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Hoping for some healing vibes today for my handsome Mr Fionn, who is at the vets having an op to remove two little lumps from his head. (Waaaah! They're going to shave his head! Waaaaah!) Bad enough having to leave him there, with that little face looking out the door at me as I walked away. :(

All the best for Mr Fionn Faolmor :)

I wouldn't worry - the sharks are too busy picking off tourists at Cottesloe and Rotto to worry about some scrawny dogs :p :laugh:

lol don't say that, I've just dropped my parents off at Cott beach for a couple of hours :laugh:

My two won't voluntarily put even a toe in the water, a right pair of wusses :laugh:

eta cute pic of Booker :D

Edited by CrazyCresties
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I wouldn't worry - the sharks are too busy picking off tourists at Cottesloe and Rotto to worry about some scrawny dogs :p :laugh:

lol don't say that, I've just dropped my parents off at Cott beach for a couple of hours :laugh:

My two won't voluntarily put even a toe in the water, a right pair of wusses :laugh:

Oh :rofl: Sorry about that! :eek: I'm sure they'll be fine

Trixie has no probs going into the beach water ( usually follows another dog out) but Kyzer will only go ankle deep, he much prefers digging holes, dropping the ball in there and barking at it :p (special dog)

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Oh :rofl: Sorry about that! :eek: I'm sure they'll be fine

There's a reason why we chose a house with a pool, it called f**king huge sharks in the water :eek::rofl: but my parents are on holiday and they want to go to the beach, I have told them them to be sensible, especially as my dad is anything but scrawny - he'd make a tasty shark snack :laugh:

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Oh :rofl: Sorry about that! :eek: I'm sure they'll be fine

There's a reason why we chose a house with a pool, it called f**king huge sharks in the water :eek::rofl: but my parents are on holiday and they want to go to the beach, I have told them them to be sensible, especially as my dad is anything but scrawny - he'd make a tasty shark snack :laugh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That made me laugh so much.

Hmm maybe tell your Dad to stay in the shallows :rofl:

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Fingers crossed for Fionn!!! And for you Falomor that it all grows back quickly.

Also I think you are more likely to get a snake bite at a lake/river then a shark bite at a beach...

Yes especially of you don let the dogs go far out. My 2 love the beach, at first I kept them off the beach ths summer but then had a re-think as thy love it so much I don't want to deny them

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Last week was shark week on Foxtel ,i watch it yearly .

They did a segment on dogs & said dogs that had fleas where a higher risk of being taken by a shark due to the blood .

The did a test with robot dog & whilst they where attracted to the dog swimming the sharks didn't attack but when the robot dog segreted blood the sharks certainly started to be more keen .

Sharks are just part of life i guess growing up in Mount Gambier & Port Lincoln there just a normal occurance for me that we saw regularly

Edited by showdog
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Last week was shark week on Foxtel ,i watch it yearly .

They did a segment on dogs & said dogs that had fleas where a higher risk of being taken by a shark due to the blood .

The did a test with robot dog & whilst they where attracted to the dog swimming the sharks didn't attack but when the robot dog segreted blood the sharks certainly started to be more keen .

Sharks are just part of life i guess growing up in Mount Gambier & Port Lincoln there just a normal occurance for me that we saw regularly

That's interesting, lucky mine never have fleas :)

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I think the moral of the story is keep you and your doggies locked up safe inside at all times, kids!! rofl1.gif

(but then the bed bugs might get us)

But then they get bitten by spiders like poor Bear! :eek: :eek:

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Weelllll not sure they would like that!!!

Mine would be more likely to be bitten by a snake around the house than bitten by a shark at the beach.

Snakes worry me far more than Sharks!

Me too! Considering the amount of bobtails I have seen around here lately there must be snakes too

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I think the moral of the story is keep you and your doggies locked up safe inside at all times, kids!! rofl1.gif

(but then the bed bugs might get us)

But then they get bitten by spiders like poor Bear! :eek: :eek:

Our old Stafford boy got bitten by a spider on his leg once, geez he was in pain and he is a dog who well, just doesn't show pain!! Poor Bear :( Lots of hugs and kisses.

We don't get too many Bobtails around the house, more snakes than lizards. That is why I have a very good leave it trained with my dogs, add to that the pitch change if they are about to even think about sniffing in the direction of a snake and well they move very sharply :)

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Me too! Considering the amount of bobtails I have seen around here lately there must be snakes too

Don't know if it is myth or not but apparently the more bobtails around the less chance of snakes :) We get some pretty impressive sized Goannas around as well :D

Unforutnately the bobtails need to learn to keep out of my dogs' yard :( Although they have gotten less this year than usual so hopefully the message is being spread!

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