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Western Australian Thread


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Usually your automatic sits disappear because you cue them differently to what you do in training.

Talk about being busy last night - yep i can relate to that.


The job interview is done and dusted - I emailed a friend and asked is 9am too early for my first cider :laugh::laugh: Off for coffee with my workmates shortly :thanks:

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Usually your automatic sits disappear because you cue them differently to what you do in training.

Talk about being busy last night - yep i can relate to that.


The job interview is done and dusted - I emailed a friend and asked is 9am too early for my first cider :rofl::laugh: Off for coffee with my workmates shortly :thanks:

I am sure you did great in your interview :laugh:

Yes I am sure I walk differently etc when I am nervous, I can feel myself tense up.

RS I noticed that Ruby did real well last night :laugh:

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RS I noticed that Ruby did real well last night :thanks:

Thanks, she did good :rofl: I didn't get to see much of Mason, I was flat out last night!

Usually your automatic sits disappear because you cue them differently to what you do in training.

Speaking of automatic sits disappearing :laugh:

Doing fast pace in the ring with Millie coming into an autosit, and she just couldn't get it out of her head thinking I was asking her to drop instead :laugh: Repeat a few times, a drop each time. I think we've been working on drops in fast pace lately :rofl: So I know what I need to work on this week :laugh: I've actually got a few things to work on with Millie, finishes are one of them! Talk about crooked lately :rofl:

(whoops, this is the WA thread, not the training one, oh well, sorry non-obedience WA folk!!)

Edited by RubyStar
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RS I noticed that Ruby did real well last night :thanks:

Thanks, she did good :rofl: I didn't get to see much of Mason, I was flat out last night!

Usually your automatic sits disappear because you cue them differently to what you do in training.

Speaking of automatic sits disappearing :laugh:

Doing fast pace in the ring with Millie coming into an autosit, and she just couldn't get it out of her head thinking I was asking her to drop instead :laugh: Repeat a few times, a drop each time. I think we've been working on drops in fast pace lately :rofl: So I know what I need to work on this week :laugh: I've actually got a few things to work on with Millie, finishes are one of them! Talk about crooked lately :rofl:

(whoops, this is the WA thread, not the training one, oh well, sorry non-obedience WA folk!!)

Yes I saw Millie kept dropping lol, dogs can be funny sometimes!!

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Aw poor cat :cool:

I got exciting news this morning :( Got a letter from WA police recruiting, that I have to go sit my police entrance exam (4 hrs) and psych test (3 Hrs) next saturday! ;) It's the day of the western classic- so now I'm going to have to bath the sibes well in advance on the friday and rush off after my testing is finnished- hope I make it to canine in time! Fingers crossed I pass! :)

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Aw poor cat :(

I got exciting news this morning :) Got a letter from WA police recruiting, that I have to go sit my police entrance exam (4 hrs) and psych test (3 Hrs) next saturday! :cool: It's the day of the western classic- so now I'm going to have to bath the sibes well in advance on the friday and rush off after my testing is finnished- hope I make it to canine in time! Fingers crossed I pass! :)

Oh wow, congrats!!! Is this the first step? So if you pass this, what is the next step? Best of luck!! ;)

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Oh wow, congrats!!! Is this the first step? So if you pass this, what is the next step? Best of luck!!

It's the first step after you submit your application and they have called you references, checked your background history etc.

Next step if I pass this would be physical fitness test, medical exam and I think theres a real life job prospect interview/info thing aswell.

I also have to go get an eyesight examination by an optometorist before I'm allowed to sit the entrance exam- so will have to do that next week.

I'm so excited but nervous at the same time :)

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Aw poor cat :p

I got exciting news this morning ;) Got a letter from WA police recruiting, that I have to go sit my police entrance exam (4 hrs) and psych test (3 Hrs) next saturday! :D It's the day of the western classic- so now I'm going to have to bath the sibes well in advance on the friday and rush off after my testing is finnished- hope I make it to canine in time! Fingers crossed I pass! :provoke:

well done :)

hoep you make it on tiume on sat as mel and jase may need you to help handle one of the girls if they both make it to challenge lol :) just to put some more pressure on you

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Sorry to hear about the cat Rach.....poor little kitty :(

I got exciting news this morning :D Got a letter from WA police recruiting, that I have to go sit my police entrance exam (4 hrs) and psych test (3 Hrs) next saturday! :) It's the day of the western classic- so now I'm going to have to bath the sibes well in advance on the friday and rush off after my testing is finnished- hope I make it to canine in time! Fingers crossed I pass! :thumbsup:

Congratulations and Good Luck for the day :)



Phew tell me about it....barely dropped below 27 for most of the night hot-sun-192.gif

I went to explore round Herdsman Lake yesterday....didn't last too long the heat and the millions of signs about tiger snakes made me a bit wary :cry:

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Sorry to hear about the cat Rach.....poor little kitty :)
I got exciting news this morning :) Got a letter from WA police recruiting, that I have to go sit my police entrance exam (4 hrs) and psych test (3 Hrs) next saturday! :D It's the day of the western classic- so now I'm going to have to bath the sibes well in advance on the friday and rush off after my testing is finnished- hope I make it to canine in time! Fingers crossed I pass! :thumbsup:

Congratulations and Good Luck for the day :)



Phew tell me about it....barely dropped below 27 for most of the night hot-sun-192.gif

I went to explore round Herdsman Lake yesterday....didn't last too long the heat and the millions of signs about tiger snakes made me a bit wary :cry:

I need to do 5 self portraits for my next assignment and its just too hot to go anywhere to get decent shots as my make-up just melts off lol :(

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