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Western Australian Thread


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I've just got the news that 10 GSP puppies were born in NSW today and hopefully one will be coming to live with us.... :cheer::dancingelephant: !!!

We've been waiting over 12 months for a litter from this breeder.

EXCITING! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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The ponies are in a different area to where the puppies willl be... I am sure we can organise for you to visit them as well though RnH :laugh:

Hmm, just thinking... I probably should tell my neighbours there will be constant gunshots throughout the day :rofl: Although there is only one who will really notice and they annoy us with their quad bikes anyway :o

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Woohoo CareyJ! You would hope with 10 in the litter you shouldn't miss out :rofl: I can't wait to see photos when you little munchkin arrives :)

Emery, of course they do something so they aren't at their best for the big shows :laugh: We were very happy when Anikka came into season as it meant she had over a month to then be good for Melbourne :) Fingers crossed she doesn't dump any more coat though! Suvi should finish her season in another week and we have everything crossed that Lumi doesn't come in until we are back in WA! With 3 entire males going over the last thing we want is an in season bitch since it will already be hard enough juggling dogs between the two yards since a few can't be in together :o Oh... and I am assuming Jive won't decide to have her first season at 5 months :rofl:

So who is going retrieving this Sunday?

And my excitement for the weekend... getting grey hairs watching my 4 month old kelpie launch herself at the cattle grid (about 1.5m wide) :eek: While she only made it 2/3 of the way over she did manage to come out unscathed luckily! Then on Saturday I got to deal with parking at the RAAF airshow (:wave: to Emery) which added a few more grey hairs when everyone tried to leave at once!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

so Kelari has a hot spot well the endings just waiting for hair to grow back lol and a phantom at least i hope its a phantom the vet scared me today by asking if she had been mated i am like no i think its a phantom she goes she is still tight so yes could be or she is just taking her time settling down from oestrus arghhhhhh stress :D

Sorry i wont be there sunday sounds awesome but we taking ty to zoo for his birthday :D

Waves at mirawee hope we made the parking fiasco a bit more enjoyable even if my hubby was cranky he wasn't cranky at you :)

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You guys were fine Emery... I didn't even notice your hubby :rofl: Actually most people where fine saying that they were annoyed by the situation not us - which we were right on board about! There was just a small minority who thought abusing us was good fun. Including one lady who was screaming abuse coz we let someone else in before her yelling that she had been waiting 2 hours - however if she had been waiting 2 hours she would have well and truly left before the congestion started :laugh: I did feel bad when we had to leave when it got dark (we were kicked out as we didn't have high vis night gear on) and the car park wasn't empty :o

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I haven't been in here for a few days, what a load of gas bags you've been :laugh:

Uber cute puppies Ptolomy - so fast :eek: what are you feeding them, coffee? :laugh:

Poor Gibbs MG, hope he's ok now :( and hope Kenz is recovering well still Ness :)

CareyJ - can't wait to see pics of your puppy - very exciting :D

I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what time does the retrieving start at yours on sunday mirawee and how long is it likely to go on for? I chickened out at the MPW and lost my photo mojo, so could do with a trip out to find it again :)

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Thanks CC - she was back at the specialist today to have stitches out and a check up to see how all was going. All good news - the patella is still 100% stable, the incision looks good and he was happy with how she was using the leg at this stage :thumbsup:. Next appointment is in 6 weeks time.

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I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what time does the retrieving start at yours on sunday mirawee and how long is it likely to go on for? I chickened out at the MPW and lost my photo mojo, so could do with a trip out to find it again :)

8am start for Novice. 11ish maybe(?) for Restricted (going on the Restricted vetting times which is 10.30-10.45).

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I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what time does the retrieving start at yours on sunday mirawee and how long is it likely to go on for? I chickened out at the MPW and lost my photo mojo, so could do with a trip out to find it again :)

8am start for Novice. 11ish maybe(?) for Restricted (going on the Restricted vetting times which is 10.30-10.45).

I was going to say ask RS not me! I know people might be rocking up from around 7am... that is the limit of my knowledge ROFL

I want to see Ruby in Novice :D It should be a lovely day for it although I wish we had more lead up rain to fill the dams/lakes :(

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Thanks RS :) Can someone pm me the address, I know I've been there before but no way I'll remember the route :laugh:

OH is away for a couple of weeks from Monday, so don't want to abandoned her on the Sunday, but she may have to do some work on sunday, so if she does I'll come over :)

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You guys were fine Emery... I didn't even notice your hubby :rofl: Actually most people where fine saying that they were annoyed by the situation not us - which we were right on board about! There was just a small minority who thought abusing us was good fun. Including one lady who was screaming abuse coz we let someone else in before her yelling that she had been waiting 2 hours - however if she had been waiting 2 hours she would have well and truly left before the congestion started :laugh: I did feel bad when we had to leave when it got dark (we were kicked out as we didn't have high vis night gear on) and the car park wasn't empty :o

Oh my i wonder what time it emptied out then.

Yes unfrotunately some ruin it for all, hubby wasn'ttoo bad he got a bit stressed wen zac was screaming and i had nothing to calm him down with but he did calm down thankfully :)

lesson learnt for next time

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I want to see Ruby in Novice :D It should be a lovely day for it although I wish we had more lead up rain to fill the dams/lakes :(

She might be dismal! We're using trials as our training as it's the only real chance we get to be exposed to throwers and the terrain, so any birdies brought back are just a bonus!! smile.gif I was absolutely over the moon when she actually managed to bring all 3 back at her last trial!! 1/5th of the way to her QND title rofl1.gif

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Guest RosieFT

hee who would have though you would like a schnauzer! :laugh: She is a super cute schnauzer though :)

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I know! I think I'm a big fan of the blacks. Subtlely convinced mum that black was the best choice to get laugh.gif If they were a gundog, I think I'd get my own! She likes to think she is one, though. An appetite like a Lab, and had her retrieving dummies in the backyard this week laugh.gif

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Guest RosieFT

I wanted to get a black one when I was deciding :-)

are you going to do agility with her? Would be sooo cute to see :D

ok off to make 50 mini chocolate cupcakes ugh.

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Guest RosieFT

hee only if you clip it every month for me LOL

Just had a wake up call with quote of $1000 for xrays of front legs today. :( Didn't for a moment think it would get into 4 figures for xrays of a small dog.

Don't think i can afford 2 dogs. Don't think i can afford one LOL

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