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Western Australian Thread


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Do any of you go camping with your dogs? Where do you go and what sort of things do you do? I love exploring with the dogs in new exciting places so I think a little camping trip could be lots of fun but since I've never been camping I don't know where to start! Can you hire tents from places or do you need to buy one?

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There is a little Esperance Stafford going up for Midland and Gosnells, so say hi to her (LIzzie) and Tania as she will know no-one :)

I will make sure I say Hi - its sure is a long way to come. Any reason why you aren't coming too??

Cows calving, kids and husbands work, distance and budget :p

I am planning on coming in the middle of June for an ET and hopefully a trial as well.

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There is a little Esperance Stafford going up for Midland and Gosnells, so say hi to her (LIzzie) and Tania as she will know no-one :D

I will make sure I say Hi - its sure is a long way to come. Any reason why you aren't coming too??

Cows calving, kids and husbands work, distance and budget :p

I am planning on coming in the middle of June for an ET and hopefully a trial as well.

I think our club is hosting a trial mid june Oso ;)

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The ET trial is on the 16 or 18 can't remember off the top of my heade and I did see a trial close to that date as well, so will enter that if I can. There is also a show but I think I might be pushing it with the family if I do that as well!

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There is a little Esperance Stafford going up for Midland and Gosnells, so say hi to her (LIzzie) and Tania as she will know no-one :D

I will make sure I say Hi - its sure is a long way to come. Any reason why you aren't coming too??

Cows calving, kids and husbands work, distance and budget :p

I am planning on coming in the middle of June for an ET and hopefully a trial as well.

I wish I had the time to be training for the ET! I really wanted to enter my girls into it. Not sure if their fitness is up to it. Mine is questionable, too!

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Thanks everyone for your responses about the obedience levels.

I have had an high and a low day

Some of you would of seen on my FB - I lost my cat Miss Kitty today. she passed away on the operating table after being attacked by a dog on Saturday. The vet has been trying to stabalise her since we took her in sat night, but when he opened her up today the injuries were very severe, and her heart gave way :D Im so thankful she came home to say goodbye. Vet said she had been attacked by a trained dog, who knew what it was doing - and had basically gone in for the kill.... he also said its not the first to happen from our area :p

However Hemi passed his obedience test tonight - and will move up to advanced beginners next semester! Woohoo

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Thanks everyone for your responses about the obedience levels.

I have had an high and a low day

Some of you would of seen on my FB - I lost my cat Miss Kitty today. she passed away on the operating table after being attacked by a dog on Saturday. The vet has been trying to stabalise her since we took her in sat night, but when he opened her up today the injuries were very severe, and her heart gave way :D Im so thankful she came home to say goodbye. Vet said she had been attacked by a trained dog, who knew what it was doing - and had basically gone in for the kill.... he also said its not the first to happen from our area :p

However Hemi passed his obedience test tonight - and will move up to advanced beginners next semester! Woohoo

So sorry to hear Roxynhemi, I hope the vet is reporting the attack to the rangers and if known the RSPCA ?? Congrats on the obedience pass!

I have just had a well known obedience Judge from east place an order for a coated Xolo pup for obedience and I am thrilled!


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Thanks everyone for your responses about the obedience levels.

I have had an high and a low day

Some of you would of seen on my FB - I lost my cat Miss Kitty today. she passed away on the operating table after being attacked by a dog on Saturday. The vet has been trying to stabalise her since we took her in sat night, but when he opened her up today the injuries were very severe, and her heart gave way :D Im so thankful she came home to say goodbye. Vet said she had been attacked by a trained dog, who knew what it was doing - and had basically gone in for the kill.... he also said its not the first to happen from our area :p

However Hemi passed his obedience test tonight - and will move up to advanced beginners next semester! Woohoo

So sorry to hear Roxynhemi, I hope the vet is reporting the attack to the rangers and if known the RSPCA ?? Congrats on the obedience pass!

I have just had a well known obedience Judge from east place an order for a coated Xolo pup for obedience and I am thrilled!


Thanks J.

We don't know what dog did it... so have nothing to report really.

Will you end up with coated Xolo in your litter??

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I am so sorry about your cat Miss Kitty RnH... how very awful for you :confused::thumbsup: It might be worth raising the awareness to the council ranger if the vet has seen more than one attack like it...

Congrats on Hemi's obedience pass :thumbsup:

Wazzat fantastic news!!

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I know this thread has moved on but just wanted to say another thankyou to everyone who posted suggestions and links for places to us to walk our doggies in Midland, its very much appreciated and I am sure we will enjoy exploring all the new places - :thumbsup:

RnH - so sorry for the loss of Miss Kitty

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Yep hugs RnH - and the flip side - well done to you and Joelle's son on passing - Woo Hoo :thumbsup:

WX - I am behind the times .......are you expecting???????

Joelle - I will be at the agility trial :laugh:

Good :thumbsup: Ill be there watching, Ive seen you work your dogs before and was amazed, so Ill be looking forward to that :confused:

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Good :thumbsup: Ill be there watching, Ive seen you work your dogs before and was amazed, so Ill be looking forward to that :thumbsup:

LOL it can't possibly have been agility that you were amazed :confused: . Make sure you come and say hi - I am running Lexi on Sunday - god help both of us, so I will be the one bent over and puffing madly :laugh:

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Good :thumbsup: Ill be there watching, Ive seen you work your dogs before and was amazed, so Ill be looking forward to that :thumbsup:

LOL it can't possibly have been agility that you were amazed :confused: . Make sure you come and say hi - I am running Lexi on Sunday - god help both of us, so I will be the one bent over and puffing madly :laugh:

No it was obedience. :laugh: I think it was the fudraiser for the floods night. I'll be sure to come and say Hi :rofl:

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RIP Miss Kitty :thumbsup:

Well done those who passed their obedience tests :thumbsup:

What a great order WX... what % of puppies are you expecting to be coated? You can't show the coated ones can you?

I won't be at training tonight :confused: And I was looking forward to having a go on the Novice Jumping course with Banjo :laugh:

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