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There are some scary factors in there Mas

here is the link again hopefully it'll work...


Weims have a high risk of bloat... the fact that I do not know one of Ari's relatives that has bloated gives me some comfort, but she is slim and deep chested and she eats fast... she gets two meals a day with raw mince and kibble... seems I am doing some things right and some not... but the risk is always there. if/when she is desexed I might consider the gastroplexy surgery.

I'm planning on switching slowly to raw once things settle down a little at my house so hopefully this will only help matters.

I always worried about my ridgies getting bloat, they ate kibble and big portions too and always wolfed it down

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There are some scary factors in there Mas

here is the link again hopefully it'll work...


Weims have a high risk of bloat... the fact that I do not know one of Ari's relatives that has bloated gives me some comfort, but she is slim and deep chested and she eats fast... she gets two meals a day with raw mince and kibble... seems I am doing some things right and some not... but the risk is always there. if/when she is desexed I might consider the gastroplexy surgery.

I'm planning on switching slowly to raw once things settle down a little at my house so hopefully this will only help matters.

I always worried about my ridgies getting bloat, they ate kibble and big portions too and always wolfed it down

We lost our first ridgie to bloat :) Was very sad as I didnt know anything about bloat.....Thought she just had a tummy ache ;)

I spent the first few years of Zolas life panicking like hell everytime she ate, drank, ran around or acted strange :) Im a bit more relaxed these days, but am still very aware - we live an hour from a decent vet!!

Our girls are fed twice a day, arent allowed to run around an hour before or after meals or drink massive amounts of water at any one time.....BRD is also fed on the ground. Im sure the Kelpie feels shes getting short changed with her meals as being fed twice a day she gets the tiniest of meals :) But I cant give one brekkie and not the other!!

As neither of the breeders that have my dogs rellies have had a bloating dog, I believe my girls amputated front leg had alot to do with her getting it! I will never know for sure, but thats what I feel in my heart!

Boxagirl, I hope Trojan is ok! It sure is scary!

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Posted to WA Click....

If you recall late last year when it was announced there would be no 2011 Western Classic Obedience Challenge, there was a great outcry from a lot of people.

There will be a one and only meeting tonight at 7.30 at K9 to discuss what is going to happen on the 6th June. It will be more of a 'think tank' meeting as if we do not get some ideas to make it special, the 2011 Obedience Challenge will be just a run off.

So please consider coming along tonight and putting forward some suggestions, which if feasible, could make this event a bit special. I'm not asking everyone to work on the day, but constructive ideas are crucial.

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Posted to WA Click....

If you recall late last year when it was announced there would be no 2011 Western Classic Obedience Challenge, there was a great outcry from a lot of people.

There will be a one and only meeting tonight at 7.30 at K9 to discuss what is going to happen on the 6th June. It will be more of a 'think tank' meeting as if we do not get some ideas to make it special, the 2011 Obedience Challenge will be just a run off.

So please consider coming along tonight and putting forward some suggestions, which if feasible, could make this event a bit special. I'm not asking everyone to work on the day, but constructive ideas are crucial.

I'll be there. I'm on the "Working Party" :)

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Our girls are fed twice a day, arent allowed to run around an hour before or after meals or drink massive amounts of water at any one time.

Ditto. My family could never understand why I would stress these exact points, as "we've owned dogs for years and they've all been fine". This was my first large breed, with a deep chest, I was and still am taking precautions to prevent bloat!!

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Posted to WA Click....

If you recall late last year when it was announced there would be no 2011 Western Classic Obedience Challenge, there was a great outcry from a lot of people.

There will be a one and only meeting tonight at 7.30 at K9 to discuss what is going to happen on the 6th June. It will be more of a 'think tank' meeting as if we do not get some ideas to make it special, the 2011 Obedience Challenge will be just a run off.

So please consider coming along tonight and putting forward some suggestions, which if feasible, could make this event a bit special. I'm not asking everyone to work on the day, but constructive ideas are crucial.

I'll be there. I'm on the "Working Party" :)

They didn't give much notice!! Ptolomy I will be able to come down ifnumbers are needed. Not sure how much I will contribute though.

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Our girls are fed twice a day, arent allowed to run around an hour before or after meals or drink massive amounts of water at any one time.

Ditto. My family could never understand why I would stress these exact points, as "we've owned dogs for years and they've all been fine". This was my first large breed, with a deep chest, I was and still am taking precautions to prevent bloat!!

I could liken it to pregnant mothers these days. Women have been having babies for many years before all this advice came out about things you shouldn't eat while pregnant, etc. yet now that they're aware of certain dangers, they are taking extra precautions. Well that is what I am doing with my dogs :)

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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

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Posted to WA Click....

If you recall late last year when it was announced there would be no 2011 Western Classic Obedience Challenge, there was a great outcry from a lot of people.

There will be a one and only meeting tonight at 7.30 at K9 to discuss what is going to happen on the 6th June. It will be more of a 'think tank' meeting as if we do not get some ideas to make it special, the 2011 Obedience Challenge will be just a run off.

So please consider coming along tonight and putting forward some suggestions, which if feasible, could make this event a bit special. I'm not asking everyone to work on the day, but constructive ideas are crucial.

I'll be there. I'm on the "Working Party" :)

They didn't give much notice!! Ptolomy I will be able to come down ifnumbers are needed. Not sure how much I will contribute though.

I'm on the WP because they needed more support for obedience, so I put my hand up (remember them putting out the call for help a few months back when the whole thing went down about it being cancelled?). I am not sure what help I will be either, but if you can come down and offer support I think it will be a good thing :)

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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

:) :) Thats just me being extra, specially careful ST!!! I guess I hope that by being "super sensible" when it somes to eating, drinking and exercise I am lowering the risk of bloat in my ridgie....... I am still very traumatised about losing our first girl that way..Its not something I even worry about with our Kelpie though, even though there is a chance she could get bloat too!!

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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

:):) Thats just me being extra, specially careful ST!!! I guess I hope that by being "super sensible" when it somes to eating, drinking and exercise I am lowering the risk of bloat in my ridgie....... I am still very traumatised about losing our first girl that way..Its not something I even worry about with our Kelpie though, even though there is a chance she could get bloat too!!

That's ok - although it's interesting that there was no link, I still tend to wait to feed before or after exercise and dont allow them to drink copious amounts of water at a time... I haven't lost a dog to bloat but it's such a common occurrence in my breed I don't want to risk anything.

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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

:) :) Thats just me being extra, specially careful ST!!! I guess I hope that by being "super sensible" when it somes to eating, drinking and exercise I am lowering the risk of bloat in my ridgie....... I am still very traumatised about losing our first girl that way..Its not something I even worry about with our Kelpie though, even though there is a chance she could get bloat too!!

A woman was telling me about how they lost their first Lab due to bloat because it drank a stack of water in one hit, so I am cautious about the dogs not drinking excessive amounts in one hit. Not sure if that was in the study? From what I gathered, the water bit in the quote above is just in reference to drinking either side of a meal?

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Posted to WA Click....

If you recall late last year when it was announced there would be no 2011 Western Classic Obedience Challenge, there was a great outcry from a lot of people.

There will be a one and only meeting tonight at 7.30 at K9 to discuss what is going to happen on the 6th June. It will be more of a 'think tank' meeting as if we do not get some ideas to make it special, the 2011 Obedience Challenge will be just a run off.

So please consider coming along tonight and putting forward some suggestions, which if feasible, could make this event a bit special. I'm not asking everyone to work on the day, but constructive ideas are crucial.

I'll be there. I'm on the "Working Party" :)

They didn't give much notice!! Ptolomy I will be able to come down ifnumbers are needed. Not sure how much I will contribute though.

I'm on the WP because they needed more support for obedience, so I put my hand up (remember them putting out the call for help a few months back when the whole thing went down about it being cancelled?). I am not sure what help I will be either, but if you can come down and offer support I think it will be a good thing :)

I would love to come down but I am on the late shift at work, only going in at 2 and finishing late...

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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

:):) Thats just me being extra, specially careful ST!!! I guess I hope that by being "super sensible" when it somes to eating, drinking and exercise I am lowering the risk of bloat in my ridgie....... I am still very traumatised about losing our first girl that way..Its not something I even worry about with our Kelpie though, even though there is a chance she could get bloat too!!

there is nothing silly about being extra cautious with our fur kids...When Mum first got into Danes I did tonnes of reading about bloat. Unfortunately mum lost her foundation bitch at about age 6 to bloat. Her brother is still going strong at 8 years I think...

When i started showing the in-laws goldies, I didnt even think about them being prone to bloat, until one of the dogs had an epidode in Albany - at a show no less... a quick trip to the vets thankfully from recognising the signs early and he is now 11 :)

I heard recently of a Westie having bloat... never actually even entered my mind being a smaller breed.

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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

:):) Thats just me being extra, specially careful ST!!! I guess I hope that by being "super sensible" when it somes to eating, drinking and exercise I am lowering the risk of bloat in my ridgie....... I am still very traumatised about losing our first girl that way..Its not something I even worry about with our Kelpie though, even though there is a chance she could get bloat too!!

there is nothing silly about being extra cautious with our fur kids...When Mum first got into Danes I did tonnes of reading about bloat. Unfortunately mum lost her foundation bitch at about age 6 to bloat. Her brother is still going strong at 8 years I think...

When i started showing the in-laws goldies, I didnt even think about them being prone to bloat, until one of the dogs had an epidode in Albany - at a show no less... a quick trip to the vets thankfully from recognising the signs early and he is now 11 ;)

I heard recently of a Westie having bloat... never actually even entered my mind being a smaller breed.

Wow, a Westie!!! That would have to be pretty rare though I hope R&H!!!

I know I used to be careful to the point of being extremely stressed about it! Now I am aware, careful and watchful but alot more relaxed about it. Every little thing that was out of the ordinary with Zola used to send me nutty with worry, almost taking over the joy of having this beautiful young dog! I think this has helped with her being so nuerotic, and anxious herself! I wont be doing that with a dog again, thats for sure :) .....Poor girl!

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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

:):) Thats just me being extra, specially careful ST!!! I guess I hope that by being "super sensible" when it somes to eating, drinking and exercise I am lowering the risk of bloat in my ridgie....... I am still very traumatised about losing our first girl that way..Its not something I even worry about with our Kelpie though, even though there is a chance she could get bloat too!!

A woman was telling me about how they lost their first Lab due to bloat because it drank a stack of water in one hit, so I am cautious about the dogs not drinking excessive amounts in one hit. Not sure if that was in the study? From what I gathered, the water bit in the quote above is just in reference to drinking either side of a meal?

The theory is that is they inhale/gulp the water, it traps the air, which causes the bloat. Or something along those lines... someone please correct me if I am wrong

Edited by RoxyNHemi
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Taken from the study link

Several popular theories regarding bloat were not substantiated during the study. There was no correlation of bloat risk to exercise before or after eating, as most dogs bloated in the middle of the night with an empty, gas-filled stomach. There was also no correlation to vaccinations, to the brand of dog food consumed, or to the timing or volume of water intake before or after eating.

not to say it doesnt increase the risk, just that no evidence during the study didn't produce any correlation to the above (eating after/before exercise and water intake)

good luck with ideas for the meeting tonight. I cannot come but I hope that it is successful.

:):) Thats just me being extra, specially careful ST!!! I guess I hope that by being "super sensible" when it somes to eating, drinking and exercise I am lowering the risk of bloat in my ridgie....... I am still very traumatised about losing our first girl that way..Its not something I even worry about with our Kelpie though, even though there is a chance she could get bloat too!!

A woman was telling me about how they lost their first Lab due to bloat because it drank a stack of water in one hit, so I am cautious about the dogs not drinking excessive amounts in one hit. Not sure if that was in the study? From what I gathered, the water bit in the quote above is just in reference to drinking either side of a meal?

The theory is that is they inhale/gulp the water, it traps the air, which causes the bloat. Or something along those lines... someone please correct me if I am wrong

Yep that is what I heard too, but regardless of how it happens, if drinking water causes that, I will never let the dogs drink excessive amounts really quickly, no matter how hot they are! If they really are that hot and thirsty, they can have another drink in a bit :)

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Last night RosieFT's dog Rosie weaved 12 slightly bent poles for the first time at training :laugh: And I have to say I think it was the most adorable weaving I have ever seen :) She literally bounces from side to side with both front feet together through them, as if she is on a pogo stick - so funny - by the 10th one the momentum just about flings her out of the poles :) I wish I filmed it!! Next week LOL

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Last night RosieFT's dog Rosie weaved 12 slightly bent poles for the first time at training :laugh: And I have to say I think it was the most adorable weaving I have ever seen :laugh: She literally bounces from side to side with both front feet together through them, as if she is on a pogo stick - so funny - by the 10th one the momentum just about flings her out of the poles :love: I wish I filmed it!! Next week LOL

Way to go, Rosie!!!!!!! :) Definitely film it, I wanna see!

That's Millie's weaving style too, however, I suspect a Lab doing it is nowhere near as cute as a mini foxie doing it :) Funny how different dogs weave differently. Basically taught Millie and Ruby the same yet Ruby steps hers and Millie bounces hers :) I really love watching the small dogs weave, they are just too cute bouncing through!!

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