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I'd say it depends on whether parvo is rife in your area at the time or not. If it were, I'd be extremely careful - footbaths/handwashing/clothes etc. But if not, then I'm more prepared to take risks. Rory came over to me on the plane at 10 weeks from Perth, and then 2 weeks later - so just after his second shot, we went to Melbourne for a coule of weeks. I did leave him in the crate in the car, rather than putting him in the ship's kennels, but I had to take some risks with walking him outside - I was careful to try to avoid areas where there were likely to be dog faeces etc. Touch wood, 5 dogs in, all has been well - but that said - none of them have been pups in a time when there was a parvo ouitbreak.

You could also investigate using Nobivac, which is supposed to be able to be given earlier since it's supposed to override maternal antibodies.

IMHO it's more important to get the pups out and about, unless there's a huge known risk.

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Mason I went through this when I got Zac. It was summer and Parvo was rife with whole litters being lost so I stayed away from K9 for a few weeks and didn't go near a vet. I got his injections done out of area and the first lot was done at a horse vet as I thought the risk of having lots of dogs through was minimal.

Ordinarily I would have had him out and about to socialize but I had to weigh up the risks and compromised by taking him in my arms to lots of places like shopping centres and had play dates with other vaccinated dogs and puppies. He is also by nature fairly bullet proof so I wasn't too worried. Different if you have a shy pup so that is something to be aware of.

I talked to a few vets in different areas to find out the incidence of Parvo and decided I was able to walk Brookie in my suburb as they hadn't had any cases from here.

Its a real risk but you have to weigh up the pros and cons and make as informed a decision as you can.

I wanted to ask something.... If you get a pup u keep it at home until at least 14 days after 2nd injections .... But now i have heard that parvo can be brought home on your shoes, i will have to walk mason when i get a pup so what do i do?? Is it a huge risk to keep walking the existing dog? Surely he can bring parvo home to pup as well.

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The problem is that last time there was an outbreak in summer there was apparently a lot of it in my area. If the bitch is preg pup will only come home mid sept ( if there is one that suits) so hopefully parvo will be less prevalant then. Is it seasonal?? I know very little about it as we did not get heaps of it in africa.

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I'll be interested in your set up RS. I was going to do that sort of stuff but it all got a bit complicated and with 3 dogs now it just wouldn't work. What I did for Geraldton which was the first trip away with all the dogs plus our gear was to have Zac in the crate in the back, Jasper in the space next to the crate and Brookie on a bed on the folded part of the split fold rear seat. All our gear went in the foot well and on the other part of the back seat. I was worried it wouldn't work but we managed. I'll probably bring the trailer for Albany though.

Mason is allergic to wheat so no he does not have his own ;)

The wheat doesn't touch him :p It's covered by 2 layers. Would that still affect him? Just curious!

For some good news (well for me :o) I spoke to Steve tonight and he's going to build me a 2 door barrier system thingy with a divider for the boot of my car, all removable, this Friday woohooooo thumbsup1.gif So now I can get poor Ruby in and out of the car without b!tch features muzzling her way through instead laugh.gif I did ask about the false floor for extra storage and he said he could do it, but upon further thought, we concluded that it wouldn't leave them with much room and they'd have further to jump in so I will live with using my back seats and foot wells to carry training gear, but at least with this setup it eliminates the need to carry a crate on my back seat at all times! Just for occasions where I can't use my car as a crate. I'll also get him to rig up my cargo net as a cargo barrier to stop Millie from jumping over my back seats. So it's not for a safety thing, just a visual barrier to hopefully deter her. Hope my tax refund from last year (that I only just submitted :o) comes back soon, as it has already been spent! :o Can't wait :D

P.S. might need a new car for dog #3, this setup won't work with 3 dogs but I will cross that bridge when I get to it :)

I'm thinking when the day comes that I get dog #3, if I am taking all 3 of them out, I will remove the barrier and have the 3 of them squished in the back (or maybe Princess Ruby will be upgraded to a blanket and car harness on the back seat :D :rofl:) Also, if I'm just taking one for an all day thing, say Ruby for retrieving, remove the barrier too and let her have the whole space. The part I worry about is the cargo net in lieu of the cargo barrier, but the blasted side airbags ruins those plans!! Plus it might take up extra precious room in the already small boot. It would be roomier if it weren't for those big jutted out bits on the sides of the boot! Does your Santa Fe have those?

J managed to carry 10 dogs in her station wagon along with two people to Geraldton, oh and pulling a trailer full of gear as well. 3 Aussies, 2 paps, 2 Sheltie adults and three 3 month old Sheltie pups, (not all ours) all but 2 Aussies were crated. She was always good at jigsaw puzzles.:D

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RV - Email Bedazzled :thumbsup:

Bedazzled PM'ed me first! Thanks guys :D I am glad how Toby is coming along he is almost back to 100% tonight and I will need to do some training in the morning or he will drive me insane. I also thought I should let those of you who are aware of the situation my nonno passed away yesterday evening.

So sorry about your Nonno, RV my thoughts are with you and your family. *HUGS*

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How do you keep the dog in the water swimming laps, though? :o

Its not hard, they have plenty of toys there you can use or you can take your own, they also have life jackets for the not so confident dogs like Jenna. Once Jenna had a lifejacket on and realised she wasn't going to drown she loved it and I had to make her come out for breaks so she wouldn't overdo it. If I remember rightly they have to have a lead on but when we went Jenna and Abbey went in together and had a great time regardless. There is also another pool for dogs in Battersea Rd Canning Vale.

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Sorry to hear about your Nonno RV. RIP.

RS I would be VERY interested in wheat bags, especially with channels!! what sort of dimensions are they??? I have worn out a couple and could do with some more.

A cool mat coming into summer as well, but not just yet I am "trying" to budget!

Awesome :D I can do whatever dimensions you would like if you have a specific in mind. Currently I have made 20x20cm, 20x30cm, and 20x40cm (with 2, 3 and 4 channels). If these sizes don't suit, just let me know. I am making Ptolomy a couple at a larger size (though I haven't measured it out yet). You have a choice currently between burgundy, navy blue and light blue corduroy fabric.

I can have the wheat bags for you when you come up to Perth if you like. Good thing about the Cool Mats, is they weigh practically nothing (when dry) so are cheap as chips to post. The wheat bags would cost more to post laugh.gif

Hmmm okay, I am thinking a 20 X 30 for now, good size for when my back seizes up after shovelling!!!!!

At this stage I am coming to Perth so it would be good to pick one up then. :) How much are they ??

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Sorry to hear about your Nonno RV. RIP.

RS I would be VERY interested in wheat bags, especially with channels!! what sort of dimensions are they??? I have worn out a couple and could do with some more.

A cool mat coming into summer as well, but not just yet I am "trying" to budget!

Awesome :D I can do whatever dimensions you would like if you have a specific in mind. Currently I have made 20x20cm, 20x30cm, and 20x40cm (with 2, 3 and 4 channels). If these sizes don't suit, just let me know. I am making Ptolomy a couple at a larger size (though I haven't measured it out yet). You have a choice currently between burgundy, navy blue and light blue corduroy fabric.

I can have the wheat bags for you when you come up to Perth if you like. Good thing about the Cool Mats, is they weigh practically nothing (when dry) so are cheap as chips to post. The wheat bags would cost more to post laugh.gif

Hmmm okay, I am thinking a 20 X 30 for now, good size for when my back seizes up after shovelling!!!!!

At this stage I am coming to Perth so it would be good to pick one up then. :) How much are they ??

A 20x30cm is $8 :) What colour do you want, and just the one? Will make more this weekend, just need to buy a replacement needle for the machine, I broke it! :o

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Does anyone know if Steve puts locks on the doors of the custom barriers he makes for cars? I might email him and ask and hope he reads the email before tomorrow, but thought I'd ask here in case any of the agility people knows!

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Hi :0 is there anywhere I can buy 'tiny' bags of dog food? or get free samples? My pup doesnt seem to like his biscuits and I want to try something else but without buying a full bag which even the small ones cost $30!

Once i find one he likes of course I will buy it, but dont want to buy 4 or 5 until I find one he likes...

ETA more detail :D he is 7 months old and has always had the one premium food, plus bones, chicken, rice vegies etc. He is not showing an interest in his kibbke until he has not eaten for at least a full day, then he will eat it. I assuming he doesnt like it and prefers his bones and chicken, but he may just not be hungry...hhmmmm, thoughts thoughts :laugh: He is usually fed twice daily, is it time to cut him back to one perhaps and alternate the kibble with raw on a 24 hour cycle rather than morning and night?

Edited by joelle
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Joelle there are few things you could try. can you mix a bit of the chicken in with his kibble portion just to make it palatable? if he doesn't eat it and walks away, pick the food up and if he is hungry but fussing, he'll learn pretty quickly if he doesn't eat it then he won't eat at all

some dogs just aren't into food like others. i have one like that. thing that worked the best was taking it away.

the other option is cutting kibble all together and feeding raw.

In saying all that, if you write/email/call some companies they are usually willing to send out a sample bag to try.

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Better pets and Gardens/City Farmers will often have sample bags that they can give out - just ask. We did when we were looking at swapping over. they even gave us cat food samples even though the cat was fine!

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Very quiet in here!!!

Long shot, but thought I'd ask. Does anyone have a spare umbrella they may not ever use again for sale? I'm talking about those big ones that are used at shows and trials, and used to be given away (long before my trialling years) as prizes at shows and stuff.

Often I hear long after the fact that some people have sold off spares they don't use and I would really like to buy one and always miss out! So if you could keep me in mind if you have one to sell or hear of any for sale, that would be most appreciated! :D

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Is everyone having a life away from DOL?! eek1.gif No posts on here in 2 days (apart from me!)

I've got a bit of a newbie question in regards to breeding for those breeders amongst us, hope you can help! It's for a TAFE assignment on breeding, and I don't really want to post the Q in the breeder's forum at this stage :o

Say a mating was successful, how long after mating would the dog be officially pregnant and you could start counting your 63 days gestation? It's not from the mating date, is it? I know they can be mated several times so the counts can differ. But I have heard a few references to "x number of days from the first/second mating", what is that x number? Hope my question makes sense and doesn't sound completely stupid :o Thanks!

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