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It'll be warming up in the next month or so, and staying lighter later. I say we start Septemberish

By the time the ET is on again we will have reverted back to being lazy :laugh:

Edited by amypie
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Guest RosieFT

it won't be too cold.. it will be ' but it is sooooooooooooo hot!"


I think my terrier is broken, doesn't yap and doesn't dig... NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING ROSIE.. ugh.. did i just jinx myself?

the only thing she has broken in the 3 plus years we have had her is she cracked my watch face carrying it outside.. and she does love my kids fluffy toys if she can get them.. but doesn't destroy them.. i just find them out on the lawn, or somewhere in the house where they could not have got to by themselves... not damaged though..

soooooooooooo puppies are fine thanks.. :-)

oh, wait.. she HAS put holes in two hoses.... :D

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It'll be warming up in the next month or so, and staying lighter later. I say we start Septemberish

By the time the ET is on again we will have reverted back to being lazy :laugh:

But we could at least get a few months training in before summer hits and we do as RosieFT says "it's too hot!"

But I find it easier to exercise in summer than in winter. I joined the gym a few years ago when they had a half price special on NYE (something like $325 for the year, full access including classes). Went with a girl from work until around April when our times a week slowed right down, then by winter it was too cold to go laugh.gif

In summer, you can exercise around 7.30 and its not as hot and is still light. Just wish we had daylight savings, I used to like walking at 8pm!!

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For those of you who know Janice from agility, she has her staffy Tara pts today.

Another great dog crosses the rainbow bridge.......

Thats bad news ptolomy, im sorry about your girl as well.

My boy turns 5 today, HB monte, he is starting to look a bit hagged, but he is still my special boy.

I would love to meet RV's Brittany, I like the look of them :)

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Congrats everyone for all your new pups coming home :)

Ruby says "no more pups, please mum!"

She tolerates Pippa as much as she can, but Pippa just doesn't get the message and Ruby gets cranky! Just earlier, Pippa was jumping all over poor Ruby who was laying down and jumping at her face, Ruby just lay there. After a minute, she got up to get away from puppy and lay down in the corner of the room. Pippa bounds over to her so Ruby grumbles at her. Pippa jumps at her face again and Ruby lets out this disgusted roar and jumps up. Pippa just doesn't care and doesn't get the message! Poor Ruby. Millie tolerates Pippa quite well, I think she's a bit scared of puppy actually laugh.gif She warning barks at her on occasion, but more often lets Pippa hang off her tail, or steal her toy (and for Millie to let another take her toy, that is huge!)

Even though Ruby is getting frustrated with puppy annoyingness, she has started playing with her, bouncing around and even playing tug with her!

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Joelle, no pictures from you either? :D

Poor girls Rubystar :laugh:

At this stage if everything goes to plan we will be getting a Lappy puppy in March and a Kelpie puppy 2 months later! How come everything has to happen at the same time? Course we could still end up with neither :rofl:

Edited by mirawee
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I don't think she is overly concerned about coat... to be honest. She hasn't really said she doesn't want a heavy shedder.

I've suggested a kelpie to her with the idea that the RIGHT one coudl suit her. Will see what she says!

A xolo!!!!!!!!

I have some coateds orderd for agility ladies in the east!

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Very cute Joelle.

We are seeing the pups this arvo :) massively excited - been seeing pics these last 2 weeks and boy are they cute as!!

RS i think Mason will also get annoyed with pup at times, he gets annoyed with the chi x that stays here when he wants to rest and the pup doesnt but he just pretends to sleep even when Albie jumps on his head etc and eventually Albie gives up. At least your girls get to go home for a break :)

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