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If any of you lived closer you would be welcome to most of my beef bones as I only have so much freezer room. Most end up thrown out.

Hey OSoSwift have you spotted Bedazzled down your way yet????

If you do - can you put her in a post bag and send her back to Perth please :)

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Mum just rang to say 2 parcels have been delivered - so heres hoping one is from Clean Run :)

I am training early tonight and then flying to Kal tomorrow, so you may have to wait until MOnday to receive your goodies.

Where are you off to (Kalgoorlie??) and why? :p

Edited by RubyStar
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anyone have any ideas on what questions i can ask for a nutrition assignment, i have done all the basics but im a bit stuck now..

Its to give to a client so I can determine the best diet for their dog with the answers

So have you covered condition of coat, size of output ( :p ), farting, burping, effect on teeth .....?

I'm not sure what you are meant to ask! :)

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Where are you off to (Kalgoorlie??) and why? :)

Yep Kalgoorlie, going to bring my daughter home - exams are over and I don't want her driving all that way on her own. Besides she has been up there since January and I decided that I better see where she was living before it is too late :p

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But the problem there is that if their dog has always had sloppy poos then they might think that's 'normal'? Maybe you need too be more descriptive about texture and firmness :) This is putting me off my lunch

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But the problem there is that if their dog has always had sloppy poos then they might think that's 'normal'? Maybe you need too be more descriptive about texture and firmness :) This is putting me off my lunch

Lunch at 10.20am?! :p

Does it have to be a yes/no answer? Can you ask them to describe what the poo looks like and then base a couple of responses on their answer? Sort of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book :p

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I see mirawee lurking :p Thanks for running Ruby last night, it was great to step back and see her do her thang as I can't see it when I'm running her! She's a good munchkin when she wants to be :p Now if only I could convince her that the dogwalk and seesaw aren't the scariest things on earth :)

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As quite a few of you are aware I have been having some serious issues with the dogs in my house. After trying everything possible me and my breeder decided it is probably best for all parties involved (my parents, Toby, Lincoln, the future of Chessies in Aus, me and them) that Lincoln is rehomed. This is not a decision I have made lightly and without the advice of multiple professionals over several months. Lincoln flies out Monday. This is NOT something I wish to discuss further online to protect the privacy of all parties involved and because it just makes me too sad.

Just thought people would start to notice when I stopped referring to Lincoln. Thanks to the DOLers who helped me when I was making the hardest choice I have ever made. :rofl:

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