to tell you again :laugh: We fly out on Friday to Melbourne :eek: So much left to do and only 3 sleeps to go :o

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Thanks ST! I am a bit excited but also rather nervous, about how Trixie will go with the flying (she should be fine in theory, she's used to travelling in her crate, but I worry she'll get cold/scared) and also about the actual trial, it's going to be huge, it's being held at an equestrian centre and some of the runs will be in an undercover sand arena which will be interesting

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She should recover okay I've been carting her all over the countryside to all sorts of places for trials and trips and she has been coping well with them, even with the gunfire at the retrieving trial, I'm sure she'll be fine.

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Jive is still super cute, she was so funny on Saturday at the trial :laugh:

She kept us amused at the very long presentations :laugh:

As for flying most dogs cope without an issue including one I know who is very bad if left in a crate at a trial and his huMum walks away! He was suprisingly fine with flying :)

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Mine are frequent flyers but the main advice i would give ensure your crate is well labelled for contacts not just yours .

I laminate a sign with

my name

frequent flyer # (easy check for info

Flight number coming/going

contact number ( i normally put someone at both ends if possible or someone who will be able to deal with an issue if dog is loaded etc etc

I always watch the dogs being loaded on the plane so i check luggage then go to gate asap ,if i don't see the dogs loaded i have asked the staff when free & they have on the 1 occasion checked no drama;s

If flying Virgin well you can't pre book seat or ticket until dog is lodged which is a pain .

The airlines do have sparky ties to tie crate door but i carry my own .

I have never had an issue with my guys needing to wear ID collars but have had tags made if i feel the need to use one east with contact more suited to being out of state

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Yep I have made a laminated sign with contact details of me and my bro, and flight details. Will make sure she has a collar with ID on.

It's qantas.

Thanks for the tips etc people :D

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