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Yep Rommi is from Whipitgood. Cath will be having a litter next year from memory. Rommi will hopefully be having her litter at the end of the year :cry: Cath is a great breeder and always available for chats and advice etc. We still chat often and send photos.

Neither of my Whippets are shy or timid, infact quite the opposite and I am constantly having to make sure they do not mug visitors! They will sit on anyone's lap and smooch anyone. My SFE problem with Rommi si caused by the fact she just HAS to schmooze the judge!

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Forgot to add that so far in Australia the Whippet is a breed that is regarded to be free from hereditary disease as in there are no diseases like PRA for example that we should test for.

However many people overseas, especially America, do check for many hereditary diseases in particular heart diseases, but also get eyes tested by eye specialists, thyroid tested, hearts tested. I do believe that in America the Whippet is a breed that is regarded as needing to be checked for hereditary heart disease.

I was reading about a survey that was done in the UK and something like 60% of Whippets that had died, die from injuries/illnesses other that hereditary ones/old age related. Most of them are due to trauma from running into things at speed. Mainly things like broken necks/backs. They are not a fragile breed but they can get carried away and if they are travelling at 50kms an hour or so and put their body on the line and not pull it off you can imagine the result. You also get used to them colliding with each other and somersaulting. I do try to intervene early enough but sometimes they just do not look where they are going and smack into things like a solid Jarrah white painted outdoor chair!........Rommi!!!!!!!!!!

I have had mine run into solid things at speed, scream, sommersault and stand there leg hanging. You thing oh crap shattered bones. Nope 10 to 20 minutes later running around as though nothing has happened. If they are say chasing a ball with other dogs they will run into and sommersault over another dog like Lewis did a couple of weeks ago.

My Bowen therapist is my friend!

Having said all that when Rommi was by herself I never had any injuries. Since having 2 I have had quite a few sprained and damaged toes and one sprained cruciate. That is the dogs! I have had a few bruises as they have smacked into my legs because they were not looking!

I have just re-read that and they sound like they are stressful to live with. They aren't. They are laid back and love smooching, they will go really fast but for a short period of time, so half an hour or less of lead hooning and then they are happy snoozing for the rest of the day. They are real people dogs and love to follow you everywhere, to the toilet, to everyroom. Some Whippets are not like that but both mine are.

They expect to sleep on the lounge and drape over you whenever possible. They are great around well trained kids, hopeless guard dogs and you get lots of comments when you take them out in public!

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Poor Trixie :cry: Hope she is better soon :cry:

I like Whippets but don't think I would get one just because of my lifestyle LOL. You will find Whippets at pretty well any show as they are quite a popular show breed.

For meat, go and ask your butcher. We have a butcher near Swan Districts that gives free boxes of bones (offcuts) for the dogs :cry:

gotta love the local butcher especially with three rottis :cry:

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Whippets are too cute!!! My sister has decided when she can have a dog where she lives, she will be getting a whippet ;)

One of my ridgeback friends in Perth has whippies as well, they are such great little dogs - and seem to keep the ridgies in check too!!!

I think the worst thing they do (perhaps its one of those genetic disorders, I dont know ;) ) is counter surf!!! And man are they good at that!!!

I have also met Cath and her Whippets, lovely girl - and loves to chat about her dogs!

You will generally find lots of Whippets people near or with Ridgeback people at shows....thats how I got introduced to this great little dog....Especially one called Jimmy, who wears a dear little Inspector Clueso jacket :) :)

Big Happy Belated Birthday Ososwift ;) :cheer: Hope you had a good one!!

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LOL, Buzz is trying to convert the whole world into Whippet owners, 1 cold nose prod at a time :D

Amypie & ST, Buzz says Hi! :wave: RS, I got your PM and sent a reply yesterday, you are more than welcome to meet the mad one - he looooooves making new friends!

Question for all you agility peeps: when would be a good time to start the basics with my boy, and where/when do you all train? Buzz has a certain amount of, how shall I put it, natural aptitude (read: jumps my patio fences like they arent there from a standstill, and if he has a running start could just about clear the house I think! :eek: )... he loves to retrieve/tug and is pretty good with instant recall at home (haven't tried anywhere else yet though ;)) and so I'm thinking I might have to pursue a sports career of some description with him. I haven't seen the inside of a trial ring since oh, approx. 1994 so class me as a rank beginner ;) All suggestions gratefully received!

Happy New Year everyone! (yes, I know it's a bit late but haven't been in here much...:))

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PD888 :eek: i feel like it's been ages since I've seen you! I'll have to come find you at the next show I'm at (which won't be for a little while i think). Buzz is not the first whippie i've met, but he is certainly the first one i considered smuggling under my jacket :wave: he is so gorgeous!!

no advice from me on agility stuff - but hopefully some agility peeps can come along soon to offer you advice!! i am hoping to get started properly in obedience later this year after Ari's litter. she seems like she enjoyed the couple of sessions I did last year with her.

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Yep Rommi is from Whipitgood. Cath will be having a litter next year from memory. Rommi will hopefully be having her litter at the end of the year :) Cath is a great breeder and always available for chats and advice etc. We still chat often and send photos.

Neither of my Whippets are shy or timid, infact quite the opposite and I am constantly having to make sure they do not mug visitors! They will sit on anyone's lap and smooch anyone. My SFE problem with Rommi si caused by the fact she just HAS to schmooze the judge!

That's good, I've seen some that jump at every noise / movement - but then there are dogs like that in many breeds. Is LEwis going to be the sire?

LOL, Buzz is trying to convert the whole world into Whippet owners, 1 cold nose prod at a time :D

Amypie & ST, Buzz says Hi! :wave: RS, I got your PM and sent a reply yesterday, you are more than welcome to meet the mad one - he looooooves making new friends!

Question for all you agility peeps: when would be a good time to start the basics with my boy, and where/when do you all train? Buzz has a certain amount of, how shall I put it, natural aptitude (read: jumps my patio fences like they arent there from a standstill, and if he has a running start could just about clear the house I think! :eek: )... he loves to retrieve/tug and is pretty good with instant recall at home (haven't tried anywhere else yet though ;)) and so I'm thinking I might have to pursue a sports career of some description with him. I haven't seen the inside of a trial ring since oh, approx. 1994 so class me as a rank beginner :) All suggestions gratefully received!

Happy New Year everyone! (yes, I know it's a bit late but haven't been in here much...;))

You can start the basics anytime, just no full height jumping / obstacles until 12 months +

Things like sit stays, recalls, flat work (going around in circles and rewarding the dog for being next to you and not crossing behind), hand touches, target touches, 2 on 2 off contacts (can use a step or piece of board).

Some of us train at ACWA which offers classes from puppies to trialling level, Tuesday nights at K9. You're in Canning Vale aren't you?

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Yep Rommi is from Whipitgood. Cath will be having a litter next year from memory. Rommi will hopefully be having her litter at the end of the year :) Cath is a great breeder and always available for chats and advice etc. We still chat often and send photos.

Neither of my Whippets are shy or timid, infact quite the opposite and I am constantly having to make sure they do not mug visitors! They will sit on anyone's lap and smooch anyone. My SFE problem with Rommi si caused by the fact she just HAS to schmooze the judge!

That's good, I've seen some that jump at every noise / movement - but then there are dogs like that in many breeds. Is LEwis going to be the sire?

LOL, Buzz is trying to convert the whole world into Whippet owners, 1 cold nose prod at a time :D

Amypie & ST, Buzz says Hi! :wave: RS, I got your PM and sent a reply yesterday, you are more than welcome to meet the mad one - he looooooves making new friends!

Question for all you agility peeps: when would be a good time to start the basics with my boy, and where/when do you all train? Buzz has a certain amount of, how shall I put it, natural aptitude (read: jumps my patio fences like they arent there from a standstill, and if he has a running start could just about clear the house I think! :eek: )... he loves to retrieve/tug and is pretty good with instant recall at home (haven't tried anywhere else yet though :)) and so I'm thinking I might have to pursue a sports career of some description with him. I haven't seen the inside of a trial ring since oh, approx. 1994 so class me as a rank beginner :cry: All suggestions gratefully received!

Happy New Year everyone! (yes, I know it's a bit late but haven't been in here much...;))

You can start the basics anytime, just no full height jumping / obstacles until 12 months +

Things like sit stays, recalls, flat work (going around in circles and rewarding the dog for being next to you and not crossing behind), hand touches, target touches, 2 on 2 off contacts (can use a step or piece of board).

Some of us train at ACWA which offers classes from puppies to trialling level, Tuesday nights at K9. You're in Canning Vale aren't you?

Yep, I'm just in the Canning Vale kennel area... are classes back on now? Sound perfect! Might have to wander down on a Tuesday night and have a squizz ;)

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Yep Rommi is from Whipitgood. Cath will be having a litter next year from memory. Rommi will hopefully be having her litter at the end of the year :) Cath is a great breeder and always available for chats and advice etc. We still chat often and send photos.

Neither of my Whippets are shy or timid, infact quite the opposite and I am constantly having to make sure they do not mug visitors! They will sit on anyone's lap and smooch anyone. My SFE problem with Rommi si caused by the fact she just HAS to schmooze the judge!

That's good, I've seen some that jump at every noise / movement - but then there are dogs like that in many breeds. Is LEwis going to be the sire?

LOL, Buzz is trying to convert the whole world into Whippet owners, 1 cold nose prod at a time :D

Amypie & ST, Buzz says Hi! :wave: RS, I got your PM and sent a reply yesterday, you are more than welcome to meet the mad one - he looooooves making new friends!

Question for all you agility peeps: when would be a good time to start the basics with my boy, and where/when do you all train? Buzz has a certain amount of, how shall I put it, natural aptitude (read: jumps my patio fences like they arent there from a standstill, and if he has a running start could just about clear the house I think! :eek: )... he loves to retrieve/tug and is pretty good with instant recall at home (haven't tried anywhere else yet though :cry:) and so I'm thinking I might have to pursue a sports career of some description with him. I haven't seen the inside of a trial ring since oh, approx. 1994 so class me as a rank beginner ;) All suggestions gratefully received!

Happy New Year everyone! (yes, I know it's a bit late but haven't been in here much...;))

You can start the basics anytime, just no full height jumping / obstacles until 12 months +

Things like sit stays, recalls, flat work (going around in circles and rewarding the dog for being next to you and not crossing behind), hand touches, target touches, 2 on 2 off contacts (can use a step or piece of board).

Some of us train at ACWA which offers classes from puppies to trialling level, Tuesday nights at K9. You're in Canning Vale aren't you?

Yep Lewis will be the sire, then I have my next move planned already ;) I am looking at getting puppies now and the future that are quite drivey and like to train and learn like Lewis does, while keeping the other bits I want.

You can start basic any time. there is so much to agility, not just jumping, so learning to work away from you, contacts. Jumping also means going between two wings not just going over a bar, so that can be learnt early with a bar laying on the ground if you want to. And all the stuff Amypie has said :)

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Yep Lewis will be the sire, then I have my next move planned already :D I am looking at getting puppies now and the future that are quite drivey and like to train and learn like Lewis does, while keeping the other bits I want.

Not listening not listening! *puts fingers in ears* :wave: 2 dogs is enough :eek:

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Yep Lewis will be the sire, then I have my next move planned already :D I am looking at getting puppies now and the future that are quite drivey and like to train and learn like Lewis does, while keeping the other bits I want.

Not listening not listening! *puts fingers in ears* :wave: 2 dogs is enough :eek:

Lol and here I am thinking one is enough!!!!!

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Yep Lewis will be the sire, then I have my next move planned already :( I am looking at getting puppies now and the future that are quite drivey and like to train and learn like Lewis does, while keeping the other bits I want.

Not listening not listening! *puts fingers in ears* :thumbsup: 2 dogs is enough :laugh:

Lol and here I am thinking one is enough!!!!!

One is NEVER enough. My OH was never really a dog person adn we now have 2 Whippets with a third when we have babies, then a break for a bit before another. HE was the one who was like yep of course we will be keeping one! Why wouldn't you?

He is forever telling people how great they are which he has never done before ever with any other of the dogs/breeds I have had. He even suggested we may need another lounge by then to fit them all on!

Amypie I will pick one especially just for you, all bounce and enthusiam and Lewis's ball/training/working addiction - it will be great, they don't take up much space when they sleep they curl up all tiny and stack up ontop of each other :)

Not sure I could have 8 though, that might be a couple too many!

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