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Thanks, ness. Hope Kenzie makes a speedy recovery. Ruby has been better today.

My girls got a nice present today, some new snuggly beds for Winter! Ruby likes to snuggle up into a ball in Chloe the Maltese's bed, and at times is half hanging out, so I thought she would luuuuurve this new bed! :D

I think they're a hit thumbsup1.gif




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Your two look adorable in their new beds RS. Thanks for the best wishes for Kenz and good to hear Ruby is doing better.

Kenz is not really any better, if a little worse in fact :( - long wait till Wed so we can hopefully have a better picture of what is going on. At least her physio is a little more optimistic that she will eventually be able to return to doing obedience and hopefully agility (although probably not for this season). So for now the best we can do is avoid letting her race around like a lunatic and sit tight and wait.

Doesn't make it very easy when she wakes up totally feral and wants to do zoomies either :(.

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Poor Ness, stay quiet little girl as even thought it is driving you nuts it is the quickest and best way to recovery.

It just sucks doesn't it, they have no idea why we won't let them do anything. Fingers crossed she heals up quickly for both your sakes.

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OSS I know pity you can't just sit them down in front of a TV with a DVD or something. It may yet get worse - the ortho specialist's advice was 8 weeks strict crate rest with absolutely no exercise but both the chiro vet and the physio thought the occasional short leash walks (15 min a couple of times a day) would be ok. There concern is if I crate her solid - a. she will go totally stir crazy but b. will start go develop muscle wastage when at present she has very little if any on that shoulder and also that rest alone won't heal the ligament damage anyway so keeping the muscle tone becomes important to keep the shoulder functioning anyway.

Confusing but so long as she is allowed short walks she seems to be coping ok with the crating the majority of the time - well for the moment.

And vain me is just worried how much hair they will shave off on Wed for the US :o.

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I feel for you Ness :( Im feeling impatient about having to have Wandy on "light duties" for another fortnight....No maddies with the ridgeback, no rounding up her sheep on the outside of the paddock.....On a lead for all outside activities :( But at least my little one doesnt have to be crated, and she only has an injured toe.

I dont know who is more frustrated, Wandy or Zola :confused:

Hope your kid has a speedy and complete recovery :D

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Feeling your pain, ness and LR. Ruby still isn't 100%. She is weight bearing on her front leg which appears to be the one giving her the most grief, and her back leg seems ok now, but I can still see it isn't right with a slight limp. Friday after accupuncture she didn't want to put any weight on it. She's been on Rimadyl for 3 days (was only going to do 1 day but the limp wouldn't go away). No more for the time being, and the rest continues. I will be dropping them both round to my parents place all this week again for babysitting while I'm at work. I've got a soft crate set up at their place for Ruby when noone is around to watch her. If someone's home, she's just laying down anyway.

Injured dogs suck :( Scratching her from obedience and agility trials next weekend, and really wanted to get out and do some retrieving practice but can't :(

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Hoping all the injured doggies get better soon.

Zeus has had explosive diarrohoea (sp) for the last two days, nothing else and is bright in himself hope it is jsut the meds sigh

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Poor Ruby, RS :( Hope she gets better soon too!!! Wandy has been on Rimadyl all week - think I may stop tomorrow and just give it to her when she really needs it!

Emery, I hope poor Zeus gets over his runny tummy soon for both your sakes :eek: Dogs with the runs are not my favourite things!

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Thanks, ness. Hope Kenzie makes a speedy recovery. Ruby has been better today.

My girls got a nice present today, some new snuggly beds for Winter! Ruby likes to snuggle up into a ball in Chloe the Maltese's bed, and at times is half hanging out, so I thought she would luuuuurve this new bed! :D

I think they're a hit thumbsup1.gif


Great beds Rubystar, did you buy them in Perth?

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Zeus has had explosive diarrohoea (sp) for the last two days, nothing else and is bright in himself hope it is jsut the meds sigh

Hope he feels better soon.

Great beds Rubystar, did you buy them in Perth?

Yes, from Red Dot for $40 each.

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Poor Zeus - hope he is feeling better and bugger about Ruby still not being fine RS :(. Hope she gets over it shortly. Same with yours LR. :(.

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Hope all the i injuried/unwell doggies get better soon :)

Did a CD round with my dog at club comp today and we were pathetic!! Could not do anything right. Dont know if its coz im full of flu and walking funny after my toe op lol 

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Ness, That is what my vet said. Initially only on lead and short walks to toilet etc, then short leads walks but no jumping at all. They said that if she was kept too quiet then muscle wastage could be a real issues and cause further problems. They were also a little worried about her freezing up a bit with no exercise at all. She did lose quite a bit of muscle tone, but it wasn't severe.

So she was crated for the first week and toilets only, then short lead walks and in the dog run or tethered to her bed as she is very quiet in the dog run, then into a small yard then eventually what felt like forever, back to free running but no zoomies (near on impossible with a whippet I tell you!) then back to whatever she wanted to do.

I am happy to say after over 3 months she was sound and has stayed that way (apart from dislocating her toe!) and has great muscles back again.

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I am happy to say after over 3 months she was sound and has stayed that way (apart from dislocating her toe!) and has great muscles back again.

What was wrong with Rommi?

Just when I want to step up the retrieving training so I can enter a trial this season at long last (seasons only last maybe 5 months!), Ruby goes and hurts herself :cry:

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Oh join the club - talk about timing RS - same with Kenz she was just starting to get it all together nicely and then bam another 12 months out :mad.

Have you see these RS - http://www.backontra...rug-mesh-small/

I ordered one for Kenz when she injured her shoulder and have had it a couple of months now. She wears it overnight and during the day at the moment and it does seem to help a little.

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Nope Kenz's was $82+ postage but it really did help. They also get rave results from performance people in the US.I know how much worse she was the few naps she had where I didn't have her wearing it.

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