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Western Australian Thread


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RS - thanks for the invite, but unfortunatly I won't be able to make it - sounds like you'll have a great night though :D

The litter i may get a pup from may be born this weekend :)

Oooooo very exciting :D


Introducing "Lulu" Belbracon Seeker Lover Keeper

She will be staying with me for a bit to see how she turns out. She's got an amazing temperament and is very sweet, cheeky and very very birdy.

Awwwww they are just gorgeous, and look at her point :thumbsup:

RV - How's little miss Zora doing after her second night :)

My little Indy was back at the vets last night :( She had another blood test last week to re-check her thyroid and liver enzyme levels. Thyroid back down but continuing raised levels in the liver, so they are thinking some form of hepatitis. She is doing ok in herself, but we need to start treatment for the liver problems as the raised levels aren't dropping and it's been a few months now.

She was put on AB's and an antioxidant and as a result hasn't eaten since sunday morning. So she is now of the medication, so we can see if her appitite returns and she had an anti-nausea jab last night. She still hasn't eaten anything over night, so I hope she's had something by the time I get home as cats not eating is not a good thing.....they can go downhill so fast :(

She seems a bit 'tucked up' but pretty bright in herself so hopefully once the medication is out of her system she'll start eating again, then we'll let her settle for a few day and re-introduce the drugs once at a time and see how she goes.

Sorry long ramble and it's not even about a dog, but she means the world to us :heart:

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CC get some hills ID cat tins from the vet, my cat when she was ill would only eat that and its full of nutrients so they only need a little to get nourishment. And it was the only thing she ate in the end - fussy thing!!

Mason is off to the vets this am - needs antibiotics for hotspots which are out of control

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CC - when Scoota had liver failure he went right off his food. We tried all sorts of things to get him to eat, made chicken broth, tried all sorts of fish, tinned food, bickies, yoghurt and in the end all he would eat was chicken necks - so thats what he got for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It took weeks for him to start eating different foods again, and 4 months down the track he is still on a low protein diet.

I really feel for you. As an owner its so frustrating and I remember getting excited if he ate a spoonful of something new, which the next meal he would turn his nose up at.


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CC get some hills ID cat tins from the vet, my cat when she was ill would only eat that and its full of nutrients so they only need a little to get nourishment. And it was the only thing she ate in the end - fussy thing!!

Mason is off to the vets this am - needs antibiotics for hotspots which are out of control

Thanks for that, I'll pick some up and see if she is tempted. She isn't usually a fan of mushy tinned food, but I'll give anything a try.

Hope Mason is ok, poor boy :(

CC - when Scoota had liver failure he went right off his food. We tried all sorts of things to get him to eat, made chicken broth, tried all sorts of fish, tinned food, bickies, yoghurt and in the end all he would eat was chicken necks - so thats what he got for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It took weeks for him to start eating different foods again, and 4 months down the track he is still on a low protein diet.

I really feel for you. As an owner its so frustrating and I remember getting excited if he ate a spoonful of something new, which the next meal he would turn his nose up at.


Thanks Ptolomy, was Scoota on Denosyl at any point? She has been offered roast chicken which she normally wolfs down but is now sniffing and walking away - I'll get her some fish on the way home as she normally goes nuts when she smells that cooking.....if she won't touch fish we will know we're in trouble :(

Thanks for all your well wishes guys :) keep everything crossed for my little girl.

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No Scoota was never on Denosyl. He lost 1kg in 1 1/2 weeks - which raised alarm bells made worse by the fact that we couldn't get him to eat anything.

Funny the vet gave me Hills low protein food and said mix it with vegemite and he wouldn't go near it.

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I am sure WX won't mind me posting this here :) This is her guys first attempt at Brace at the show on teh weekend :)

Awww they are gorgeous, what a stunning brace :D

I've just realised that a year ago today we were putting Little Indy, Loius and Daisy on a flight to Perth via Singapore :eek:

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Time flies doesnt it CC ??

Scarily so :laugh:

Big Woo Hoo here :D After 2 days of not eating, it looks like Indy has her appetite back :thumbsup: She has eaten a small bit of kibble and some of her chicken during the day, and is meowing her head of as I'm cookng her some fish and she is getting impatient :happydance:

I wouldn't worry so much with the dogs if it was just a couple of days, but I know from past experience just how quickly cats go downhill if they are unwell and don't eat.....

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Glad to hear Indy is better :thumbsup:

Nice to see Lulu and JT in the thread ST :D Lulu and Zora are going to be such great buddies :thumbsup: Not next weekend but the one after they are going to watch thier first field trial. :) Plus they are going to puppy classes togther and will have lots of play dates.

Speaking of play dates if anyone has puppy friendly or indifferent dogs, or just wants puppy cuddles I am trying to organise lots of play dates for Zora.

Zora is being very good, the amount of accidents she has had inside I can count on one hand. She loves her big brother Toby who is acting like a mumma dog and nicely letting her know when she is pushing the boundaries. :) He also is a big sook and rolls on his belly and lets her jump on him and plays so gently with her.

Today I left my mobile at home and came home from work in my lunch break to grab it, in the morning I put two chicken frames and some necks in the sink to defrost. Mum hadn't seen the necks and I came home to find Zora munching on a whole frame which mum informs me she almost finished! :eek:

I did a training session this morning for breakfast and she was frantically mugging me for food. She also loves playing tug too ;) She does have a baby pup attention span though. Tomorrow is my day off before my night shifts so I will be sure to get some puppy pics.

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Plus they are going to puppy classes togther and will have lots of play dates.

Speaking of play dates if anyone has puppy friendly or indifferent dogs, or just wants puppy cuddles I am trying to organise lots of play dates for Zora.

What classes are you doing and where? Shame mum's MS isn't here yet. Mum is joining SR obedience classes when pup has had it's shots. She comes home August 5th. So once she has had her shots I could meet up with you and ST for a puppy play date :) Ruby loves puppies but I fear she might knock Zora over. She loves playing with that cute little Pap pup ;) and she tried playing with a coolie pup on Sunday :laugh: She is so cute, she lays on her belly to play with the littlies. Anyway, you're welcome to use Ruby for socialisation but understand if you think she's not suitable, being a Lab and all ;)

Regardless, I want puppy cuddles!!!

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