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Western Australian Thread


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Don't panic guys, my precious girls are fine which is the most important thing xx

My BRAND NEW 1 week old iphone was stolen out of my car by a couple of LOW LIFE SCUMS that don't deserve to be breathing.

Lucky me. I have a 2 year contract of paying off a phone I don't have and can't use. None of my insurance policies will cover my phone, and I have to find me $800 to buy me a new phone because I am not going to let these bastards make me settle for continuing to use my piece of crap phone. I very rarely buy myself nice new things, money always gets spent on the dogs (treatments, medications, training gear, toys, etc etc) and the minute I decide to spoil myself for once (because who else is going to spoil me?) these bastards come along and take it from me :cry: :cry:

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Don't panic guys, my precious girls are fine which is the most important thing xx

My BRAND NEW 1 week old iphone was stolen out of my car by a couple of LOW LIFE SCUMS that don't deserve to be breathing.

Lucky me. I have a 2 year contract of paying off a phone I don't have and can't use. None of my insurance policies will cover my phone, and I have to find me $800 to buy me a new phone because I am not going to let these bastards make me settle for continuing to use my piece of crap phone. I very rarely buy myself nice new things, money always gets spent on the dogs (treatments, medications, training gear, toys, etc etc) and the minute I decide to spoil myself for once (because who else is going to spoil me?) these bastards come along and take it from me :cry: :cry:

Jerks!!! It was always happening in Africa which is why we left, you work so hard and stuff gets taken away from you!! I took I insurance on my phone ( not mainly for theft mainly coz I'm always taking it to the beach or river with the dogs and I'm scared it gets wet or they damage it somehow) . Big hugs too you!! I texted you but obviously you won't get it

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Bit of a heart attack moment there :eek:

That sucks... did anyone see them? God people have no shame :mad

Yes, a woman saw them. A man and his son. She saw them coming downstairs from the bar and looking very out of place, and yep, the bar had cash stolen.

She also saw them walking down near our cars and never said anything.

If you don't want to approach them yourselves, even just to ask if you can help them to maybe scare them off, at least alert others and call the police to report suspicious activity. She stood by and did NOTHING and quite a few people got hit. icon_smile_mad.gif

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Bit of a heart attack moment there :eek:

That sucks... did anyone see them? God people have no shame :mad

Yes, a woman saw them. A man and his son. She saw them coming downstairs from the bar and looking very out of place, and yep, the bar had cash stolen.

She also saw them walking down near our cars and never said anything.

If you don't want to approach them yourselves, even just to ask if you can help them to maybe scare them off, at least alert others and call the police to report suspicious activity. She stood by and did NOTHING and quite a few people got hit. icon_smile_mad.gif

Will she give the descriptions to the cops???

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Yes I think she did.

So, does anyone need a kidney? I have one for sale. Might have other body parts for sale too if I don't get enough for the kidney to replace my phone.

I'm glad I backed up all my photos when I swapped my phone to the new one so I haven't lost all my precious photos of my girls!!!!!

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Yes I think she did.

So, does anyone need a kidney? I have one for sale. Might have other body parts for sale too if I don't get enough for the kidney to replace my phone.

I'm glad I backed up all my photos when I swapped my phone to the new one so I haven't lost all my precious photos of my girls!!!!!

What a bummer :( were the girls in the car when they took the stuff do u think??

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A number plate of a car was given to the Police,its seems they brought a drink in the bar & when distracted took the cash tin .

Un savoury guest have been stealing things for awhile but tonight was a real wake up call to how brave there getting esepcially now most events are at night

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Just checking in on the WA thread and had a heart attack for a minute there RS! Glad the girls are ok :thumbsup:

Hi everyone! In the US have been following along on DOL when I can but am mostly on FB atm. Just waiting to board my plane to Arkansas for the Brittany speciality - very excited!

Sorry I don't have time to comment to everyone. The dogs are doing well in Perth - mum has been walking them and they are being spoiled. I still managed to do a Clean Run free shipping order - Toby is getting some Cuz balls for Christmas :D

Will possibly do a second one, does anyone have a copy of Susan Salo's Foundation Jumping that I can borrow eventually? If not I might need to get that one... and a few other things... worst timing ever for free shipping :scared:

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A number plate of a car was given to the Police,its seems they brought a drink in the bar & when distracted took the cash tin .

Un savoury guest have been stealing things for awhile but tonight was a real wake up call to how brave there getting esepcially now most events are at night

Yeah we are all going to have to be more observant from now on. In all honesty I'm a little afraid to go to k9 at night now :eek:

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