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Western Australian Thread


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Hey Tiggy we saw Bear's GGfather on the weekend and I think I was to give you a message - something about you being welcome to have his dad...... :eek: I think he had been a biot of a naughty boy ;)

:laugh: So I heard. Tonka can come live with me any day naughty and all. :D

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I can deal with that ST... or at least only raining at night when I am tucked up in bed on those days :thumbsup:

Am wondering if training will be on tonight? The rain was meant to stop around 2pm but it isn't showing any signs of lightening up!

The rain seems to have cleared in the city... not sure what it's like south!

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Guest RosieFT

Are you coming Ms Pie???

ACWA email says it is on, the position of training will have to shift a bit to get to the dry parts...

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So very quiet in here :)

I'm wondering if anyone else worries about their dogs as much as I do when they're at work? I really hate leaving them home by themselves. I worry because of the neighbourhood, I worry because I live in a corner block, I now worry that Ruby is going to get stung by a bee and have a severe reaction, argh, the list goes on! I drop them at mum and dad's sometimes (especially when the weather is going to be horrible) but on the days they are home by themselves, I just go crazy with worry :(embarrass.gif Left home today just after 7am and won't be home til just after 5pm. At least they have each other, and seem to have fun digging laugh.gif

Edited by RubyStar
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Yeah Rubystar i worry heaps about Mason!! R there lots of bees near your place? Maybe speak to vet about giving her antihistamines daily, that way if u at work and she is stung it wont be as severe a reaction. You could also think about putting her on the desensitization injections as once she has been on them awhile her reaction would decrease dramatically.

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Yeah Rubystar i worry heaps about Mason!! R there lots of bees near your place? Maybe speak to vet about giving her antihistamines daily, that way if u at work and she is stung it wont be as severe a reaction. You could also think about putting her on the desensitization injections as once she has been on them awhile her reaction would decrease dramatically.

There aren't near as many bees as there were when I had that tree in the backyard, but they and especially wasps hang out in numbers near the aircon drain pipe in summer in the backyard. And I often find bees and wasps drowned in the dog water bowl as they were obviously "dying" for a drink!!

With both reactions, I haven't actually seen a bee, it's just the closest guess the vets can come up with.

What would happen with desensitization injections, would she blow up on them? laugh.gif

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I'm wondering if anyone else worries about their dogs as much as I do when they're at work?

Not too much as after spending a few months with them at home, I know all they do is lie on the sofa all day and snore :laugh:

Mine are indoors though, so I only worry about bladder control, luckily they both seem to have cast iron bladders and there are rarely any accidents :) Yesterday Daisy would not pee in the morning, so by the time I got home from work she hadn't peed for nearly 18hrs :eek: She still took her own sweet time over it when I got home and let them out :laugh:

I must look into getting a dog walker to come round and let them out at lunchtime :o

Welcome back AmyPie :D

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Hi All - hope you are all well... I have been absent for a bit and have a few pages to catch up on.

I was in Singapore last weekend for their dog show. I got to handle a lovely Afghan - I took Best of Breed and Best in Group under a Croatian judge and Reserve of Breed under a Japanese Judge. I also handled a sweet orange roan cocker spaniel to Baby Puppy in Show 4th!

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RS they will work out a dose so that she wont blow up, it will be a 1ml injection every 3 weeks, mason has the insect serum in his vaccine as his blood tests came back positive for insect reactions. If my pet insurance will pay for the immunotherapy i am sure yours will too. May be worth having a consult with the derm they the only ones that do the immunotherapy i think, just get your vet to refer you.

You could even phone dermatology, speak to the nurses and explain what happens, they will be able to tell you if Ruby would be able to do the injections.

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Just a question so I can be sure i am not spouting BS.

Are there any laws to debarking in WA? everything i found said there are no specific laws though RSPCA do frown on it

Emery you can have it done as a last resort (as to euth) just get GH or a vet to say it is needed and you have tried all other alternatives etc. I think GH still does it.


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Great to hear your back Amy and that you had a good time! Poor budd is back in surgery today almost exactly a year since last time. Maiz some how cleared the fence into his part of the yard and i came home to find him in his kennel growling crying and bleeding. Really don't know what to do and I'm stressing majorly that annoying little dog is my life

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Poor buddy I am so sorry to hear that rach... I hope that Buddy recovers quickly. I know how stressful it can be :(

RnH how exciting your trip to singapore! I adore orange roan cockers!!

RS i don't stress so much about my dogs so much now that they are inside... my biggest fear, always, was baiting or theft...i am less worried now that they are inside all the time. The only time it gets hard is when Ari is about to come into season and for some reason loses the control of her bladder!! I had an empty block behind me when my dogs used to be outside which always worried me.

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