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Western Australian Thread


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Guest english.ivy
Just thought I would give you guys a heads up - was informed by a customer today, that apparently WA is going to expect some (the impression he gave - LARGE amounts) of rainfall from the 20th Jan until late in the 1st week of feb or into the 2nd week of feb... it would have come from Qld, apparently it will be announced on the news tonight.

Can we have that in written form and signed ;)

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Just thought I would give you guys a heads up - was informed by a customer today, that apparently WA is going to expect some (the impression he gave - LARGE amounts) of rainfall from the 20th Jan until late in the 1st week of feb or into the 2nd week of feb... it would have come from Qld, apparently it will be announced on the news tonight.

Can we have that in written form and signed ;)

i so agree lol. we could use it ;) i'd love to believe it but every time they say it we get very little lol

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Just thought I would give you guys a heads up - was informed by a customer today, that apparently WA is going to expect some (the impression he gave - LARGE amounts) of rainfall from the 20th Jan until late in the 1st week of feb or into the 2nd week of feb... it would have come from Qld, apparently it will be announced on the news tonight.

Can we have that in written form and signed :cry:

i so agree lol. we could use it ;) i'd love to believe it but every time they say it we get very little lol

I am not sure how accurate his info is, but will be watching the news....

My sister will be disappointed if thats the case, as she is having a pool party for her 21st on the 29th Jan...

Just spoke to my Hemis breeder in Qld, he isnt directly in the core of the floods, but one exit of his road is under water and his property is flooded, luckily it all bypasses his house. Apparently the rains arent going to stop anytime before March... Its supposed to be the Sunshine State - as well as Summer.... I am truly shaken for everyone over there in this horrible horrible circumstance. I cant imagine what it would be like. ;)

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I am not sure how accurate his info is, but will be watching the news....

My sister will be disappointed if thats the case, as she is having a pool party for her 21st on the 29th Jan...

Just spoke to my Hemis breeder in Qld, he isnt directly in the core of the floods, but one exit of his road is under water and his property is flooded, luckily it all bypasses his house. Apparently the rains arent going to stop anytime before March... Its supposed to be the Sunshine State - as well as Summer.... I am truly shaken for everyone over there in this horrible horrible circumstance. I cant imagine what it would be like. ;)

The floods are just surreal :cry: I feel so sad for everyone over there.

As for the rain in WA. Elders long term says we may get some beginning of next week but nothing on the calendar until mid-Feb after that. But then they aren't that accurate either most of the time ;)

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I am not sure how accurate his info is, but will be watching the news....

My sister will be disappointed if thats the case, as she is having a pool party for her 21st on the 29th Jan...

Just spoke to my Hemis breeder in Qld, he isnt directly in the core of the floods, but one exit of his road is under water and his property is flooded, luckily it all bypasses his house. Apparently the rains arent going to stop anytime before March... Its supposed to be the Sunshine State - as well as Summer.... I am truly shaken for everyone over there in this horrible horrible circumstance. I cant imagine what it would be like. ;)

Glad hemi's breeder is ok.

I am having oz day here if its raining i wont have to put the pool up rofl ;)

Yeah cheryl my dogs breeder is ankle deep in mud she is in townsville so is so far ok but i have family in dalby and they have evacuated well last i heard they were i hope they did.

according to the chinese calender (it comes out every three or four years or so) the last calender spoke of droughts which we all did have but this knew one which started last year is of floods :S so if accurate we are all in for a lot of rain

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so agree my friend and i were discussing it, perth cbd would be gone, south perth gone, midlnad would be affected due to being so close to swan river and all areas she runs through. coastal and all us under the hills ;)

would love some water though my lawn i think is beyond saving, out the back with the dogs and kids. i never bothered watering the one day a week or whatever i just water my fruit trees

last bout of rain we had midland flooded and it was only like half a metre to a metre. midland gate was under water it actually flooded some cars engines.

i live in viveash near river and la salle we were under water had to take cars up on foot path and even then the water was up to car doors

took about an hour to subside :S

my house would go under water if we flood again my street goes down hill and i am in the middle of the street.

anyone in the fire areas i pray you are safe

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Just thought I would give you guys a heads up - was informed by a customer today, that apparently WA is going to expect some (the impression he gave - LARGE amounts) of rainfall from the 20th Jan until late in the 1st week of feb or into the 2nd week of feb... it would have come from Qld, apparently it will be announced on the news tonight.

Can we have that in written form and signed ;)

We need rain so bad!! Was on a farm in bullsbrook on the weekend and the dams are the lowest they have been in like 20 years or something everything is so dry!!

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Puppy News? :rofl:

Poor Daisy has been through it today, first the groomers and then she stayed on at the vets and got her anal glands flushed and packed under GA. While she was under we asked them to sort out a sebaceous cyst on her back, so she now has a stitched up hole in her back. Poor poppet - although she seems fine in herself, all she wanted was food when she got home :rofl:

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Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery :rofl:

Puppy News? :rofl:

Poor Daisy has been through it today, first the groomers and then she stayed on at the vets and got her anal glands flushed and packed under GA. While she was under we asked them to sort out a sebaceous cyst on her back, so she now has a stitched up hole in her back. Poor poppet - although she seems fine in herself, all she wanted was food when she got home ;)

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Squeeee, puppy!!!!!

Perth is so sandy I think most of the water would drain away immediately anyway... if my garden is anything to go by :rofl: We don't have the huge number of rivers and ranges that QLD do. There's a reason they always built their houses on stilts - then some smart people decided to build brick and tile houses in flood plains!

Such a tragedy though, good grief :rofl:

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I caught the news finally this afternoon (I rarely see it) so got to see just how bad the floods are, and the fires :rofl: So sad for everyone affected ;)

We do need the rain but I will take the dry over flooding anyday. My house will survive a bit of water as it's a bit higher (not a lot) so too much flood and it'd get me, too. That freak hail storm we had last year and a few things flooded, my house was ok but mum and dad had water come in one side of the house and ruin their carpets. I remember wading in knee deep water at Cannington train station, then wading through some more of it along Albany Hwy so I could catch a bus home! Water was coming into the bus as the roads were flooded :rofl: That was enough flood for me, I really hope we don't even experience that again. Poor QLD people ;)

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Spent a lovely late afternoon at the beach today with my oldest son, his two boys and Jenna. This is the first time I have allowed Jenna free play with the kids (3 and 4) as I have always worried about her being too rough so she has always been kept on lead and only allowed to be lying down or sitting when they come up for pats. But she couldn't have been better behaved, it was lovely watching them all play together and her being so gentle with them, although she did get rather a shock when my son tried to wrestle with her. While she loves wrestling with me, as I said to him he doesn't have the right relationship with her to be able to do it and it only frightened her. To be honest alot of dogs would probabaly have turned around and taken a chuck out of him. He did make it up to her with alot of fussing but she kept a close eye on him after that. I was pleased that he included her in the invite to the beach though and had to laugh at my oldest grandson as although he knows Jenna's name well, he took to calling her Jenni at the beach. :rofl:

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I got the naughty one!!! OMG!!! What have I let myself in for!?!

Someone remind me how to upload photos please. Here is mum and dad and pups at 6 weeks http://www.youtube.com/user/bedazzledx2?feature=mhum

Bedazzled has some exciting news ;) and a few sleepness nights ahead of her :rofl:

Upload photos to somewhere like www.photobucket.com then grab the link to paste in here. The link to chose from photobucket is the one with [ img ] [ /img ] on either side of the url.

So is the puppy actually home yet or not? And what name did you decide on (if any yet?) :rofl:

Edited by RubyStar
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Picked him up today....the choice came down to two boys. One quite pretty and the other a bit darker. I really wanted it to be the pretty one but the darker boy just had so much more attitude that I had to go for him. I'm delighted as he came in and settled immediately into the routine. He discovered the gold mine of Brookie's toys and quite likes Jaspers teddy bears :rofl: He plays a good game of tuggy!!!

Thanks...I'll upload some photos tomorrow. His name is Binnaburra Jack.

I got the naughty one!!! OMG!!! What have I let myself in for!?!

Someone remind me how to upload photos please. Here is mum and dad and pups at 6 weeks http://www.youtube.com/user/bedazzledx2?feature=mhum

Bedazzled has some exciting news ;) and a few sleepness nights ahead of her :rofl:

Upload photos to somewhere like www.photobucket.com then grab the link to paste in here. The link to chose from photobucket is the one with [ img ] [ /img ] on either side of the url.

So is the puppy actually home yet or not? And what name did you decide on (if any yet?) ;)

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