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Western Australian Thread


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:( I feel for you CC, and others that have had to rehome beloved dogs.....must be one of the hardest things to do......

:( Mason - how exciting for you guys!!! Lucky Mason hey!!

Im off to the WaginWoolorama tomorrow - hope to get there early enough to see some sheep dogs at work :thumbsup:

Geez, did anyone just see that disgusting story about using meat glue to stick together meat scraps for human consumption on TT???? I never watch the show, but happened to see the ad...........What a disgrace :( I seriously cant believe what the food industry is coming to!!

Makes me want to go vego....

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How exciting!!! I got Brookie at 9 month of age and it was a wonderful connection right from the start.

I will write a little story here for those not on FB.

There is a golden retriever who is 7 months old ( Golden Rules' Paddys brother) looking for a new home and we are going to meet him on saturday. We were going to get a pup later in the year but after hearing that this dog needs a home we feel we should give him a chance and Chance is his name. He sounds very smart and sweet and easy to train :thumbsup:

So if all goes well we will be taking him home with us on saturday evening.

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I got Lewis at 8 months and within hours he was following me happily around within two days he was MY dog. He still is and I could possibly say - but not too loud- that he and I are closer than Rommi and I, whom I have had since 8 weeks. The difference is the personality. She is happy to sit next to you, he wants to get inside your skin!

Good luck and fingers crossed it all goes well.

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Thanks guys :( Just feeling a bit sorry for myself.....haven't dared tell OH as she was having a weep about Frida the other day, and that was without realising the dates :( Also Indy was at the vets today, she's been coughing for a while which we put down to hairballs....turns out she's got a bronchial infection - how bad do we feel about that as well!

I will write a little story here for those not on FB.

There is a golden retriever who is 7 months old ( Golden Rules' Paddys brother) looking for a new home and we are going to meet him on saturday. We were going to get a pup later in the year but after hearing that this dog needs a home we feel we should give him a chance and Chance is his name. He sounds very smart and sweet and easy to train :(

So if all goes well we will be taking him home with us on saturday evening.

We are excited but also unsure what to expect as i have always had dogs from small pups.

Awwww hope all goes well for you :thumbsup: My cocker was the only one I had from a pup, even then he was 15 wks when we got him :) The others were all adult rescues and all of them bonded with us and the other dogs really quickly and well - for the most part :p

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We are excited but also unsure what to expect as i have always had dogs from small pups.

I got Millie as what we were told was a 2 year old and it all worked out :) She's excelling in her training, more so in some areas than Ruby. Good on you maybe giving him a home :thumbsup:

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I will write a little story here for those not on FB.

There is a golden retriever who is 7 months old ( Golden Rules' Paddys brother) looking for a new home and we are going to meet him on saturday. We were going to get a pup later in the year but after hearing that this dog needs a home we feel we should give him a chance and Chance is his name. He sounds very smart and sweet and easy to train :banghead:

So if all goes well we will be taking him home with us on saturday evening.

oooo exciting.

cc i am sorry it must be hard i know the feeling hugs.

sarah good luck and if you see margaret wish her luck.

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YAY I'm so happy- got my letter back from WA police that I passed my police entrance evaluation! :hug: (which I really thought I'd failed!) tuesday I have psych. evalutation then next monday is the dreaded physical test, and a "realistic job profile" night... and If I satisfy all of these requirements I think I'm in :cry: Very excited! :D

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YAY I'm so happy- got my letter back from WA police that I passed my police entrance evaluation! :confused: (which I really thought I'd failed!) tuesday I have psych. evalutation then next monday is the dreaded physical test, and a "realistic job profile" night... and If I satisfy all of these requirements I think I'm in :laugh: Very excited! :(

Great news!! I am sure u will pass with flying colours!

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Is anyone from here looking at the Spring fair in New South Wales in August ??

not me sorry :rofl: i got a wedding on the 20th, the specialty on the 21st, my brithdya on the 27th and my mum's on the 29th and i expect to go into labour int eh first week. think i am busy enough lol :D

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Is anyone from here looking at the Spring fair in New South Wales in August ??

not me sorry :rofl: i got a wedding on the 20th, the specialty on the 21st, my brithdya on the 27th and my mum's on the 29th and i expect to go into labour int eh first week. think i am busy enough lol :D

wow Lisa, busy time lol

Its ok I know not to ask here Ill try my facebook!! More showies lol

Best part is I am going to see my friend of 12 years again ( she will be 74 this year) and the reason the Xolo breed is in Australia, the dog show is just a do while there, I much rather see my friend, but she is a mad show lady so we will keep both happy! lol

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any news on chance?????????

facebook :rofl:

i saw awwwwwwwww. congrats :D

Is anyone from here looking at the Spring fair in New South Wales in August ??

not me sorry :eek: i got a wedding on the 20th, the specialty on the 21st, my brithdya on the 27th and my mum's on the 29th and i expect to go into labour int eh first week. think i am busy enough lol :)

wow Lisa, busy time lol

Its ok I know not to ask here Ill try my facebook!! More showies lol

Best part is I am going to see my friend of 12 years again ( she will be 74 this year) and the reason the Xolo breed is in Australia, the dog show is just a do while there, I much rather see my friend, but she is a mad show lady so we will keep both happy! lol

oh that would be great :clap: yeah makes it a bit hard all these obedience people lol. not many showing. a few are away at the moment due to shows over east so m aybe when they come back one of them will eb going too :D

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Chance is home but we are having some teething problems and it does not help that OH is not patient with him at all. He seems to be trying to dominate Mason and he does not know how to play nicely as he has never been socialized. He is crying when he cannot see one of us humans - he is like a real baby even though he is 7 months old. He also steals stuff off counters when I al trying to cook etc!! Very stubborn too, if you pull his collar he just sits down.

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Chance is home but we are having some teething problems and it does not help that OH is not patient with him at all. He seems to be trying to dominate Mason and he does not know how to play nicely as he has never been socialized. He is crying when he cannot see one of us humans - he is like a real baby even though he is 7 months old. He also steals stuff off counters when I al trying to cook etc!! Very stubborn too, if you pull his collar he just sits down.

Sounds like you have quite a project ahead of you Mason........Just remember to be consistent and firm, and give them time out from each other and time by themselves with you guys....I reckon the first week or two will be the hardest... :love:

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