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Western Australian Thread


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icon_smile_mad.gif Not a great start to the morning.

Some might remember me mentioning that last year I was bailed up by 2 vicious snarling dogs in my own street and one bit me, so ever since then I am extremely nervous about any offlead/roaming dogs.

My street is probably the worst one for it, several houses just let their dogs out to roam by themselves. And I need to walk to the train every morning (and back again in the afternoon) so am constantly seeing roaming dogs in front yards with no owners in sight.

This morning one was out (again), so I thought enough is enough, hopped on the phone to council to report it. Ranger found the dog, got in contact with the owner, and it turns out their fencing isn't good enough so she's issued a warning to get the fencing fixed. Owner was concerned dog was out and came straight home from work so at least they aren't in the group of morons who decide it's ok to let their dog wander out the front on their own.

Now I'm on a doggy dobbing rampage! I am going to clean this suburb up of roaming dogs, one complaint at a time! Watch out :whip: Because until I do, my own dogs suffer and don't get walked around my neighbourhood!!! (and my walk every day to the train might eventually be uneventful).

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Hi all - i'm finally back from brisbane and so, so tired... finding it hard to get motivated to actually do some work, so thought I'd catch up on the WA thread. You all talk too much - anyone ever told you that before? :laugh:

Welcome to the new WA thread members - we need more pics :)

Emery, Chance looks gorgeous - you did well to keep that very quiet!

CC - love the photos!! Hopeyour first day went well!!

RV sorry to hear about the spider bite for Toby - i hope he is on the mend now. Love the pic of the Brit babies. They are so damn cute!!

RV that sux about your neighbourhood... good on you for dobbing!

I'm sorry to hear about Mason's fairies, Mas - i'm sure he'll be great next time!!

i came home to all pups eyes open but one. They are looking so much more like dogs and less like grey slugs. RV is coming to meet them on Sunday and bringing my James home! I can't wait to see him :love:

Sorry if I've missed some updates

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ok i am gonna join the offlead rant :)

just took the girls to the river to play fetch, swim and run.

Have ty (3yrs) with me, learner motorcyclist down there so we moved to side and stayed on grass but stayed near our car. i threw ball for dogs, ty played on table and picked up rocks and sticks (like all little boys do)

Talking to ty ignored my dogs for two secs turn back around to find a large cross bred (breed not important) standing stiff ebside the girls. i move slowly over and grab their leads (i tie them aroudn their necks so they are still on) and try to mocve them away.

Grab them and look around going where they hell did you come from and where is your owner. No one in site he has a collar and tags.

i talk to him and go to read tags and he bolts off (this was about a good 2 minutes) Me trying to keep my girls and son away from him.

Finally an owner comes into site after a few minutes.

i held the girls to they were out of site but so annoyed.

Ok yes he wasn't aggressive but who's to say mine weren't obviosuly and luckily as i have two they are friendly and so was he otherwise i could of been up the creek with out a paddle especially with ty and me being pregnant.

Now technically it isn't off lead but the ranger is good as long as your dogs are under effective control and he allows them to go for a swim etc to me this boy wasn't under effective control considering it was about 2 minutes before i spotted an owner

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My brain hurts - I'd forgotten how mentally tiring working is :laugh:

Thanks for all the nice words about the pics - it helps to have such gorgeous models :D emery I haven't forgotten about yours, hopefully this weekend :)

RS the vigilante :thumbsup: emery I would panic if mine went out of site for 2 seconds, let alone 2 mins :eek:

Can't wait to see puppy pics ST, I bet they are adorable :love:

Hope Toby's bite is healing, poor bugger :(

Mini moan from me.....why the heck do trains not stop at all stations during rush hour :confused: If it stops at the station by me it doesn't stop at the one I need to get off at and vice versa :rolleyes:

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My brain hurts - I'd forgotten how mentally tiring working is :laugh:

Thanks for all the nice words about the pics - it helps to have such gorgeous models :D emery I haven't forgotten about yours, hopefully this weekend :)

RS the vigilante :thumbsup: emery I would panic if mine went out of site for 2 seconds, let alone 2 mins :eek:

Hahahah that's okay CC i know you are busy :D

and trust me if mine play the deaf card for even a second i am chasing them wouldn't let them get out of sight i'd freak out.

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Does anyone know what is the best time on a Sat or Sunday to get in to see George HUBER at Swan Vets? He works 9 to 12 both days, just wondering if their is a que early etc ?


J they start queing at 8am before doors open, you might be bale to ring them and say you are coming up from bunbury can they put you in the que though

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Get in there really early (there is usually a que) or leave it till the end of the session. If he's had an emergency in the previous evening (don't we all have emergency's on a weekend evening???) he is likely to be in late on the next morning.

Does anyone know what is the best time on a Sat or Sunday to get in to see George HUBER at Swan Vets? He works 9 to 12 both days, just wondering if their is a que early etc ?


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Hi guys, I just joined to ask a few questions about behaviour traits of kelpies, and found you all so helpful, that your stuck with me. lol I do only have crossbreeds, so do hope it is okay. Anyways, I live south east of Perth, have two dogs, neither of whom are particularly obedient. lol Neither are my kids though, so that is okay. The dogs are just pets, so,as long as they are happy and healthy, so am I. The main things they obey, and a bit of personality in them is wonderful

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Welcome to DOL Tishas Mum :thumbsup: If you have Kelpie crosses and they are a bit untrained, the great news is they are very trainable!!! We have a ridgy and a kelpie....And the kelpie is by far easier to teach things to than the ridgy. Mind you they seem to think they know better in some situations, which can be frustrating - but they are such loyal little souls and love their humans, so that more than makes up for it :D I would never be without a Kelpie.

There is an unwritten DOL rule - you MUST post pics or your pooches :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Does anyone know what is the best time on a Sat or Sunday to get in to see George HUBER at Swan Vets? He works 9 to 12 both days, just wondering if their is a que early etc ?


Just ring them and make sure he is going to be in too... Maybe call the night before.

I went in on Tuesday night - and was in to see a vet in 10 minutes, Didnt see George because he wasnt there and it was a basic routine thing.... Some people picking up there dog from surgery commented on how busy it was.... i just laughed im like you havent seen nothing, the queue can fill the waiting room and the verandah!

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