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I had a good weekend :) Spent yesterday morning cheering RS on in her retrieving then spent the afternoon playing with Lappies - which had the added benefit of tiring Jive out :laugh:

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Great but veeeery tiring weekend for me. All day obedience trialling on Saturday (and a RN title earnt each for Ruby and Millie in Rally), then all day yesterday retrieving trialling at mirawee's place. Ruby finished another trial, woohoo! :happydance: The last water run was quite a tricky dicky for novice dogs, but 9/10 dogs got it! (the 10th didn't want to get in the water). It was a fair way from the firing point to the edge of the dam wall, then it was a fair swim out to the bird (longer than I thought!). Once the dog disappeared down the dam wall, you didn't see the dog again until it was actually picking the bird up. I waited and waited wondering if Ruby was still on the job or not, then finally saw her head appear in the far distance picking the birdy up - I was mighty chuffed :D She was apparently a bit OCD deciding where to actually enter the water, mirawee reports laugh.gif Kept changing her mind!

I got to have Jive cuddles yesterday, too! And I was in bed by 9pm, unheard of for me! I was knackered, and the look on Ruby's face last night after a full weekend was a look of completely and utterly shattered, the poor girl laugh.gif

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She was apparently a bit OCD deciding where to actually enter the water, mirawee reports laugh.gif Kept changing her mind!

She kept us spectators amused :laugh: We all cheered (quietly...) when she finally got her act together and swam out to the bird :D It was a very long swim for the dogs and it would have felt like an eternity to the handlers since they couldn't see their dogs for so long!

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Great but veeeery tiring weekend for me. All day obedience trialling on Saturday (and a RN title earnt each for Ruby and Millie in Rally), then all day yesterday retrieving trialling at mirawee's place. Ruby finished another trial, woohoo! :happydance: The last water run was quite a tricky dicky for novice dogs, but 9/10 dogs got it! (the 10th didn't want to get in the water). It was a fair way from the firing point to the edge of the dam wall, then it was a fair swim out to the bird (longer than I thought!). Once the dog disappeared down the dam wall, you didn't see the dog again until it was actually picking the bird up. I waited and waited wondering if Ruby was still on the job or not, then finally saw her head appear in the far distance picking the birdy up - I was mighty chuffed :D She was apparently a bit OCD deciding where to actually enter the water, mirawee reports laugh.gif Kept changing her mind!

I got to have Jive cuddles yesterday, too! And I was in bed by 9pm, unheard of for me! I was knackered, and the look on Ruby's face last night after a full weekend was a look of completely and utterly shattered, the poor girl laugh.gif

Was Ian the judge??

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Great but veeeery tiring weekend for me. All day obedience trialling on Saturday (and a RN title earnt each for Ruby and Millie in Rally), then all day yesterday retrieving trialling at mirawee's place. Ruby finished another trial, woohoo! :happydance: The last water run was quite a tricky dicky for novice dogs, but 9/10 dogs got it! (the 10th didn't want to get in the water). It was a fair way from the firing point to the edge of the dam wall, then it was a fair swim out to the bird (longer than I thought!). Once the dog disappeared down the dam wall, you didn't see the dog again until it was actually picking the bird up. I waited and waited wondering if Ruby was still on the job or not, then finally saw her head appear in the far distance picking the birdy up - I was mighty chuffed :D She was apparently a bit OCD deciding where to actually enter the water, mirawee reports laugh.gif Kept changing her mind!

I got to have Jive cuddles yesterday, too! And I was in bed by 9pm, unheard of for me! I was knackered, and the look on Ruby's face last night after a full weekend was a look of completely and utterly shattered, the poor girl laugh.gif

Was Ian the judge??

Iain's first judging appointment is next Sunday. And yes we did have a good chuckle at Ruby making up her mind which was the best spot to get in the water.

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Great but veeeery tiring weekend for me. All day obedience trialling on Saturday (and a RN title earnt each for Ruby and Millie in Rally), then all day yesterday retrieving trialling at mirawee's place. Ruby finished another trial, woohoo! :happydance: The last water run was quite a tricky dicky for novice dogs, but 9/10 dogs got it! (the 10th didn't want to get in the water). It was a fair way from the firing point to the edge of the dam wall, then it was a fair swim out to the bird (longer than I thought!). Once the dog disappeared down the dam wall, you didn't see the dog again until it was actually picking the bird up. I waited and waited wondering if Ruby was still on the job or not, then finally saw her head appear in the far distance picking the birdy up - I was mighty chuffed :D She was apparently a bit OCD deciding where to actually enter the water, mirawee reports laugh.gif Kept changing her mind!

I got to have Jive cuddles yesterday, too! And I was in bed by 9pm, unheard of for me! I was knackered, and the look on Ruby's face last night after a full weekend was a look of completely and utterly shattered, the poor girl laugh.gif

Was Ian the judge??

Iain's first judging appointment is next Sunday. And yes we did have a good chuckle at Ruby making up her mind which was the best spot to get in the water.

Who was the judge???

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Well done RS, sounds like a great weekend :thumbsup: I didn't get a chane to come over as ended up setting up my great aunts new laptop. Anything on this coming weekend as I'm on my own for a couple of weeks, so could do with a trip out with the camera :)

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This weekend is agility on Saturday, retrieving on Sunday, and obedience/rally-o on Monday :)

All at K9 grounds except for retrieving, which is out at Mogumber (so unless you like a road trip, this one is a bit far to pop over laugh.gif)

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how has everyone been? had a well known radio hosts, GSD puppy rush up at stella tonight. I sensed the dog might try to chase, so grabbed stella and called him to call the dog away and he just looked at me like i was silly/overprotective. And then he trots out the oh havent our dogs met, he is harmless line. Next minute his dog has a go at another dog. Im glad it wasnt worse :)

Edited by ncarter
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That's no good, ncarter! Glad your Stella is ok, though :)

Came home yesterday to a lovely present in my mailbox - Ruby's pet insurance cheque :happydance2: :happydance2: :happydance2:

So after I get the vet to sign the new claim form on Friday, 11 weeks worth of injections are being submitted (then the final 8 weeks).

I'm so glad she is covered! I was going to have to make do if I had to pay it myself, but now that I know my poor overused credit card is going to be fixed with these cheques, it is SUCH a relief!!! :D thumbsup1.gif

I celebrated by buying myself a LARGE coffee today before work rofl1.gifrofl1.gif

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I will be at agility on Sat with Banjo and Miss Jive :D


I celebrated by buying myself a LARGE coffee today before work rofl1.gifrofl1.gif

Hey settle down there big spender :rofl:

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