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  On 16/06/2011 at 9:51 PM, Mason2009 said:

But lets not forget we all just do what we think is right for our dogs and I dont judge people who vaccinate yearly etc its just that its not what I believe in doing

Exactly, we all have our own opinions and all our dogs do have their own requirements. I am not judging either (as I sit in both camps if that is possible!), it just seemed the second I said I chose to revaccinate I kinda felt I was being judged myself :o Very had to judge the written word, isn't it!! :laugh:

  On 17/06/2011 at 1:03 AM, bedazzledx2 said:

Trying to find the article...can't remember where I read it but there was a scientific discussion postulating the maternal antibodies could still be active and counter vaccinations in 12 week old puppies which means that without a titre you wouldn't know if your pup was adequately covered, hence the need for the 16 month vaccination. Its a bit of a mine field :confused:


  On 17/06/2011 at 2:44 AM, SparkyTansy said:

Not sure what to believe exactly but I'll be recommending the 12 month booster and then 3 yearly after that to my puppy buyers.

That's what I will do for future puppies. Titre testing has its place, but my personal preference now after seeing how devastated Millie was, was just to do the 3 yearly booster and be done with it. Yearly is most certainly overkill. And by mid to late age in my dogs, I probably won't bother vaccinating again.

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For those that don't have me on Facebook =) I start my new job a the RSPCA on sunday with the dogs. It's been a long time getting to it and I've been through a bit but I am very happy to finally get there. I will also be going back to study next month to become a qualified dog trainer =)

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Awesome, Rach!! Well done :D thumbsup1.gif So where are you studying to become a qualified dog trainer? Proud of you :D

What I'd give to land my dream job *sigh* Really not sure what I need to do to get there but I'm trying!

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If my titre had come back at low levels I would revacvinate too and for my cat I have to vaccinate her 3 yearly as she would never sit still long enough for them to take blood and neither would one of my ridgies. I vaccinated the ridgies every 3 years in RSA.

Is the 3 yearly vac a C3??

ETA i am not sure yet what I am going to do if I get a pup, i know my vet will say pup vacs, 16 month vac and then 3 yearly but I may titre- not sure

Edited by Mason2009
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Whew....Just read though about 10 pages of stuff!!!! Havent been on here for quite a while ( Got a bit DOL'd out :( )........I know its a bit old, but just had to comment on this....

  On 14/06/2011 at 10:26 AM, RubyStar said:
  On 14/06/2011 at 9:11 AM, showdog said:

Mind you the black Minis aren't as easy as the Salt/Peppers ,way more stubborn,destructive & can be barkers

eek1.gif Not sure if I should let my parents know that part :rofl:

I find it hard to believe coat colour makes a difference though, why is that so? Is it fact or just one of those well known rumours like when people say choc labs are crazier than the other colours? I think it's absolute nonsense in regards to the Labs as it's just a coat colour.... but maybe they are right, Millie is a loon!!! :rofl:

Brown nosed Ridgies definitely differ in temp to the black nosed ones....They have more of a ratbaggy nature.

And arent black pugs and tri basenjis supposed to be a little more wicked!!!! :D Typical, both colours Id have if I had either a pug or senji!

Zola had a bowen session today :eek: Poor girl, she hates going to the vet to begin with and having to be put up on the table on her side was almost more than she could handle :( :(

But with a few strategically placed acupuncture needles and some bach flower drops she ended up doing quite well :) Only to return home and get a bloody beesting :eek: Poor girl!! Shes curled up asleep now though, darling pathetic BRD :rofl:

So...........who will be at the Winter Fest on the Friday night & Saturday??? Thought I might head up and say hi!!

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  On 17/06/2011 at 12:54 PM, Lab_Rat said:

Whew....Just read though about 10 pages of stuff!!!! Havent been on here for quite a while ( Got a bit DOL'd out :( )........I know its a bit old, but just had to comment on this....

  On 14/06/2011 at 10:26 AM, RubyStar said:
  On 14/06/2011 at 9:11 AM, showdog said:

Mind you the black Minis aren't as easy as the Salt/Peppers ,way more stubborn,destructive & can be barkers

eek1.gif Not sure if I should let my parents know that part :rofl:

I find it hard to believe coat colour makes a difference though, why is that so? Is it fact or just one of those well known rumours like when people say choc labs are crazier than the other colours? I think it's absolute nonsense in regards to the Labs as it's just a coat colour.... but maybe they are right, Millie is a loon!!! :rofl:

Brown nosed Ridgies definitely differ in temp to the black nosed ones....They have more of a ratbaggy nature.

And arent black pugs and tri basenjis supposed to be a little more wicked!!!! :D Typical, both colours Id have if I had either a pug or senji!

Zola had a bowen session today :eek: Poor girl, she hates going to the vet to begin with and having to be put up on the table on her side was almost more than she could handle :( :(

But with a few strategically placed acupuncture needles and some bach flower drops she ended up doing quite well :) Only to return home and get a bloody beesting :eek: Poor girl!! Shes curled up asleep now though, darling pathetic BRD :rofl:

So...........who will be at the Winter Fest on the Friday night & Saturday??? Thought I might head up and say hi!!

I was going to be but being 38 weeks pregnant hubby wouldn't let me enter :( i will be there handliong baby rottis though D:

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  On 17/06/2011 at 12:54 PM, Lab_Rat said:

Zola had a bowen session today :eek: Poor girl, she hates going to the vet to begin with and having to be put up on the table on her side was almost more than she could handle :( :(

But with a few strategically placed acupuncture needles and some bach flower drops she ended up doing quite well :) Only to return home and get a bloody beesting :eek: Poor girl!! Shes curled up asleep now though, darling pathetic BRD :rofl:

Poor Zola! Similar thing happened to Ruby, home from the vet after vaccs as a puppy and we get out of the car, she sticks her head in a bush next to the driveway, gets stung by a bee! Blows up like a balloon, and we're straight back to the vet :laugh: Reminds me that I really need to buy some antihistamines to keep in my car in case it happens again!

Off topic and I will probably kick myself when you tell me, but what does BRD stand for? :o

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There is only one place you can get your accreditation as a dog trainer in perth and it is through challenger tafe, you have to be working in the industry to be able to do the course. I am really looking forward to it and I am lucky in the fact I already have 2 dogs and have my heart set on a Xolo so will stop me bringing any dogs home. I've been told by a few people not to burn out cos I can't save them all but its gonna be hard no matter what I think

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BRD = big red dog :) Poor Zola :(

I will be at the Winter Festival on Saturday (and Sunday). No Fri night for us :D

Well done Rach. I know a few people who did the TAFE course and they were Club Instructors but from stories I heard other people seemed to be very in experienced!

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I'm glad I'm finally getting where I want to be. I think with most things mirawee there is people who do it and are clueless but all the people I have met who have done the course are very capable. My lecturer has been the biggest encouragement in all this and wazzatxolo as well. I didn't think I was gonna get where I wanted to be and get stuck in a job I hate but it's all working out now. My main thing I need to work on with training is telling people what to do I'm pretty bad at it and tend to just let things go.

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Hi all,

A beautiful female golden retriever is in city of stirling pound. She came into my work a couple weeks ago and she was sent there can't believe no one has claimed her!

We had done as our protocol states and contact surrounded clinics and councils and there has been nothing. So she has done the holding period at the pound and is now up for adoption.

She is around 1-2yrs old, no tattoo so prob unsterilized, in great condition, very hyper! but sweet natured.

Hate to see her stay any longer :(

Any ideas?


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Congratulations Rach, hope you really enjoy your new job :thumbsup: It's something I would love to have done :)

That's a shame OhMarley, I sure she won't be there for long though once she's up for adoption :)

My lot have given up walking....they see no need for it in this weather and think burrowing under a duvet is more than enough exercise thank you very much! :rolleyes: :laugh:

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  On 18/06/2011 at 5:21 AM, Rach... said:

I'm glad I'm finally getting where I want to be. I think with most things mirawee there is people who do it and are clueless but all the people I have met who have done the course are very capable. My lecturer has been the biggest encouragement in all this and wazzatxolo as well. I didn't think I was gonna get where I wanted to be and get stuck in a job I hate but it's all working out now. My main thing I need to work on with training is telling people what to do I'm pretty bad at it and tend to just let things go.

Honey Gross- Richardson also runs a trainers course Rach, she would probabaly have more experience than those at TAFE, she has been a trainer for at least 36yrs+ and very involved in the dog world. Would know more about what makes a dog tick and behavioural problems and their causes etc than the TAFE people.

Good on you for following you dreams.:thumbsup:

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Does anyone know of a nice place to have a meal in the Swan Valley that allows dogs?

We went to a place a few weeks ago but the food wasn't anything to write home about so looking for something nicer. It was lovely being out with the dogs so hoping we can do it more often :)

Any recommendations?

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