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Western Australian Thread


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Oooh are you moving down to our neck of the woods?! That will be good since you spend so much time at K9! It's like your second home :laugh:

I think some of us need to move in with the caretaker of K9 we're down there so often :eek: I want to move at some point but I so love my 10 min drive to K9! I will have to make sure I move no further than 20 mins, but less if possible :)

Well I know I will be in Southern River for about a year... and hopefully within a 20 minute drive after that... Hoping to sell up and buy and build a house sometime this year.

Roleystone? I still want to build a house there but a few things stop me!

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Oops that did come across as a little overenthusiastic didn't it :laugh: I just like not being a loner :eek:

Shivers, better organise my WC entries too :S

i did mine a day late for conformation well they were done just didn't make the post i hope they get accepted. i will have to do some ob trianing to get them organised for a trial :)

rubystar and ptolomy you left like 5 minutes to early for me to come say hi :) i was laying on the grass with my rotti on top incase you saw me i was wearing the white shirt and the screaming children were mine rofl

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rubystar and ptolomy you left like 5 minutes to early for me to come say hi :( i was laying on the grass with my rotti on top incase you saw me i was wearing the white shirt and the screaming children were mine rofl

Ptolomy left about 15 mins before I did, you should have come over :) I saw some Rottis so thought one of them would be you, but everyone was too far away to spot individuals.

Had another great night at training :laugh: Then went and did a little agility and Millie is now weaving 12 consecutive poles (poles at slight angles) :)

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Geez you guys have been busy.................talking :o :D It has taken me about half an hour to catch up!!!

Great to see you all so enthusiastic about your dog sports, and trials :) One day hopefully I will be able to participate too!!

Im looking forward to the Western Classic, well the Friday & Saturday anyways....and I hope this time to catch up with some of you I havent met yet!!

Nothing terribly exciting happening in the south of the state, just more heat than you can poke a stick at :( Rock on winter :laugh:

Hows Banjo Mirawee??? Hope hes gotten over his little sad.......

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rubystar and ptolomy you left like 5 minutes to early for me to come say hi :D i was laying on the grass with my rotti on top incase you saw me i was wearing the white shirt and the screaming children were mine rofl

Ptolomy left about 15 mins before I did, you should have come over :) I saw some Rottis so thought one of them would be you, but everyone was too far away to spot individuals.

Had another great night at training :laugh: Then went and did a little agility and Millie is now weaving 12 consecutive poles (poles at slight angles) :D

yeah i thought i had better pay attention lol i was working mummy dog as we are entered in the show on the weekend though i think i may join hubby up as a handler lol. she works rather well for him :( i did plan on coming across but i turned around and all were gone rofl one day. i got hubby to workj mummy dog for a bit and he isn't too bad with her :)

yeah there were quite a few rottis last night is unusual mine are normally the only ones there so looks like new competit\on coming up :)

Yay for millie :o

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Ptolomy left about 15 mins before I did,

Yep chocolate was calling :laugh: But the kids all trained well - so thanks Rubystar

I must remember that Sunday's show is reverse alphabetical order which means I need to get there early, which also means I should get a decent parking spot :o

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Ptolomy left about 15 mins before I did,

Yep chocolate was calling :laugh: But the kids all trained well - so thanks Rubystar

I must remember that Sunday's show is reverse alphabetical order which means I need to get there early, which also means I should get a decent parking spot :D

i didn't know that :o thanks for that :( now when i get through i will have to hang around all night lol :)

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Oohh looking forward to seeing you Lab Rat!

Banjo made a liar out of Mirawee last night and was back to his perky self :laugh:

Winter! No way, we only just got some decent warmth, finally!

Banjo out of sorts? Never! He couldn't decide which of my girls he had the hots for most last night :o Ruby thought he was a little too frisky for her liking :D Yes, a Lab who asked another dog to back off, who woulda thunk it? :( I think Millie has a crush on Banjo though :)

And agreed, no way to winter yet! But I'd be happy with autumn, if only it would stay that way weather wise all year! (minus all the leaves dropped, grrr, got a yard full, but have leaves all year round to clean up anyway!!)

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Ptolomy left about 15 mins before I did,

Yep chocolate was calling :o But the kids all trained well - so thanks Rubystar

I must remember that Sunday's show is reverse alphabetical order which means I need to get there early, which also means I should get a decent parking spot :(

Mmmm chocolate.... didn't have anything near as yummy calling my name! I did a little bit of a directed retrieve thing when you left last night with 3 retrieving dummies, very happy that Ruby nailed each one! :) But they were spaced out much further than gloves in UD :)

That's another good thing about summer, extended daylight. More time for training! I got to train obedience, retrieving and agility last night which I wouldn't get to do in winter! I can get there long before club turns the lights on :laugh: (and my girls were STILL raring to go after 2 hours there :D)

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Oohh looking forward to seeing you Lab Rat!

Banjo made a liar out of Mirawee last night and was back to his perky self :laugh:

Winter! No way, we only just got some decent warmth, finally!

Banjo out of sorts? Never! He couldn't decide which of my girls he had the hots for most last night :o Ruby thought he was a little too frisky for her liking :D Yes, a Lab who asked another dog to back off, who woulda thunk it? :( I think Millie has a crush on Banjo though :)

And agreed, no way to winter yet! But I'd be happy with autumn, if only it would stay that way weather wise all year! (minus all the leaves dropped, grrr, got a yard full, but have leaves all year round to clean up anyway!!)

Getting humped by a female Aussie had to put a smile on his dial (not Jenna) although I think he was more impressed when he sat on my foot and I started jiggling it to make him get off (which he didn't seem in a hurry to do). :)

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Lol, thanks Ozjen - one of them even has its tongue out :laugh: I think my OH would throw a wobbly if I brought those :(

But one of them looks JUST like Louis!!! :o

('Honey, I shrunk the dogs!' just went through mmy head! :D )

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