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My fosters STUNK when we got them. The biscuits they were eating smelt like dog poo so no wonder they stunk too :vomit:

After a month on a raw diet they were smelling great and they looked so much better. Lucy now only has whiffy breath because her teeth aren't great.

I am always paranoid that the house smells like dog. An acquaintance came over the other week and commented that the house didn't smell like dog at all (with no prompting) so it was a relief :laugh:

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I couldn't imagine having a dog you have to wash every week :eek:

The Lappies get washed as little as possible. Basically when we have to which for the non-show dogs isn't often. Varda is due for a bath atm though. Actually the Kelpies are the same ;)

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I don't know any Aussies who get washed every week LOL.

Grooming wise they aren't that hard either except for the show ring. And even for the show ring it is just trim feet, neaten ears and chalk white bits. Don't you have to trim tails or something in Labs? Get a Kelpie - absolutely no trimming then :rofl:

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The most grooming I do with the Labs is trim nails and the hair on the end of their tail. Well, that mostly just applies to Ruby. Millie won't let me near her with the scissors or clippers! (or the Dremel, grr!) They get the occasional bath and brush. I really should brush more. I'm such a lazy owner laugh.gif

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oh RS don't take offense, maybe these dogs had just not been washed in a looong time :-) . i think it is pretty standard for double coated dogs though.

My friend's mini schnauzer has a dog smell to me, but to her she doesn't. Maybe Rosie reeks to everyone else but to me my brain has blocked out that signal as too routine LOL

Rosie fits in my laundry sink and i use one of those rubber hose attachments with a spray head. She is good to wash because she gets a ball throw to warm her up/dry her off afterwards. She tried to get in by herself on the weekend when OH was wanting to bath her LOL. She actually doesn't like the bath though, which is great if she tried to attack/catch the water droplets like she does with all other water it would be a nightmare!

Amypie - the only two dogs that have similar coats to Trixie's is my SIL mini dachshund - so smooth, so short and no smell :-) . Oh, wait i once met a min pin (i think it was..) and that dog was amazingly short coated.

Rosie does get whiffy if she has been licking herself when the spring itches get too much.

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i think it is pretty standard for double coated dogs though.

No it isn't :D Both Lappies and Kelpies have double coats and I haven't known a smelly one of either unless they are allowed to roll in something gross :o:rofl:

I dont think mine smell too bad either.... Mason gets a stinky smell to him though around once a year, cant be explained he has had tests and all sorts, it smells like bad feet ( and his anal glands have been checked its not that either).

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I don't bathe the rottis often at all. If I am showing regularly I will bathe before a show if really need it or I hot towel them.

I have the two btiches in side due to being in season and they are getting egg and sardines in their meals every day and htey don't smell to me.

I had visitors today and they never mentioned any smell (maybe being polite) though one did want to steal kelari lol

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ok.. well then... perhaps i have only met pet dogs with bad diets and never washed dogs.... i will just get back in my box now.. (amy you get me? right? LOL)

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Well those annoying, bouncy, untrained, hyperactive, horrid to live with, in your face, yappy terriers have to have SOMETHING going for them.....

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