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Chance is home but we are having some teething problems and it does not help that OH is not patient with him at all. He seems to be trying to dominate Mason and he does not know how to play nicely as he has never been socialized. He is crying when he cannot see one of us humans - he is like a real baby even though he is 7 months old. He also steals stuff off counters when I al trying to cook etc!! Very stubborn too, if you pull his collar he just sits down.

Sounds like you have quite a project ahead of you Mason........Just remember to be consistent and firm, and give them time out from each other and time by themselves with you guys....I reckon the first week or two will be the hardest... :love:

I agree, firm and consistent. If it lasts anyway. :)

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You are always going to have issues when you introduce a new dog, either puppy, juvenile or adult. Just try and take deep breaths :) You have gotten him at the worst age as well - remember he is a teenager ;)

WX, I am not going to Sydney - am hoping to get to Adelaide Royal this year though :)

Boxagirl, well done so far and good luck for the rest of the tests :love:

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water bottle or loud clapping with an ahhhh sound and redirect. poor mason. i saw fb big hugs. i heard you should give a month to settle in a new dog but yeah.... hope it settles and you get some sleep tonight

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Hope things are going okay for you today.

It can take a little bit to get things settled. EVen though Lewis was fantastic and settled in well we still had a couple of teething issues. I think even if they are well adjusted behaved dogs things will be different to what they are used to and they can carry on a little.

I would also interrupt the humping every single time it happens and from day dot work on him being happy in a crate with a bone etc while youa re in another room. That way he will elarn to settle, will learn you do come back and MAson can have a break.

Edited by OSoSwift
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Sorry it didn't work out Mason. Poor Chance must be stressed to the max and exhausted too.

Yes he has not slept although he did go better when i put him outside but poor mason is scared of him now and his legs even shake at times. He is a sweet dog and loves people but is very stubborn. He would need a home where the people can sort out his aggression/ dominance and know how to help dogs who have been left outside and not really trained very much. I will be honest and say he is more than i can cope with as even my da dog did not ignore me. Im actually wondering if he is deaf or something

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Sorry to hear Mason.

I take it you will not be keeping him then? Will you still be looking at adding another dog to your family?

Give him time, but I think it is better to make the decission before you become attatched or have real problems down the track.

Maybe Mason needs a "softer" companion if he is so worried by the bullying.

Goodluck :love:

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Sorry to hear Mason.

I take it you will not be keeping him then? Will you still be looking at adding another dog to your family?

Give him time, but I think it is better to make the decission before you become attatched or have real problems down the track.

Maybe Mason needs a "softer" companion if he is so worried by the bullying.

Goodluck :)

No I will only get another dog again when Mason is too old to compete

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sorry it didn't work out Mason :) I hope that Chance does find another home though... he sounds like a tough case.

He is not too too bad dont get me wrong someone with more experience will be able to handle him better than me - there was also a personality clash between him and my husband who just has no patience for him after he went for Mason. I have never had a dog not from a pup and it is way way harder than i thought it would be, someone who has done it before will have no issues re-training him.

He needs socialisation and heaps of training, in a working home, he has 10x more drive than Mason.Willbe a great sporting dog.

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Thats a shame Mason, a day is very short mine took weeks to integrate and a lot of work which I must admit I had the luxury of taking time with.


When the time is right I am sure aMason playmate will come along

A day is more then long enough for Mason to be bullied.

You did the right thing Mas and I am sure the breeder will find another home that's a better fit.

Edited by RallyValley
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Guest english.ivy

Good on you for at least giving it a go Mason2009 :) Especially at 7 months old!

Chance sure does sound like a dog who needs one on one training, in a one dog household.

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Good on you for at least giving it a go Mason2009 :) Especially at 7 months old!

Chance sure does sound like a dog who needs one on one training, in a one dog household.

He will probably be fine with another dog, the problem is mason is very very soft so any dog i get is likely to be the boss. I will probably end up keeping him as an only dog i think. He was stressed out on the weekend and has ended up with hotspots, never knew allergies can be affected by stress.

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Good on you for at least giving it a go Mason2009 :cheer: Especially at 7 months old!

Chance sure does sound like a dog who needs one on one training, in a one dog household.

He will probably be fine with another dog, the problem is mason is very very soft so any dog i get is likely to be the boss. I will probably end up keeping him as an only dog i think. He was stressed out on the weekend and has ended up with hotspots, never knew allergies can be affected by stress.

Poor Mason :thanks: Hope his hotspots are better soon.....Zola doesnt handle stress very well either M2009, and her tummy gets very upset if stressed at all....This can be from a vet visit, me being away for a couple of days or her being at the kennels, even just overnight!

Stress can cause all sorts of troubles in a stressy dog :) poor buggers!

I hope Chance finds the right home, where he can be trained to be a well mannered & behaved beasty!!

Is Mason ok other than his hotspots?????

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Good on you for at least giving it a go Mason2009 :cheer: Especially at 7 months old!

Chance sure does sound like a dog who needs one on one training, in a one dog household.

He will probably be fine with another dog, the problem is mason is very very soft so any dog i get is likely to be the boss. I will probably end up keeping him as an only dog i think. He was stressed out on the weekend and has ended up with hotspots, never knew allergies can be affected by stress.

Poor Mason :thanks: Hope his hotspots are better soon.....Zola doesnt handle stress very well either M2009, and her tummy gets very upset if stressed at all....This can be from a vet visit, me being away for a couple of days or her being at the kennels, even just overnight!

Stress can cause all sorts of troubles in a stressy dog :) poor buggers!

I hope Chance finds the right home, where he can be trained to be a well mannered & behaved beasty!!

Is Mason ok other than his hotspots?????

Yeah he is good.

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Mason I believe stress can cause issues with the immune system which is probably why he has had a return of his hotspots. I hope that this can soon be cured.

Please don't be too discouraged about getting another dog. Certainly if he is happier as a one dog household (which some dogs are) then don't get another, but if you do feel YOU are ready for another dog, and you are ready for a puppy, a good breeder will match a puppy to Mason's temperament.

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