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I agree that the bottom oval needs more attention... however the top oval has also always flooded - just not as badly. I do think that the prickles and weeks are unacceptable though.

I think show entries are usually around $12 per dog - babies usually are a little less usually $5-7

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Hmm, isn't ANKC a purebred organization?

Personally I think it is nearly time for dog sports to have their own governing body. It isn't as if many agility/obedience people put their hands up to go on the higher level committees at DogsWest so that they can have more of a say.

I do believe that the bottom oval needs to be fixed and the promised toilet block built though lol

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precisely mirawee. At the end of the day, CAWA started out as an organisation for promoting and showing purebred dogs. We have clubs that are part of DogsWest that are older than dogswest - all purebred dog clubs. I do not necessarily think that the stance on "keeping it pure" is right, but that is it's roots.

if we are going to be the primary "canine authority" a lot more work needs to be done to make it so that all dogs are promoted, but we are not big enough nor do we have the right expertise to make this happen, especially with a them and us mentality.

and just to add - we are bloody LUCKY to have such a fantastic ground for shows, agility and obedience. I have heard more than one interstate exhibitor say that the WA grounds are the best to show at. I also remember when that bottom oval was nothing at all. how lucky are we that we can run shows and agility in the same place?

Edited by SparkyTansy
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Yeah that was the other thing - the toilet block.

I agree Mirawee... it does seem weird that a purebreed dog association oversees dog sports when you think about it? It was raised last night that there aren't enough agility representatives on the Dogswest committees, if it's all 'show people' (lol) then they are not going to be pushhing for improvements to the bottom oval or a toilet block because it doesn't affect them, let's be realistic.

I'm not sure what the no desexing thing was about, as RV said you don't have to register your dog (ETA: referring to assocuates)until they are ready to compete, which is minumum 18 months, which should be okay for growth reasons. Sporting register dogs are allowed to be entire so I'm not sure what that was even about :confused:

Edited by amypie
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Some people mentioned to me awhile back about the associate desexing issue and there was a rumour going around ( not sure how true) but apparently they were pushing for not allowing non purebreed dogs ( ie no papers) to compete in ANY dog sports. Like i say only a handful of people were talking about this so no idea if there is any truth to it or not.

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Back from walking the dogs. ;)

I agree the bottom oval is a disgrace and there needs to be a toilet block there. I don't think blaming dog show people is the solution as it is actually the Dogs West committee which any full member can join whose fault it is.

The bottom oval at K9 however is good compared to many other grounds... having visited Dogs SA I would say our bottom oval (bar the flooding) is just as nice as their main area.

I would love to see the sports people try to get the showing people onside, joining sports ect instead of always blaming them, jokes are fine but it sometimes gets a bit bitchy towards the showing community. I have NEVER heard a showing person bitch about the dog sports people ever but I have lost count of the number of times I have heard the problems of the Dogs West Committee blamed on people who show their dogs, not on the committee itself.

Also Mas there is no way they would stop associates competing it would be awful publicity and loss of revenue. Plus imagine the fuss it would cause!

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:rofl: yes but we don't trial obedience or agility at our main canine grounds RV.

Yes so how sad does that make it :( Our show oval is like a golf green. :laugh:

Do you have to go all around for agility and obedience then Ness? That sucks... It's comforting trialling in the same place almost every time.

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Oh and I ordered my pup a metal crate this am :) I was going to borrow off RS but I may need it for ages and my green one my cats destroyed and I only have the mothership crate ATM which we would all sit in to watch TV if it was in my lounge lol


I'm sorry I asked about the AGM now.... :bolt:

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I wouldn't ask about the CAWA AGM... it looks like that is going to be very interesting ;)

I know, I've got my pitchfork and torch ready to fight those show people!! :rofl: (PS quite obviously a joke :laugh: )

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I wouldn't ask about the CAWA AGM... it looks like that is going to be very interesting ;)

I know, I've got my pitchfork and torch ready to fight those show people!! :rofl: (PS quite obviously a joke :laugh: )

:laugh: ( I know your joking! Me too.) It's lucky your non show dogs pass for purebreds so you can raise your pitchfork to cast your vote ;)

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that is interesting... not sure why they'd revert back to that rule with no associate dogs.

The American Kennel Club changed its rules last year (or the year before) to finally allow mixed breeds to compete... so I am not sure why ANKC would revert back to that when so much of what we do is influenced by the UK KC and the AKC.

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:laugh: ( I know your joking! Me too.) It's lucky your non show dogs pass for purebreds so you can raise your pitchfork to cast your vote ;)

Good point :laugh: I'm going to vote to swap ovals!! :rofl:

On second thought, no, I don't like the magpies that loiter up there :rofl:

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that is interesting... not sure why they'd revert back to that rule with no associate dogs.

The American Kennel Club changed its rules last year (or the year before) to finally allow mixed breeds to compete... so I am not sure why ANKC would revert back to that when so much of what we do is influenced by the UK KC and the AKC.

exactly - and until they change the WA rule to papers being given out with the puppies registered, some people just aren't going to have the papers to prove their purebred dog is papered, and have to resort to the associate...same for rescues that are most definitely pure but don't have papers to go with them. HOpefully the new microchipping rule can change that also.

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:laugh: ( I know your joking! Me too.) It's lucky your non show dogs pass for purebreds so you can raise your pitchfork to cast your vote ;)

Good point :laugh: I'm going to vote to swap ovals!! :rofl:

On second thought, no, I don't like the magpies that loiter up there :rofl:

In all honesty the states last year that was on the top oval was awful! It seemed so cramped and it wasn't very roomy. Nationals on the bottom oval was awesome though!

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