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Is that all? It seems like longer, must be all the DWD training you do with Trixie that keeps her young. :thumbsup: I must admit I get bored at training having only the one, I put Toby into the car to space out his training and then watch everyone else or volunteer to do SFE for people :eek:

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Big (((hugs))) Emery! Hope you get good news today and he can at least be made comfortable until your husband can say his goodbyes :eek:

I like collecting dogs :thumbsup: But then they do get shown as well as agility/obedience LOL. Saying that of my current dogs Kinta is 9.5yo, Varda is 5yo and Banjo is 3yo! So I do have a decent gap between them :) Although I thought there was longer between Banjo and Varda but oh well LOL. The way things are atm Banjo will be a 4yo when I get my next pup :(

Mum has Boots (8yo) and Asha (10yo) at her place. Although Boots was 15 months and Asha 6 years when they came into our lives :rofl: She is planning on getting a new pup next year as well :rofl:

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Is that all? It seems like longer, must be all the DWD training you do with Trixie that keeps her young. :thumbsup: I must admit I get bored at training having only the one, I put Toby into the car to space out his training and then watch everyone else or volunteer to do SFE for people :eek:

Yip I would love 2 train .... And also so when i work mason has company :)

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i am a bit slack when it comes to training i do puppy classes then slack off a bit lol thought the dogs know the basics, sit, stay, COME lol and have an near perfect recall. if htey can here me call. i do do training every odd day with them and at meal times etc. want to start trialing the girls so will head back to northern suburbs and gt knuckling down. hmm wonders if i can put the kids in the dog crate whilst i train rofl

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i am a bit slack when it comes to training i do puppy classes then slack off a bit lol thought the dogs know the basics, sit, stay, COME lol and have an near perfect recall. if htey can here me call. i do do training every odd day with them and at meal times etc. want to start trialing the girls so will head back to northern suburbs and gt knuckling down. hmm wonders if i can put the kids in the dog crate whilst i train rofl

Lol im in the last class i can do with mason, after that we will have to train on our own ...

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I didn't intend on having 2 dogs the same age. I waited 2 (long) years to get my second Lab, but because I went the rescue route, it turned out that Millie was the same age as Ruby :) Or so we are led to believe. I am not looking forward to their "golden years" together. It is going to break my heart terribly. But I'll take that over losing one (or both) too early. I think if they both go close together, it will probably be the best for them (not me, though). They are the best of friends (even though Millie bosses Ruby around!) While I type this, there are 2 beds out for them, and they chose to snuggle up together on the same bed for a nap. When I got back from 4 days away over Easter with Ruby, Millie actually wanted to greet Ruby before me! (Ruby was so tired she wanted to be left alone, though :thumbsup:)

My girls are 4 and a half-ish now. I plan on waiting until they are 6ish before my new addition. I still have soooo much to learn and teach them. I want to focus on a new puppy and get things more right from the start, and while my girls are not in maintenance training mode just yet, the puppy will have to wait. I have told myself that I am not allowed to get another until I reach my training/trialling goals with the current two. So they may be old and grey before I get a puppy, and then I will have to break that promise to myself because we didn't achieve it :eek:

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Just to put another perspective on it, I have found that getting Trixie actually improved Kyzer's training, because he really benefits from short bursts, rather than long lessons, with two dogs you can work with one, then swap, and if one is being uncooperative you can put them away and get the other out :eek: I found he is keener to work after watching Trixie work (and get treats :) )

I like being able to pop one away after a few minutes then getting the other one out :thumbsup: But I also sometimes envy those who only have one to focus on.

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emery, glad to hear Zeus is doing better today and best of luck for the appointment this afternoon! Let us know how it goes :eek:

Glad your scare with Spartan has turned out to be nothing, ST! :thumbsup: @ the container, though I bet you weren't laughing much!

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i am a bit slack when it comes to training i do puppy classes then slack off a bit lol thought the dogs know the basics, sit, stay, COME lol and have an near perfect recall. if htey can here me call. i do do training every odd day with them and at meal times etc. want to start trialing the girls so will head back to northern suburbs and gt knuckling down. hmm wonders if i can put the kids in the dog crate whilst i train rofl

Lol im in the last class i can do with mason, after that we will have to train on our own ...

it more for motivation lol. i think i got a pretty good idea how to train most of what is required for ccd/cd etc

i think :thumbsup:

i will let everyone know thanks rubystar

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Trust me the intial bit made my bottom and legs very sore. Now they are quite good - no smaller unfortunately, but at least they don't hurt now.

We did 7km bike ride and a 3 km walk today :( Lewis LOVES it. Rommi only does the walks as she thinks biking more than 2 kms is far too much!

I might take Ruby for a bike ride this afternoon. But I'm such a worry wart, I worry that I am tiring them out :) And I've read you really shouldn't do it all on the road/footpaths because the constant impact isn't good for them, but I have no bike tracks around here and cycling around the local park on the grass is hell on MY legs!!! :thumbsup::eek:

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Trust me the intial bit made my bottom and legs very sore. Now they are quite good - no smaller unfortunately, but at least they don't hurt now.

We did 7km bike ride and a 3 km walk today :rofl: Lewis LOVES it. Rommi only does the walks as she thinks biking more than 2 kms is far too much!

I might take Ruby for a bike ride this afternoon. But I'm such a worry wart, I worry that I am tiring them out :( And I've read you really shouldn't do it all on the road/footpaths because the constant impact isn't good for them, but I have no bike tracks around here and cycling around the local park on the grass is hell on MY legs!!! :thumbsup::eek:

builds good muscle tone for you :) i hate riding on grass

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Hi :eek: Does anyone know if theres a flyball club In WA?

ETA I just realised my dog is called Fly, he loves tennis balls = FLYBALL

Forget it is friday and Im bored at work :thumbsup:

Edited by joelle
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ok update on zeus. Vet seems positive about a course of cartrophen and pain relief rimadyl or something lol i'm at work now. For four weeks. If no improvement after 4 weeks its time otherwise if yes she expects him to live for another 2 years

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ok update on zeus. Vet seems positive about a course of cartrophen and pain relief rimadyl or something lol i'm at work now. For four weeks. If no improvement after 4 weeks its time otherwise if yes she expects him to live for another 2 years

Yay I will drink to that - raising a glass to Zeus :eek:

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Scoota Update

Its hard to believe its that same dog who 2 weeks ago would turn his nose up at anything but chicken and then would just pick at it. He is now the last to be fed and most times is the first finished. I said to caffy tonight, that I will have to be careful with the amount he is eating that he doesn't balloon out.

The last lot of bloods he had done last Monday - showed that all his enzymes were still through the roof, but I think that perhaps the bloods will be the last thing to improve. On the outside he is like the Scoota of old and his batteries no long run out after 2 minutes of activity. He joins in playing with the other kids, he brings me shoes and then runs to the fridge waiting for his reward and he is a happy boy and I am a very happy mum.

Back to Murdoch again next Thursday.

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I don't drink but Ptolomy can raise a second glass to Zeus for me :eek: .

Great news about Scoota - glad to hear the batteries aren't flattening quite as quickly and he is back to his old self (or at least well on the way).

Now guys fingers crossed for some good news for me when my little midget dog heads off to the specialist ortho vet on Monday to have her shoulder looked at. I could sure use some.

Edited by ness
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Scoota Update

Its hard to believe its that same dog who 2 weeks ago would turn his nose up at anything but chicken and then would just pick at it. He is now the last to be fed and most times is the first finished. I said to caffy tonight, that I will have to be careful with the amount he is eating that he doesn't balloon out.

The last lot of bloods he had done last Monday - showed that all his enzymes were still through the roof, but I think that perhaps the bloods will be the last thing to improve. On the outside he is like the Scoota of old and his batteries no long run out after 2 minutes of activity. He joins in playing with the other kids, he brings me shoes and then runs to the fridge waiting for his reward and he is a happy boy and I am a very happy mum.

Back to Murdoch again next Thursday.

YAY! Seems like we are getting good news all around. So glad to hear Ptolomy and Emery.

ETA - And :eek: for you too Ness.. (and also for me - nothing to report yet but I MAY have some exciting news)

Can't spell today - too much microbiology

Edited by RallyValley
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Woo Hoo!!! Mount Scoota!!! :eek::love::) I'll drink to that! Raising a glass to Zeus too! Great news :)

Scoota Update

Its hard to believe its that same dog who 2 weeks ago would turn his nose up at anything but chicken and then would just pick at it. He is now the last to be fed and most times is the first finished. I said to caffy tonight, that I will have to be careful with the amount he is eating that he doesn't balloon out.

The last lot of bloods he had done last Monday - showed that all his enzymes were still through the roof, but I think that perhaps the bloods will be the last thing to improve. On the outside he is like the Scoota of old and his batteries no long run out after 2 minutes of activity. He joins in playing with the other kids, he brings me shoes and then runs to the fridge waiting for his reward and he is a happy boy and I am a very happy mum.

Back to Murdoch again next Thursday.

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