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Quiet in here today!

So annoyed with myself. I tend to leave my purse or debit card in my car after training, and forget to put it back in my handbag. So I have no money to buy any lunch :( All I wanted to do was buy a bread roll, 60c! And all I have on me is 35c :( I was organised enough to bring the cold meat and cheese slice to work and all, ready to make my bread roll :D but have no bread roll :) I'm such a pauper!!!

Could you not borrow it off a colleague??

I could, but that is a bit embarrassing :laugh: More embarrassing than posting it publically ;) that and the bakery is a fair walk from the office - I usually pick one up on my way over here in the morning.

I found a packet of 2 min noodles in my work drawer (don't worry, only been there a couple of months :eek:) so I'm eating that, but I am so not impressed. I HATE 2 min noodles!!!! :D

I also hate 2 min noodles!! Having to organise lunch 4 work is such a pain. Takes much planning.

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LOL It's turned into the swingers club for WA dogs in here ;)

Belated Happy Birthday RV :D Hope your ear is better soon :) It sounds painful and scary :)

Big congrats CH Cider and RnH :laugh:

How exciting Jodie, hope the time passes quickly for you :)

SALUKIGGY - Poor babies :( Sorry I have no idea for help, but hope you find a foster mum for them soon :) I would love an IG one day, beautiful little dogs :(

Mason - I might be up for a birthday bash for Mason, but without my dogglets...I'll come and take pics instead :D

I was very pleased with Louis last night :) 2 weeks in a row he has approached the person next to us in class looking for treats and stood up on their leg - I know this is bad manners for most dogs, but it's such a big step for him to do this that he is allowed to get away with it :( We also had some jumps and tunnels out and he just loved the jumps, the tunnels spooked him to start with but he went through them in the end :eek:

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Cool - remind me closer to the time as I have a brain like a sieve :laugh: And let me know what I can bring :eek: I'm probably going for a wander round Herdsman Lake tomorrow morning with the camera if you're interested? Been a couple of times with the dogs recently and it's been really lovely and I wished I had my camera, so going without them tomorrow :D

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Cool - remind me closer to the time as I have a brain like a sieve :laugh: And let me know what I can bring :D I'm probably going for a wander round Herdsman Lake tomorrow morning with the camera if you're interested? Been a couple of times with the dogs recently and it's been really lovely and I wished I had my camera, so going without them tomorrow ;)

Would love to but I am wokring full day the next few days... :eek:

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Beans had her dermatology review this arvo. She hasn't been seen for 11 months - which confirms she is doing really well and we talked about how far she has come since she was first seen as a 4 months old puppy. Photos of her very very red face and bottom taken on her first visit are still used in the dermatology lectures.

Beans had never done anything by the book, so for the last 5 years its been a case of suck it and see and change things as required. Over the next 2 months we are going to attempt to cease her anti-histamine and reduce her immunotherapy to every 3rd week for 3 months and then monthly thereafter- so it will be interesting to see how we go.

Wish us luck :(

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Well done Beans!!! :(

Today Toby only got a half treatment from Deb and won't be going back till May!! :cheers: AND he had a behaviourist session in which he went awesome. :cheer:

:hug::( he has come a long way from when he was sore everyday.

How did you get on with your ear?

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Great news for you and beans Ptolomy. Sounds silly but i had tears in my eyes reading your post because i am so happy for you guys. Having an allergy dog i know how much time and effort you have put in to getting her to where she is today. I bet when you look back at those pictures you are so relieved! I hope that one day Mas can be doing as well as Beans :(

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Well done Beans!!! :(

Today Toby only got a half treatment from Deb and won't be going back till May!! :cheer: AND he had a behaviourist session in which he went awesome. :clap:

:hug::( he has come a long way from when he was sore everyday.

How did you get on with your ear?

It still looks stupid but the antihistamines have kicked in! :cheers:

I did this for Deb but thought I would share: (ETA - it shows the progress of Toby's foot!)


Edited by RallyValley
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Well done Beans!!! :(

Today Toby only got a half treatment from Deb and won't be going back till May!! ;) AND he had a behaviourist session in which he went awesome. :hug:

:hug::( he has come a long way from when he was sore everyday.

How did you get on with your ear?

It still looks stupid but the antihistamines have kicked in! :cheers:

I did this for Deb but thought I would share: (ETA - it shows the progress of Toby's foot!)


That is amazing - look at that squiffy sit in the second photos and how nice and tucked in his back legs are in the next one :cheer:

Deb has been so good to us and she is the reason why Moo is still competing :clap:

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Ptolomy fantastic news about Beans :cheer: As Mason said it's great to see when you have success/breakthroughs as it is particularly difficult to manage an allergy dog. I remember the constant scratching, sores and infections spartan used to get and when he was weaned from cortisone (yep he was on the hard stuff) it was such a breakthrough. He has been clean (:laugh:) of the stuff for i think nearly 4 years now. It's been a tough year, though...

RV those photos of Toby's legs are amazing!!! that is so fantastic.

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Absolutely fantastic news for Beans and Toby! Makes me so thankful neither of my girls suffer from allergies. I am a very lucky girl indeed as I had no idea allergies in dogs were so common so it wasn't something I took notice of when searching for a pup/rescue dog. I'll definitely be looking into allergies in lines when I go on the hunt for my next puppy, though I know this can never be a guarantee!

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After everyones good news we have bad news. Masons flare came right last week but is now back with a vengence, I have not seen him so itchy in ages, he has scratched a sore into his shoulder, has a sore on the tip of his ear and one on his paw, and he cannot stop scratching, I could hardly sleep last night.

Then on the work front we found out yesterday there are too many staff for our store and so not everyone is going to have a job in awhile. Hopefully people who only want 2 days like me will get to stay. If not I will be job hunting again :hug:

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That's sucky news on both fronts Mason :thumbsup::hug:

not sure if it will help at all, but with spartan, i used to put a t-shirt (sometimes two - one on front one on back) on him. It didn't stop the scratching but it certainly prevented sores from becoming infected and spreading. it's not as easy to do when they are outside but when they are inside it's good. you just have to lift their t-shirt up and fold it over if you let them out to pee.

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