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And for those wondering, yes I am going to enter the Clivia show next year :rofl:


Looks like the iphone 4S camera is great outdoors and average indoors :laugh: That is an improvement though :p

I have a photo I took indoors yesterday that looks really clear on my phone (but it was taken near a skylight) and I am trying to email it to myself to see if it looks as good on a computer but I can't currently send email, only receive! Argh!!! And I don't have my cable with me at work :(

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And for those wondering, yes I am going to enter the Clivia show next year :rofl:



That plant is a Clivia, there is a Clivia society that has a show and they judge Clivias and award them prizes, mum and I stumbled upon it at a nursery once and we always joke about entering mine :rofl: Never mind :laugh:

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Guest RosieFT

Well, Amy aren't you just full of surprises! I will look out for you when next our local shopping centre has a flower gathering as they are wont to do!

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Looks like Gibbs has an abscess on his other canine now...not even funny I am so broke may have to seriously consider finding someone with a big credit card to take him ( I had credit on my card but no more!!) I could scream as I can't just leave it but really don't have the money for this now....

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Quick update on Bonnie, her movement is improving, as is her bladder control- but she has abit of pain :( Which makes me think it must be IVDD. Going back to specialist on monday. Not keen to do the surgery on her at this age and with her degree of spondylosis- so going to go with the conservative treatment, steroids/crate rest/physical therapy- and hope she recovers.

How did it go with Bondi yesterday ? Hope she's doing ok :)

Sorry to hear Gibbs has an abscess MG, poor boy :( Luckily in the UK our vets would put the claim in directly to the insurance company, and you just had to pay the excess up front.

Quick Louis update :) He's out of the crate now, but that makes it hard to stop him being his usual mountain goat self and climbing on to the back of the sofa. However he seems a lot happier and is using the leg a lot more, only occasionally holding it up. He seems to self regulate and won't jump up if he's unsure. So fingers crossed he seems to be making a good recovery so far :)

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ANKC Conference amendment to Rule Part 6 3.3. This states that ALL pedigrees from recognised overseas bodies must be accepted as they are. This means dogs with no prefix as some countries do not have prefix in all cases ie MEXICO, as long as they have an INTERNATIONAL Ped can be registered here! Woo bloody whooooo thank you Mr W Burton, Mr G Doyle, and the ANKC New Breeds Group and all who helped to get this through, I will need to find a new naggggggg!!! and they said it couldnt be done!!!!!!!!!

I am naturally very excited as a new import rather crucial to the breed here can now make her way to the Australian Xoloitzcuintle scene and no doubt many others can as well.

NEW RULE: 3.3 No application for re-registration of any animal of a breed, whelped outside Australia

shall be accepted unless the dog is registered in an overseas Register managed by a

Canine Control recognised by ANKC Ltd and unless accompanied by the original

registration issued by the controlling body in the country in which the animal was last

registered and by an “Export Certified/Pedigree”. (10/06, 6.1.2)

OLD RULE: ANKC Regulation Part 6 Clause 3.4 clearly states the imported dogs that wish to be reregistered MUST have:

1. Registration Number

2. A Suffix or a Prefix

3. A registered Name

All other dogs in the background of the Export Certificate/Pedigree must have Registration number and a Registered Name.

This means I have not wasted a LOT of money on a gamble I took a while back! Now for another challenge@!

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