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Given the ones I am thinking of are last weekend in November and December I would think I am ok ATM. If I have missed it then so be it LOL

Agility trials - SR (on 26/11) closes on 14/11 and Dobe Club (on 10/12) closes on 21/11

Obedience trials - Dobe Club (on 9/12) closes on 21/11

That's all that's left - crazy!

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I have lost my agility Mojo :rofl:

No training for me tonight as after detouring to pick horse up from the vet (breeding related) I had a message from the person who usually feeds the horses in the evening and now I have to do it myself :o

So since it is stinking hot up here ( :eek: for only 32 degrees... won't cope with 40!) horses won't get fed before 6pm which means no chance of getting to training on time ;)

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I have lost my agility Mojo :rofl:

No training for me tonight as after detouring to pick horse up from the vet (breeding related) I had a message from the person who usually feeds the horses in the evening and now I have to do it myself :o

So since it is stinking hot up here ( :eek: for only 32 degrees... won't cope with 40!) horses won't get fed before 6pm which means no chance of getting to training on time ;)

Have to say I don't really blame you, a massive long trip home, another to training and another home. Since I started working closer to home I am more willing to go to training when I used to be a bit meh before.

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Is anyone from WA looking at any East coast shows next year? Sydney Royal, Canberra Royal? EKKA or up in Darwin ??

WE are hoping to get to them, just wondering if any others ??

we are looking at doing the QLD rottweiler specialty :D think that is july any of those shows around that time maybe we could detour on the way home :D

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Hi all - I'm back after a weekend away watching the big dog shows and specialties in Melbourne. What an eye opener!! Perth shows look like country shows in comparison!! it was a great experience and i got to catch up with some lovely people too.

first of all Boxagirl, sorry to hear about what you went through with bondi, and I am glad she seems to be on the mend. it is never easy to watch them go through something like that. :(

Discussion on joint supplements, all mine are on fish oil and glucosamine, but James is also on Ester C, and this is probably the supplement which I would swear by the most - he's shown more improvement with this than anything else. there is no scientific reason behind it, I just did some reading and found an article where field gundog people swore by the stuff, so I tried it!

James also has regular appointments with Deb and I haev seen a difference. he does not fall asleep at all but then he is in a fair bit of pain at the moment. Still, the needles are moving so things are improving. We had no lightning bolts last time!! Bowen is also wonderful and it's quite amazing how Tracy can pick the exact spot where the dogs are sore (she picked James' hips and even picked which hip was the worst one)

Happy birthday to those I've missed (tiggy & chance) :birthday:

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Happy Belated Birthday Chance :birthday:

How's Bondi doing today boxagirl? I hope she is continuing to improve :)

Well I got home last night to a very much not improved Louis :( He seemed fine on monday, but last night he was squealing with pain when I touched him and when he moved at times. So it was a quick turn around and out to the vet. It seems to be above his hip joint where he is sore, so he is on anti-inflamatories and pain killers for a couple of days, and keeping him as quiet as poss.

The only thing I can think that started this was swimming in the pool on saturday, and then him and Daisy had a rare crazy 5 mins chasing each other round the garden, so I wonder if he twisted it somehow?

A gardener came to trim some big shrubs in our garden yesterday, so I bet they were jumping up and down at the door and going crazy while he was in the garden, that may have been why it was so much worse when I got home yesterday?

He does have a low pain threshold, but I felt so sorry for him as he wimpered all the way to the vets :(

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Good to have you back ST!

Does anyone have a copy of Susan Salo Puppy Jumping to sell/lend? Using her exercises with jump bumps at ACWA and it really makes sense! Something I want to be able to work on over the summer...

I did. I think RS has it. I can't remember who got what. :D

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Good to have you back ST!

Does anyone have a copy of Susan Salo Puppy Jumping to sell/lend? Using her exercises with jump bumps at ACWA and it really makes sense! Something I want to be able to work on over the summer...

I did. I think RS has it. I can't remember who got what. :D

RS thinks she has it and has PMed me. Thanks Tiggy!

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first of all Boxagirl, sorry to hear about what you went through with bondi, and I am glad she seems to be on the mend. it is never easy to watch them go through something like that.

Discussion on joint supplements, all mine are on fish oil and glucosamine, but James is also on Ester C, and this is probably the supplement which I would swear by the most - he's shown more improvement with this than anything else. there is no scientific reason behind it, I just did some reading and found an article where field gundog people swore by the stuff, so I tried it!

James also has regular appointments with Deb and I haev seen a difference. he does not fall asleep at all but then he is in a fair bit of pain at the moment. Still, the needles are moving so things are improving. We had no lightning bolts last time!! Bowen is also wonderful and it's quite amazing how Tracy can pick the exact spot where the dogs are sore (she picked James' hips and even picked which hip was the worst one)

Thanks Sparky- where can you get EsterC? I might give it a go with Bondi.

How's Bondi doing today boxagirl? I hope she is continuing to improve

Bondi is ALOT better today! :thumbsup: I went back to work for 4hours this morning, first time at work since she has been like this- before I left I got her up and out to the toilet (she was abit wobbly on her feet at first, but no yelping)I gave her a prolet and tramel then left her on her mat in the spare room (her fave spot to lay) I have had to change her bed- as her other one was one of the city farmer ones, which was too spongy for her to get up off- so at the moment she just has a big mink blanket folded up and a doona to lay on. I came home and she had moved to laying by the front door- and there were no wees (she had lost control of her bladder during painful episodes). She got up relatively easily to greet me too- with stump wags and all! :) BIG improvement. Took her out to toilet again, and then she followed me around for abit (which she hasn't been able to do since she has been sore). She is now laying on her mat next to me- but she even looked up at my bed as if she was going to try and jump up (I told her to lay on her mat instead, didn't want her hurting herself, but the fact that she was thinking about trying to come up means she must be feeling abit better!)

ETA: Hope Louis is on the mend soon- hasn't been a good week for our dogs! :(

Edited by boxagirl
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you can get Ester C from any health food shop and I think most pharmacies now... it's a buffered (non acidic) Vit C... if you give too much it just comes out as soft poo so you just have to tailor it to suit the dog. I have read it improves joints although as I say, there is no scientific reasoning behind it or there wasn't anyway, but I'll continue to use it as a combination with the other supplements. You can get it in powdered form or tablets. I prefer the powder though as it is easier to manage the dosage.

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Might look at that for Mason - Gibbs has the stomach upset Mason had a few weeks ago or something, he is going fir his vac with hubby at 4 so he will get vet to check him out. He eats anything he picks up at the park ( only walking him on soft surfaces atm) so could also be sn irritation as the other day he pooped out a bunch of sticks/mulch...

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