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Maybe Millie needs a handsome young yellow lab to come and live with her :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think she does, too ;) Don't worry about delivery, I'll come and pick up!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You would bring him back soon enough, I had to start using my high clothesline around the side as he is a thief if I use my short airer!! :eek:

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Hey Mas - I had very similar issues with James when he was small... it was beyond a joke as he was going every 15-20 minutes.

i set the oven timer for every 10 minutes and took him out like clockwork... stayed out there while he went and then when he went he got a treat and loads of praise. he was trained within that week after I started that exercise when i was at home (he was outside with spartan when i wasn't home).

Lulu is still having the occasional accident inside too - its usually when she is outside with the other dogs, she gets distracted by playing and forgets she needs to go, so as soon as she is back inside she just goes. I think that i am going to have to go back to basics as per above and take her outside on her own.

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Congrats sounds like a good show!! :thumbsup: Im trying to work on Gibbs' show stand.....

Gibbs was in a community service announcement ad for Mcdonalds filmed this morning, it will air around 9 October on channel 9 for Guide Dogs. There will be 2 ads. Gibbs and his yellow brother lightening were camera hogs!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sounds like that was fun :D did you get any pics?

Won't be at training tonight regulars, dad has found out today one of his friends died suddenly and I feel bad leaving him home alone when mum is at work. (Especially since he had knee surgery last week).

I have to say this year has just been awful, my nonno, my dad's uncle, three of my dad's friends dad's and now my dad's friend (who was younger then dad with two small girls). Plus all the precious DOL dogs that have been lost.

Hope your dad is ok RV, sorry to hear :(

I must stop taking my purse out of my handbag. I keep leaving for work with my handbag with no purse in it! Now I have to eat weetbix for lunch embarrass.giffrown.gif

So I probably shouldn't tell you about the yummy duck pasta with homemade pesto that I'm currently enjoying for my lunch :p leftovers from last night :D

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Guest RosieFT

hey RS - i didn't see you tonight at training? but then i did scoot off pretty quick. I still need to get my book from you :-). I wasn't there last week, and next week there is no training. I am in no rush, just remembered that I had not yet got it :-)

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Ooops, sorry RFT! I am so buggered so didn't go and forgot I hadn't given you your book yet! Why is there no training next week? I was going to bring Pippa down next week, awww! :(

But just in case anyone thinks I totally slacked off, I did a bit of training when I got home in the backyard instead, swept my insanely hairy floor eek1.gif then crashed on the lounge with dinner and now I am battling to keep my eyelids open laugh.gif It's amazing how much an extra hour earlier in the morning to rise makes you tired come the evening! I don't know how I'm going to cope with work and study and dogs, I'm doing pretty bad at it now! embarrass.gif

If you're free on Saturday RFT, you could always pop down to Gosnells to watch the agility and I can bring your book then? :)

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It was funny because he ignored his usual girlfriends and made a bee line for your girls....he started with Ruby but clearly thought Millie was the one!

I think Millie has found herself a toy boy. There was some serious playing and flirting going on with bedazzled's Zac tonight rofl1.gif I love it when she finds a friend and plays nicely with them, as she's normally more into the humans or being a nigel with her toys over playing with other dogs (other than Ruby) :)

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It was funny because he ignored his usual girlfriends and made a bee line for your girls....he started with Ruby but clearly thought Millie was the one!

I think Millie has found herself a toy boy. There was some serious playing and flirting going on with bedazzled's Zac tonight rofl1.gif I love it when she finds a friend and plays nicely with them, as she's normally more into the humans or being a nigel with her toys over playing with other dogs (other than Ruby) :)

Typical of boys, always go after the blondes first! She thought he was a bit of alright at first until he was a bit too forward with her (she's a bit of a princess), so went for Millie who likes them rough rofl1.gif

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