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Well retrieving work for labs would never be 12 km's and they were bred to retrieve mainly from water not on the land.... I just worry about joints, i mean runners wear out their knees running so im not sure i would do it with my 2. Everybody is different and we all have our own thoughts but i just personally wouldnt do it with my 2. There is no reason why Mason couldnt do it if not fit enough but he is too heavily built i think. Weims even tho they are large breed they are not big boned or big built. They are quite athletic looking imo :)

this is true :) Weims of course were bred for a different purpose also and their structure shows that, compared to labs. Personally I think that it does depend very much on the build and endurance level of the individual dog... Old english Sheepdogs are meant to be an endurance breed, but I know of certain OES that couldn't manage it, and others that definitely could (this is without coat btw, i'd never make a full coated OES do an ET!)

My father used to run marathons ( 42.2km) and he took his Wei on the 32km training runs every second week, the did 10 ks every other day at least, he was one fit dog, not sure if they had the ET back in the 70s and 80s though!!

Not surprising at all!! I know a guy with a weim in WA who does marathons also... his wei is his running partner. he recently had a cartilage op (the guy, not the dog) and is out of running for at least 12 months. Up to that point he couldn't keep any weight on his dog, and now his dog is rather... pudgy!!

I'm battling to keep weight off mason even feeding less .....

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Guest RosieFT

Thanks for the well wishes - Rusky and Amypie, Rosie missed going to training too.

ST- hope your girl is ok :-(

I ended up going to a vet who does acupuncture and chiro manipulation. No miracle cure just yet, but was warned it would stir things up and would need a couple of sessions.

Great news RosieFT :) what treatment did she get?

RS great you found a shampoo that works :) I love when that happens.

Things are a bit tense here at the moment... Ari hasn't been well and I thought the worst being Pyometra. She had an ultrasound and nothing showed up but if she doesn't improve in the next 24 hours, it'll be a blood test to see what's going on. It's very hard seeing my very active and always healthy girl so down. Please everyone keep your fingers crossed she is ok...

Ness - i hope the blood treatment works so you won't have to go down the surgery route. Is it this Bicipital Tenosynovitis? i found this link relating to agility dogs in particular.. http://www.vetsportsmedicine.com/pdf/Proof_ShoulderConditionsa.pdf

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Bahahahaha i keep saying ia m going to do then never start training lol.

I reckon squid who is the energser bunny could do it no worries

if i build my fitness up which i need to for the rotti national next year unless someone wants to come help me by being a runner

I mgiht be able to do it rofl

When is the Rotti Nationals? If I am not busy elsewhere I would be happy to help as a runner :) Would be an interesting experience :D

Fri 1st - Mon 4th of June

i would love help on the sat 2nd and sun 3rd :)

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Yep I am pretty sure that is what it is RosieFT. She is back on super strict exercise till her next appointment - ah what fun least she can do some stuff just not very much.

She was certainly not impressed with me when I ran her older sister at agility tonight and she was left in the car.

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Setters hate the heat too, but that is probably more coat related... My Weims dont seem to notice heat at all, although Ari absolutely hates humid weather, the only time she doesn't do everything with gusto!

Aneira likes the heat. She spends those ultra hot days lazing around on hot concrete in the sun like a European tourist. (No offence to any Europeans here!)

Fionn, on the other hand, acts like his world is over if it gets over 25 :laugh: (So do I, though...) And Maia pretty much refuses to go outside no matter what the weather is like.

In other news...for those in WA who know my OH as "Mr Dreadlock," it may interest you to know he has finally met with the clippers. I had great fun attacking him this afternoon with Fionni's grooming tools :laugh: He's not completely skinhead (he chickened out from a 10-blade at the last second) - he now has kind of page-boy dreads :laugh:

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Guest RosieFT

Yep I am pretty sure that is what it is RosieFT. She is back on super strict exercise till her next appointment - ah what fun least she can do some stuff just not very much.

She was certainly not impressed with me when I ran her older sister at agility tonight and she was left in the car.

At least she is out and about and seeing the action - even though it must be difficult for her to stay on the side lines!!

I hope they can sort it out for her (and you!). If it keeps up with Rosie, i will just have to stop agility and even worse, any retrieving games, except in water :( and see if it can heal. Good luck!

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Yep I am pretty sure that is what it is RosieFT. She is back on super strict exercise till her next appointment - ah what fun least she can do some stuff just not very much.

She was certainly not impressed with me when I ran her older sister at agility tonight and she was left in the car.

It was so hard keeping Gibbs still, I am still trying to make him take it easy, no limping for a week now :)

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I hope Ari is much better soon, it is so hard when theya re sick, but even worse when you don't know why.

As for the ET.

I have done it with a Whippet and a Dobermann.

There is absolutely no reason why a Labrador should not be able to do an ET. My Dobe was not particularly tall but weighed around 30kgs. She cruised it in, had no pad issues and her heart rate was low throughout the ET checks.

Lewis cruised his in easily as well. Whippets have thinner pads than many breeds and he was fine. As long as you condition them correctly they will be fine.

You do not need to do 12kms a day, didn't even need to do that with the Whippet!!

We started at 2kms every second day with a 6km walk (as per normal) in between. We worked up to 8kms at 10 to 14kms every second day, then 2 days biking one day walking in the last 3 weeks. The dog needs to average around 11kms during the ET. They will tell you if you need to slow down/speed up as you go past the checkpoints or you can have a speedo on your bike.

Lewis was fitter than the other dogs there and had consistantly lower heart rates than any other dog. There were mainly Shepherds and a Dobe. He had trained, he knew when he was next to the bike he did not pull, he slotted into his spot and cruised along as we had trained - he wouldn't even pull when he saw a Roo or rabbit when training, it involved lots of springing around instead :). He went on a fixed collar, I would worry to much about a harness rubbing. They should not pull they should trot along on a loose lead.

The 20kms is really not that hard on the human, if you put the km's in to train you will be fit enough - just get a gel seat or cover :)

Edited by OSoSwift
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Faolmor the photo doesnt do him justice! :laugh:

OH got home today and reported that Ari had perked up a lot and she was very happy and wagging. By the time I got home she was up for a game of ball.

She's still quiet and her glands are still up, but she is so much better already. I am a very happy camper :)

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Thanks OSS yeah it is frustrating - especially since I really don't want to put her through surgery :(. The specialist wants the inflammation to have settled as much as it can to give the PRP the best chance at resolving the problem - its just looking less promising when I see her limping after doing bugger all.

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Jeees it's like the thread of lame dogs in here!

Hope you see improvements soon Ness and Rosie :crossfingers:

I hope Ari is still on the mend ST :)

Glad Gibbs is still sounds, hope he stays that way - Louis is looking back to normal now, but I'm being sensible with him, although it's tricky to stopping the little monkey jumping around at times :laugh:

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st good to rad about ari improving

i hope ness and gibbs are on the mend soon too

My darling hubby just renovated my dog trailer it now has two new whirly birds jsut in time for the trip to bunbury woohoo

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