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That's pretty much what happens :rofl: if only she realised if she kept her head low and her feet under water then she wouldn't get splashed :rofl: She's special that one

Yeah he's sneaky like that - 50% of the time he gets in to get it though and he can swim a million times better than her (not hard :laugh: ), he also gets in and hovers swimming in the one spot waiting for you to throw the ball :laugh: good exercise!

Yeah I did go. They train at Jubilee oval which is just off Morley Drive which comes off the Tonkin - about 35-40 mins from mine.

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AP that is such a gorgeous vid... Don't worry my two Weims from years ago both swam like that. They were ball and water mad and they never learned how to swim properly!! Pretty sad for dogs with webbing betweeen their toes!!

RosieFT I'd have probably gone into the water if the dog was getting distressed and disoriented. I would definitely work on recalls and make sure you are more important than the ducks... easier said than done though...a long line would probably work very well :)

Oh well I'll likely be offline all this week - off to Brisbane for work so back Thursday night. Just looked at the weather forecast and the rainy weather is awelcome change to this heat.

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AP that is such a gorgeous vid... Don't worry my two Weims from years ago both swam like that. They were ball and water mad and they never learned how to swim properly!! Pretty sad for dogs with webbing betweeen their toes!!

:rofl: You'd think Weims would come with in built swimming for sure :laugh:

She is getting better... maybe she needs a floatie ring around her back legs :p

Ooooh have a nice trip ST!

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Like your new signature CC - or maybe i have only just seen it LOL

Thanks, well spotted it is new :D Look AP no snow :laugh:

I took a video of her spazzy swimming (she fell in but usually she leaps off the side with mega air action) :laugh:

:rofl: even my Daisy has learnt to keep her legs under the water now :laugh: Poor Trixie - Kaiser was so mean nicking the ball as she struggled to get out :rofl:

Have a good trip ST :)

Tiggy, you could be TBB - Tiggy Banjo Bear :D

eta - MG I think we are long overdue for a Gibbs pic, he must have grown so much by now!

Edited by CrazyCresties
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Good luck everyone competing at Bunbury :) Hopefully this weekend won't end up being as hot as they are predicting!

The weather was rather hot both days and sunday after the 5 minute shower muggy as hell.

Saturday i got a reserve cc with chance.

And now for my BRAG

Sunday under judge, Mr l.j. Heilmann from SA

Chance got awarded reserve CC (was told he was a little too immature for the cc (up against a 3 year old he is 12 months understandable) but that he has alovely head and will mature very nice in time *judges words*)

then went on under the same judge to be awarded>

wait for it...

JUNIOR OF GROUP :dance: :cheer::thumbsup:

I am still floating on cloud 9 it is my first ever win at a championship show i have got a Baby of group with Kelari at an open show.

Can not wipe the smile off of my face :D

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Yay! Well done Emery :) Are you going to any of the shows this coming weekend?

MG, Gibbs is getting big :D

Ptolomy, are you going to do the conformation at the Classic since one of the judges' critiques mentions Tollers? I am assuming she will end up judging them on one night since she seems to be a Group 3 specialist LOL

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Guest RosieFT

AP- oh my,,,, just, well, yeah SO CUTE! LOL... and yet so unco at t he same time..i bet she wouldn't swim out to the boat channel.. ugh..

ST_ hope the brisbane rain isn't just super wet humidity for you... and yeah, make myself more interesting than ducks... ummmm.... quack? LOL i know what you mean though..

Emery congrats

MG- wow he is HUGE.. did he eat the puppy? LOL.. and you have reminded me i need ot get rosie a clam shell - but I won't be leaving the hose in.... LOL

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