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Nice looking Toller and yes a really crap throw, poor dog! Might have gone further had it been thrown properly! :laugh: I just love the hot pink collar and lead with a male owner, a man who isn't afraid, love it thumbsup1.giflaugh.gif

The first dog, choc Lab, looked more like a GSP to me! Kinda like a cross of both :shrug:

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Mason just choked on a bone my whole arm was down his throat, dont think i will ever feed mine bones again!!!

eek1.gif So glad you got it out, well I imagine you got it out! I have to admit every time I give my two a bone I can't help but worry :o

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I sent my entry off for the Gundog trial only today, entries close monday, do you think it will be too late???? :eek:

You should get them OSO, do u guys usually get different ads up there??

We get most, GWN is Channel 7 and WIN is a mix of Nine and Ten I think??? We also get ABC 1 & 2 and SBS 1 & 2

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I am extremely grumpy about now!

Uh-oh why's that :confused:

Will look out for Gibbs stage debut MG :thumbsup: and scary about Mason, glad he is ok :)

Well I bottled out of going to the show :o Took the dogs for a lovely walk round Herdsman instead and saw my first Aussie snake :D I know most of you won't react with a smile, but I actually like snakes (kept them as kid). I'm guessing it was a Tiger snake - it was on the river bank on a bare patch of grass just above a duck and tiny ducklings, so guessing it was hunting. It disappeared like a shot when we approached.

Hope those at the show today have had a successful day :)

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At dog training today Lewis was doing some jumping drills and has been going just brilliantly and this Lab came from god knows where and took him out.

And I mean hit him at top speed and T-boned him straight into the ground, I heard the impact then he got his breathe knocked out.

Poor bugger got up, confused and sore, god knows how he wasn't injured worse than he was. I sat there holding him and holding in the swear words and abuse.

The woman asked if she had growled at him or was she playing. I very nearly answer does it Fing well make any difference???? She asked if he was okay I said physically yes,mentally I didn't know.

It took me 10 weeks of hard work to get him happy about jumping and enjoying it again after i stomped on his toe, and becasue of this dog he may have gone backwards again!!!!!! Once I rested him and make sure he was okay and not sore I got him out and his bad cuz toy (which is the supreme reward) and did a couple of low rounds and he was happy by the end!

I didn't say much becasue I was that mad I was holding in the swear words and abuse. I wish I had of said more but I didn't trust myself not to go completely off. He is a soft boy at the best of times so something like this could really knock his confidence.

Will be rining to make a appointment with our Bowen lady as soon as I think.

It is so bloody frustrating. The dog is unreliable anyway so why she had her off lead and when she wasn't in class working I don't know. He was a bit sore in one back leg but scared more than anything becasue neither of us saw it coming.

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Be very careful of Tiger snakes...they can be aggressive if they feel threatened and are extremely venomous right now even baby snakes are very dangerous early in the season.

Yep and it doesn't take much for them to feel threatened.

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Poor Lewis OSS - hope he hasn't to many negative lasting consequences had a moment like that myself this week but not at dog training where you expect people to know better :mad.

I am hoping because I have build up the mega reward and have figured out from last time how to get him past it that this will not affect him as much. Also his last little practice run was nmega rewarded and quite happy although it was the same drill he got hit on and he was a bit slower on one bit of it, but finished well.

I have had dogs get in his face a bit before and you just shoo them off and keep going, he doesn't care about that, I think it was the shock and the impact that really rattled him, he didn't know where to turn when he got up.

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Poor Lewis i hope he is ok... Mason was a terror as a young pup running into other dogs but i never let him off around other people training only around dogs he could play with, dont think Gibbs will be the same he is not as confident of other dogs as Mason was.

The community service announcement is also on WIN TV Oso :)

Think i figured out how to fit both dogs and my pony crate in the car, hubby is removing my back seat next week :)

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Today was good! Puppies all behaved like angels and coped very well with a day that would stress lots of dogs. It was a bit of hard luck though for me and ST, there were three babies for baby in group, JT, Zora and a Lab and it went to the Lab :laugh:

Zora made a new friend or two and one person could not believe her and Tika had only met that morning. :laugh:


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