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Hi all

I don't have time to catch up on all the goss but I hope all is going well.

Sorry it's taken so long for me to upload a puppy pic!!

i can only upload one from work cos it's big and takes too long... but here it is!


if you want to see more my website has them all here

Unfortunately, we lost a girl over the weekend... so we now have 6 - 5 boys 1 girl... all doing well and putting on masses of weight!!

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RS Rommi was playing crash cars with Lewis and has ended up with tendonitis in the tendon that goes from the Gracillius muscle to the bone, but it did take a little while to figure that one out.

One another occassion she strained her cruciate and partially dislocate a toe on the same leg, trying to hip and shoulder Lewis-again!- and after months of rehab totally dislocated the toe trotting around, which I then accidentaly relocated, but that was good after only a few weeks.

Tounching wood big time!! She now tried to avoid high speed hip and shoulder manouvers on a dog bigger than her and has been sound for quite some time!! I really hope I don't jynx myself here!

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Has three feral dogs that would love a walk but i got food poisoning and want to curl up and die :( hope i feel better tomorrow or on sat i will be dragged around the ring :rofl:

CC are you still good to come take pics this weekend?? Hubby at this stage will be there too and i would love some of him in the ring it will be his first time in a champ show :D

So if anyone sees the new bloke with a rotti looking lost come say hi he would appreciate it :)

Who is showing this weekend?

Sorry to hear you have an angel now ST.

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Im not showing but i have an obedience trial at k9 on sat morning.

Feel well soon emery i have been down for a week with flu - still feel less than human.

feel free to come across and say hi. i am not hard to spot with the fat gut and rottis :laugh:

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I am a bit sickly myself now :( I came home from work today because I was feeling dreadful, and when you have no work to do to take your mind off it, you feel worse!

Sorry to hear about the baby you lost, ST :( I'll check out your website in a minute for the puppy pics :)

I won't be at the K9 on Sat, scratching from obedience. But I'll be at the GSDA grounds on Sunday for agility, just taking Millie.

OSS - I will have to google tendonitis. I just can't believe she is still lame after a week (you can tell I've never had an injured animal before, don't know what to expect!)

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RS, Kenz's likely diagnosis is biceps tendonitis although possibly also coupled with ligament damage to her shoulder. So if its information on that you want I have fast become an expert :(.

Kenz's did settle down initially with acupuncture and then physio.

We have had a good day today - Kenz has been less sore then normal, had a nice 45 min out in the sun eating a beef ear and snoozing and was wanting to train on her 15 min walk this arvo :o.

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Yep this was what the chiro vet originally found, and the physio also found with Kenz. She has trigger points in the tricep (and still does). Her bicep stress test was apparently all ok just before Easter, as was her shoulder stability test when the physio looked at her yet the ortho specialist still suspects biceps tendonitis.

Kenz is worst when she first wakes up and does warm out of it (or at least use to until this last run over Easter).

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ST - The pups look adorable :D Sorry about the little girl :cry:

CC are you still good to come take pics this weekend?? Hubby at this stage will be there too and i would love some of him in the ring it will be his first time in a champ show :D

Yup I'll be there :D

Im not showing but i have an obedience trial at k9 on sat morning.

Cool, hopefully I'll catch up with you there too and get to see you work Mason :thumbsup:

OK RV what was your excuse this week????

Scrubbing the bathroom tile grout?

Weeding between the slabs


sorting the pegs into colours on the line :eek:


:rofl: Nah I reckon she was busy watching repeats of the Eurovision song contest :p :laugh: I was very pleased with Louis again tonight at agility, he was so good with the jumps and tunnel :D

Sorry to hear so many dogs are lame/not well at the moment :( hope they are all healing up soon :) Hope you sickly people feel better soon as well :)

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Gees I missed an entire page of update :eek:

ST your babies are beautiful - I gather they survived their visit to Deb on Saturday - and yes we would like weekly photo updates - even if you do have to do it from work.

Emery - have you recovered??

Rubystar - hows Ruby now?

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Still lame. Not hugely, but I know it is there, and I am making sure every step she takes outside is on lead and is calm. Do you know how hard it is to stop a Labrador from "bouncing" even when on lead when she's excited???eek1.gificon_smile_mad.gif

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