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Western Australian Thread


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Thanks guys ;) We were stoked with Arlo.. although I need to start teaching his owner how to show him - she has been doing well with the "homework" she has been given so I don't think she will have too much of an issue :laugh:

RV, poor Toby ;) Hopefully he is feeling better quickly

Good luck to Ptolomy and Bedazzled for their trip to Sydney :shrug: Ptolomy, how many red dogs are you taking?

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So.............where on the Dogswest website will I find any useful info about Endurance Trialling??? Like rules etc......I have done a search to no avail. The only info they have is one paragraph explaining that they run a few trials each year ;) Most helpful.....not!

Goodluck in Sydney Ptolomy & BDazzled...have lots of fun over there!!!

Well done Mirawee :shrug:

RV, hope Toby is ok.

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Well done mirawee! Arlo sounds like he will be lots of fun to show :)

We have had a set back with Toby, after so long of being sound he was chasing the ball yesterday and came back limping. :cry: Giving it 24hrs and if no improvement it's off to Deb's (and we will try to get in before we go away anyway). Will have to wait and see about training tonight :( Poor boy, I just sent of some agility entrys and they have now become donations to the clubs :o.

Crazycresties you need to go to my birthplace! Visit Bunbury! Lots more to do and see in Bunbury and surrounds, if you can make a few days of it Dunsborugh is beautiful also. And on a seperate trip Albany is supposed to be quite nice.

Aww poor Toby :( Hope he feels better soon. We definitely want to travel south for a short break some time soon....need to source a reliable house sitter first to look after the pooches and cat :)

Wish us luck - Bedazzled and I flight off to Sydney tomorrow for the Royal. Comp is on Thursday and then we are home in time for agility this weekend.

Good Luck guys, have a great time over there :cheers:

Louis decided to pee against the curtains this morning ;) :mad I hadn't kicked him out for a pee granted, but the bloody back door was wide open all morning. It's the first time he's ever done this - perhaps he thought he would melt if he touched the damp grass :cheer: Curtains are in the wash....luckily we got a spare set from Ikea so we can put new ones up when we leave the rental, as Indy has a habit of occasionally peeing against them too - grrrrrr

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Louis decided to pee against the curtains this morning :cheer::cry: I hadn't kicked him out for a pee granted, but the bloody back door was wide open all morning. It's the first time he's ever done this - perhaps he thought he would melt if he touched the damp grass :) Curtains are in the wash....luckily we got a spare set from Ikea so we can put new ones up when we leave the rental, as Indy has a habit of occasionally peeing against them too - grrrrrr

:mad Poor curtains!!! Zola (RR) hates to go out on the wet/damp ground to wee!!!! Pathetic!! Just glad she hasnt decided to start toileting inside yet ;) Silly dog, I literally have to drag her off the verandah or out from under the patio for her to go!! Yet shes quite happy to roll in wet dirt and magpie crap whilst out playing in the paddock...... :cheers:

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Louis decided to pee against the curtains this morning ;) :mad I hadn't kicked him out for a pee granted, but the bloody back door was wide open all morning. It's the first time he's ever done this - perhaps he thought he would melt if he touched the damp grass :) Curtains are in the wash....luckily we got a spare set from Ikea so we can put new ones up when we leave the rental, as Indy has a habit of occasionally peeing against them too - grrrrrr

:o Poor curtains!!! Zola (RR) hates to go out on the wet/damp ground to wee!!!! Pathetic!! Just glad she hasnt decided to start toileting inside yet :cry: Silly dog, I literally have to drag her off the verandah or out from under the patio for her to go!! Yet shes quite happy to roll in wet dirt and magpie crap whilst out playing in the paddock...... :cheers:

Dogs who'd have them? :cheer:

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Toby is much better today! (But still not 100%) We do play fetch with him but when I am training him I try to throw it right at him and my dad uses a tennis racket and lobs it right up in the air, so it does not go far and he is not tearing after it and suddenly stopping. Having Lilly who was a fetch demon but had arthritis taught us to try and be more clever with how we throw the ball.

He has injured his leg before chasing kangaroos and jumping fences so he will always find a way. :laugh:

Best of luck Bedazzled and Ptolomy!!! I am sure you will make us proud regardless of wins and scores. :eek:

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Hahaha no probs - she can shoot me later when I embellished it with the word JACKPOT :( . Sorry I just reread the message and it said "WE" so unless the red kids have taken up drinking I guess bedazzledx2 has arrived safely as well.

Edited by ness
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