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My mum texted me today to say that my old dogs have gone downhill fast and she is having them PTS at home on thursday - I feel really guilty about not being there for them.

Oh Mason, please dont feel guilty. Please be glad your Mum has your dogs and is doing the right thing for them......that and the fact the vet will visit to let them go the Rainbow Bridge.............Such a hard time, so big, big hugs for you.... :heart:

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:heart: Wolf was such a pain in the butt tonight at obedience. He was good for 15mins when we got there- but as soon as class actually started he just put his nose to the ground :) I demoted myself from the back oval :laugh: I don't think he's ready for that yet. Hopefully he will make up for it on wednesday night training at my other club- if not, I'll just train Rumour instead and he can sit in his crate.

Training my Sibe really makes me appreciate my boxer!- and I thought she was challenging :laugh:

Sorry to hear about your old dogs mason :p

My work has about 20 evacuated pets from the fires :rofl: One man brought only one of his dogs in because the other dog slipped his lead as they were trying to escape and he can't find her :laugh: and he can't get back to his house to look :rofl:

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Guest RosieFT

Sorry to hear that your old dogs have to be pts... I take comfort in that they don't know what is planned, and one minute they are here, and the next they are not. They are not dwelling on it as we do. <<hugs>>

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Sorry to hear that your old dogs have to be pts... I take comfort in that they don't know what is planned, and one minute they are here, and the next they are not. They are not dwelling on it as we do. <<hugs>>

That is very true and also its nice that they are going together they are litter sisters and have never been apart. One has cancer and one bad athritis

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My mum texted me today to say that my old dogs have gone downhill fast and she is having them PTS at home on thursday - I feel really guilty about not being there for them.

That's sad but good too. You have been saying for a while now that they haven't been too good.

At least your Mum is having someone come to her home, that will be nicer for the dogs. :)

Yes gabby hates going to the vet so it will be much better for them, and they have no quality of life anyway - no trips to park, no walks etc so its a sad sad life for them which is why I think they ages so much when I left.

I'm so sorry Mason2009, don't feel guilty at least they will cross the bridge together and in the comfort of a familiar place. Hugs to you both and your parents.

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Regarding the fires in Perth - would it be ok to put up a link for MDBA Pacers on facebook does anyone think???

Ive been trying to think how I could help, and being 3 hours south of Perth feel totally useless.....Have been thinking about all those poor animals all day, and their distressed owners!!! :)

Anyone collecting for them?? Money or stuff??

Think I may visit BP&G in Bunbury tomorrow and see if they are collecting donations :eek:

My heart goes out to all those affected and their families :laugh::rofl:

Lovely idea Lab Rat, why not drop Pacers a line to check that they are fine with it, I'm sure they will be. They have started an appeal tonight to collect for the victims of the fire, but so much is happening lately one wonders just how much people will still have to give, although being Aussies I am sure everyone will give till it hurts. I know some of the kennel properties where quick to offer space in their kennels and catteries and the offer of various crates.

With an apparently 25km radius risk of embers fire, I was glad that they got it under control although my family told me I was stressing too much, it was too close for comfort.

There are just too many Australians in pain at the moment, it breaks my heart, everytime I put on the TV.

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Regarding the fires in Perth - would it be ok to put up a link for MDBA Pacers on facebook does anyone think???

Ive been trying to think how I could help, and being 3 hours south of Perth feel totally useless.....Have been thinking about all those poor animals all day, and their distressed owners!!! :)

Anyone collecting for them?? Money or stuff??

Think I may visit BP&G in Bunbury tomorrow and see if they are collecting donations :eek:

My heart goes out to all those affected and their families :laugh::rofl:

Lovely idea Lab Rat, why not drop Pacers a line to check that they are fine with it, I'm sure they will be. They have started an appeal tonight to collect for the victims of the fire, but so much is happening lately one wonders just how much people will still have to give, although being Aussies I am sure everyone will give till it hurts. I know some of the kennel properties where quick to offer space in their kennels and catteries and the offer of various crates.

With an apparently 25km radius risk of embers fire, I was glad that they got it under control although my family told me I was stressing too much, it was too close for comfort.

There are just too many Australians in pain at the moment, it breaks my heart, everytime I put on the TV.

Will do Ozjen....

I know what you mean about watching the tv, I tried not to watch any news last night!!

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Well obedience went quite well... Although we somehow ended up in a youngens class... Hemi and my sisters dog are 14months and the closest other pup was 12m, and then it went downhill from there... the average age was about 5-6m... Hemi was a good boy, altho he seemed to bore quite quickly (he knows how to sit and drop, where most in the class are really starting from scratch)

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Long shot I know, but my TAFE class requires us to have a "greenie" (those shirts that vet nurses wear and nurses, etc). I was wondering if anyone knows where you can get them cheap or maybe even 2nd hand? I only need to wear it once in a blue moon on class pracs, so I don't want to spend $50 on one from the book shop (and I'm not even sure they sell them anymore, I think the woman who made them has stopped). Anyone here a vet nurse/nurse and can get their hands on any? :thumbsup: I need one for Friday for my first prac for the year!

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Well obedience went quite well... Although we somehow ended up in a youngens class... Hemi and my sisters dog are 14months and the closest other pup was 12m, and then it went downhill from there... the average age was about 5-6m... Hemi was a good boy, altho he seemed to bore quite quickly (he knows how to sit and drop, where most in the class are really starting from scratch)

I think that's to be expected when in a beginner's class, good to see people taking their puppies along for training! :thumbsup:

Glad it went well :thumbsup: Maybe do some tricks or something with Hemi in between, or maybe take along a crate and crate him while a lot of the talking happens. Saves him waiting around getting bored :eek:

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Mason I am so sorry to hear about your old girls *hugs* but as Rosie said, it's the greatest gift we can give them sometimes...

Well we took James down last night - he was so so good and surprisingly focused since i've been doing some work with him. It gives me some hope for Ari!! James even did some heel work and some sits which is a stretch for him usually - hooray for smelly cheese!

RnH i would take Hemi up a class - the last thing you want is for him to be bored. What I find is that once you know what/how far you want to go with obeidence, those group classes only take you so far... and you spend most of your time waiting around until you get to the more advanced classes while the instructors help the people who need more help. Another thing you can do is just use the group sessions to your advantage because of the distractions... start teaching more advanced stuff, if you think Hemi is ready for it, while you are standing around.


Edited by SparkyTansy
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I worked out this morning that I have been going to that same club training night on and off for 20 years!!! it does make me feel pretty old...

:thumbsup: I'm only heading into my 5th year and I'm pretty sure I'm older than you :thumbsup: I still feel old, though :eek:

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