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Yes feel free to laugh at the hair, but in my defence it had probably been under a riding hat for hours - and it was the 80s :rofl::rofl:

I think we can safely blame the 80's, not the hat hair :rofl: It's a great photo! That's one big pig!

For tomorrow you take Hackett drive in nedlands, go down onto the avenue and then right onto the Esplanade and all the way to the end ( at least i think thats the directions!!!)

I'm really sorry I'm not going to make it :D Hope you understand. Call me crazy but I am totally excited about my very first entire weekend at home in I can't remember when so I can do housework!!! :rofl: Priorities are a well deserved sleep in first and foremost, then I'm getting stuck into the house and yard. Can't wait for it to be done, I might feel like a weight is finally lifted once the hard work is done!

at least 5 puppies :rofl: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

:eek::) :D

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popping in to let everyone know I am alive XD and happy birthday to Mason for tomorrow

Hope you're feeling better, Rach!

Been very quiet in here!

I'm one tired girl. Day 1 of Operation "Clean this pig sty up" complete :thanks: Got the house done today, as well as bathed the dogs, and had a small training session in the backyard, and I've only just sat down to relax. About to fall asleep :laugh:

On tomorrow's agenda is the yard. But with any luck, Dad will be coming over the mow the lawn for me so one less thing to do :laugh:

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Can't say I'm enjoying mine as such, but loving having a clean house for a change :rofl:

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Happy birthday Mason sorry i was at the rotti specialty where Kelari got V2 only jsut missing out on first toa dog 5 months older due to maturity and Chandra getting a V3 1-3 judge had difficulty deciding IMO she looked over them quite a few times before placing SO happy the smile is a mile wide :thanks:

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Yesterday a young liver flatcoat and its owners were bbq-ing next to us. It wanted Mason to play and was running after him, mason immediately put his heckles up and was trying to get away from this dog. Seems he is scared of young entire males now.

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Yesterday a young liver flatcoat and its owners were bbq-ing next to us. It wanted Mason to play and was running after him, mason immediately put his heckles up and was trying to get away from this dog. Seems he is scared of young entire males now.

Oh no :laugh: poor mason

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Happy birthday Mason sorry i was at the rotti specialty where Kelari got V2 only jsut missing out on first toa dog 5 months older due to maturity and Chandra getting a V3 1-3 judge had difficulty deciding IMO she looked over them quite a few times before placing SO happy the smile is a mile wide :D

Well done Emery it would be a terrific feeling having your dogs do so well in a speciality.

I am guessing the speciality was on the bottom oval at K9 - there was sooooooooo much food on the ground and soooooooooo many smells that it made training tough there this morning :D and then to top it off - we had the magpies come for a visit. Its hard when you place a piece of food on a food pot, go to send the dog to it - and the food it stolen my the magpies - LOL all you can say to the dog is too bad you weren't fast enough....try again :laugh:

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Happy birthday Mason sorry i was at the rotti specialty where Kelari got V2 only jsut missing out on first toa dog 5 months older due to maturity and Chandra getting a V3 1-3 judge had difficulty deciding IMO she looked over them quite a few times before placing SO happy the smile is a mile wide :)

Well done Emery it would be a terrific feeling having your dogs do so well in a speciality.

I am guessing the speciality was on the bottom oval at K9 - there was sooooooooo much food on the ground and soooooooooo many smells that it made training tough there this morning :o and then to top it off - we had the magpies come for a visit. Its hard when you place a piece of food on a food pot, go to send the dog to it - and the food it stolen my the magpies - LOL all you can say to the dog is too bad you weren't fast enough....try again :laugh:

Yes we were on the bottom oval and bait etc was thrown around quite widly, i ensured we fully cleaned our area and didn't throw food around, nothing worse. Good giggle over the magpies though ;) and thanks i am very happy with how they were plaved under an international judge and their critiques are very good imo :D

yay well done Emery!!!

Thanks :p

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Happy belated Birthday to Mason :p

Well done to Kelari and Chandra ;)

I took one of the pups we bred (now 20 months old) into the ring for his first show today :D Arlo managed to get stung by a bee on his top lip just before we went into the ring :D But I got the sting out and he seemed ok :D Judge was great as well - I told him what had happened and he only did a quick teeth check not making an issue of it :laugh: Arlo was a star and took out Dog CC and then an 11 point Best of Breed :o Each time into the ring I asked a little bit more of him in terms of stacking and he was great by the end even standing still while I held the tail over his back - definitely not his favourite thing :) I think we have his owner hooked too... she gets married the Sunday of the Royal and has decided that they will leave on their honeymoon on the Thursday after since Group 5 is judges on the Wednesday ;)

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Congratulations emery :(

Had a fun time at Mason's b'day bbq yesterday, still need to sort out the pics. Thanks for a lovely time Candice :thanks:

I think we have his owner hooked too... she gets married the Sunday of the Royal and has decided that they will leave on their honeymoon on the Thursday after since Group 5 is judges on the Wednesday :thanks:

:rainbowbridge: :rainbowbridge: Congrats too mirawee :(

We decided to have a bit of a drive today and explore outside of Perth Metro for the first time..........not a lot in Lancelin is there :rainbowbridge:

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Well done mirawee! Arlo sounds like he will be lots of fun to show :laugh:

We have had a set back with Toby, after so long of being sound he was chasing the ball yesterday and came back limping. :laugh: Giving it 24hrs and if no improvement it's off to Deb's (and we will try to get in before we go away anyway). Will have to wait and see about training tonight :eat: Poor boy, I just sent of some agility entrys and they have now become donations to the clubs :eat:.

Crazycresties you need to go to my birthplace! Visit Bunbury! Lots more to do and see in Bunbury and surrounds, if you can make a few days of it Dunsborugh is beautiful also. And on a seperate trip Albany is supposed to be quite nice.

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I will raise a glass to you Mirawee - a 11 point BOB is certainly something to celebrate.

Rally Valley - rule number 1 - do not throw balls for your dog - OK sermon over :laugh:

Wish us luck - Bedazzled and I flight off to Sydney tomorrow for the Royal. Comp is on Thursday and then we are home in time for agility this weekend.

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Congrats mirawee!!

Sorry to hear about Toby, RV :eat:

Rally Valley - rule number 1 - do not throw balls for your dog - OK sermon over :eat:

Wish us luck - Bedazzled and I flight off to Sydney tomorrow for the Royal. Comp is on Thursday and then we are home in time for agility this weekend.

I still throw balls for the girls as reward sometimes :laugh: It's their favourite, but I do know it comes with risks... :laugh:

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congrats mirawee!!

Sorry to hear about Toby, RV ;)

Rally Valley - rule number 1 - do not throw balls for your dog - OK sermon over :laugh:

Wish us luck - Bedazzled and I flight off to Sydney tomorrow for the Royal. Comp is on Thursday and then we are home in time for agility this weekend.

I still throw balls for the girls as reward sometimes :shrug: It's their favourite, but I do know it comes with risks... ;)

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes i use a ball reward for mason with his retrieving holds now as food was not working ...

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Kenz gets balls handed to her or placed at her feet - keeps her sane but no fetching here unless its DBs/gloves or articles.

Good luck bedazzledx2 and Ptolomy - all the best at the Royal. Have a safe trip and have lots of fun. Look forward to hearing how they went on your return.

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