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I have taken a break from study as I have no idea what I want to do and enjoy my job now. I keep doubting my choice (as would anyone raised in a household under the mentality - university is the most important thing) and will likely go back to part time study at some stage but I have NO idea what I want to do.

Plus this way I can start saving a mortgage and enjoy my free time guilt free :)

I think some of us who don't have a set goal for a career at school age need to experience "real life" to know what we want to do. There is no shame in not leaving school and getting a uni degree, especially if you have no idea what you want to do with that degree! Now that I've done a little bit of travel (not nearly enough!), worked full time for a bit, and out on my own with noone to answer to or mould me, I've "found myself" (as cliché as that sounds!) and now I know what I want to do. I have my dogs to thank for a lot of this, they gave me a hobby and direction in life! thumbsup1.gif And some people think they're "just dogs". Nope!!!

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Speech Pathology is a lot harder to get into at Curtin than OT. My aunt is in her final year of OT after initially wanting to do Speech. She got in under a Psych degree with the intention of swapping after 1st semester but even getting HDs she didn't get in! So she changed to OT and after a year or so of trying to get into Speech (while still getting all Ds and HDs) she gave up trying. She also decided that she prefered OT because it was more broad rather than only being able to get a job in Speech if you do that degree.

Vision impared people are scary... it is very very frightening to know the visual acuity and visual fields of some people who still drive :eek:

I'm so glad to hear that OT was easier to transfer into than Speech! Because it's OT that I ideally want :) And yep, if I get into anything, it is most likely going to be Psych as it takes the lowest ATAR score of the 3 and no prerequisites. And yes I like how broad OT is. As one of the staff said at the Open Day, one degree, so many career paths!!

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RV dont rush, i went to uni for 4 years straight out of school - parents choice and i did a BA in psych and communications but its a silly degree in that i cant use it unless u choose to become a psychologist which means further study and i never managed to go back and do honours and masters( little point in rsa as for masters they were only taking people with darker skins) looked into doing it here but its $12k a year at uni and i cant Heks it or go full time

There's a postgrad course I have my eye on but at $15k, not sure I will ever get there! (need to get my undergrad degree first so I'm a little ahead of myself :rofl:)

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Morning WA DOLers.

I thought I'd introduce my new(ish) arrival...introducing 'Kyte' my little Aussie. We are also hoping to do obedience and agility in the future. She is 6 1/2 months old although I've only had her since she was 5 months, unfortunately she didn't have the ideal start to life but seems to be settling in well. A very different dog to train than a Siberian Husky, that's for sure!

Tumbleweed, Kyte looks lovely! And yes, Aussies are MUCH easier to train than Sibes :rofl:

I forgot to comment on Kyte - so pretty!! Congrats on your new addition! I love Aussies :D

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Tumbleweed, Kyte looks lovely! And yes, Aussies are MUCH easier to train than Sibes :rofl:

Thanks for the compliments everyone. I think she is beautiful - but don't we all think our dogs are gorgeous!?

Mirawee - it has proved interesting training both. My Sibe, Zazu, is actually a much better problem solver when shaping (bred to think independently and solve problems I guess) and picks things up quicker, but is hard to keep focused on me unless I work really hard to make it fun or have food on me. Plus it is very hard to let her off lead...as (not surprisingly) she LOVES to run. Kyte is very focused on me, but definitely looks for more direction and isn't near as independent or confident (we are currently working on that). It is nice to have a dog you can let off at the park though! I'm truly amazed at how much their breed influences so many parts of their natural behaviour.

I do dog sledding with Zazu and plan to let Kyte have a go next winter, so it will also be interesting to see how a herding breed goes at pulling.

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Tumbleweed, I have to watch that with the Aussie girls I do agility with. They don't always independantly finish an obstacle if I pull off slightly early as they watch my body language too much! Part of it is a training issue but since I only see them once a week (or less atm :o ) it doesn't help :p

RS, I wanted to do a genetic councilling postgrad degree - but for the cost and needing to get over to Qld a couple of times a year to do prac I decided it was too hard :o

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Well done :thumbsup: How did you do the braiding on that - did you find instructions? I have been wanting to make one for a while now but haven't been able to figure out how.

Proud of myself! Made my first tug toy :D


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Great news!! After being here on a work sponsored temp visa we got our permanent visa today!!!! Happy happy days :thumbsup: thumbsup:

woohoo yay :thumbsup:

:laugh: :laugh: There goes our plans! lol

Does that mean you can buy a house now?

I thought that said buy a HORSE :o

Congrats, Candice!!

And yep, late morning Sunday works for me :)

I thought it said buy a horse too :rofl:

I am eager to find out about the show classes as i know diddly about showing. I had a look on the website but only saw the thurs night classes , let me go look again..

J and and I go on a Tuesday night before Agility (when Sarina is available and weather suitable) with Helana Fitzgerald, she is very good and gets the best out of most of the dogs and sometimes their owners.:) DId try the thursday one years ago when Jenna was small but did not feel I learn't much at it, where as in just a couple of weeks with Helana I feel I have learn't quiet abit. Admitidly I was a bit skeptical about going at first, but as J needed another handler I went and now am looking forward to Helena getting back from overseas so that we can continue. Classes were small too so more individual attention although that might change as the weather gets better. Classes are $12 and start at 7pm.

I am waiting for her to get back will look out for you at training :)

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Hey PF - My sister got my nieces ears pierced in Fremantle... i cant remember the name of it, but they do ears from 6 months of age. They were great with kids (there was a little girl having her ears done before my niece). They do all sorts of piercings too so it should be fine to get your one done as well.

I'll see if i can get the name of it... there are loads in Freo i am sure!!

Thanks ST - we decided that she could get them done when she was old enough to make the decision herself whether she wanted her ears pierced or not and out of the blue at breakfast this morning she asked if she could :D

I would really appreciate the name of the place your sister & niece went to, thanks!

I got my belly pierced at The Piercing Place in Freo. Besides it hurting like hell eek1.gif it went smoothly.

I remember getting my ears done at the chemist all those years ago, it was the place to go! laugh.gif

I went to malaga markets the lady there is lovely i am not sure if she does young kids though. I got my belly pierced its closed up since being pregnant and having to remove the bar due to irritation sigh :(

Ok question for those that horse ride i am thinking of getting my sister horse ridign lessons for Christmas and would like reccomendations of good places. I drove past brookleigh and that looks nice. I am in midland if that helps with location :D

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Morning WA DOLers.

I thought I'd introduce my new(ish) arrival...introducing 'Kyte' my little Aussie.

Congratulations, Kyte is gorgeous, hope you have lots of fun with her :D

Proud of myself! Made my first tug toy :D

I'm impressed :thumbsup:

Will put puppy photos up later :)

:happydance::happydance2::happydance: Have a great first day with your new fluff ball :D

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Will put puppy photos up later :)

Woohoo!!!!!!!!!! :D

thanks! I'll give it a go.

No worries :) Good luck! I'm addicted now, decided I'm going to try making a bunch of different things. Went and bought a bunch of paracord from ebay to have a go at making a slip lead for retrieving, and when I find some cheap polar fleece in nice colours I will make more tug toys and maybe a lead, too :)

I went to malaga markets the lady there is lovely i am not sure if she does young kids though. I got my belly pierced its closed up since being pregnant and having to remove the bar due to irritation sigh :(

If mine closed up I'm not sure I would get mine done again, it hurt too much! :o I got it done in 2003 I think so it's doing well so far laugh.gif I rarely take it out to clean it properly as I hate getting it back in, and when it's out my belly looks too naked and weird!! laugh.gif

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