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Guest RosieFT

Hi - that house is beautiful CC and snow would be nice as a novelty, but don't think i would like to live with it for too long!

Glad to hear it is not a cruciate - my fear with Rosie since she loves to leap about so.. and off things.. ugh.

Mason - good boy for not scratching band aid off!

Amypie - hee i have caught that 60min make over before and just think what an awful job they would have to do to get it all done - you cannot possibly paint walls well or correctly with multiple coats in that time. ugh. you would have to re do your whole house. Don't you find many of those english homes have such a claustrophobic feel to them? Some are beautiful, but inside is so cramped and give me the heebies - yes i am a tad claustraphobic.

Won't be at training tonight, off on a 'night stalk' with kids and OH instead. Torches ready, bring on the bats, frogs and anything else :-) Just hope the rain holds off till we are done!

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That's it, I'm packing my bags!! Is your old house still for sale? :cry:

'fraid not :hug:

My little buddy Gary and I would love to meet some nice doggies around here. We are trying to work on his socialisation. It's not that he's aggressive, but he is a little timid and gets overwhelmed by the big, persistent sniffy dogs who tend to frequent the local park. I need some positive experiences for him in a more controlled environment, I think. :cry:

I'm trying to work on Louis's socialisation as well and would love to help you out, trouble is Louis isn't a 'nice doggie' if another dog gets in his face :o

That sounds great :cry: Gary likes saying hello face to face, but not much else, he's a bit fussy about other dogs sniffing his bum... So that's something we definitely need to work on. He also doesn't seem to get that other dogs can be played with. ;)

Our other one was off to the vet today, just had Gary in yesterday for his vacc's. She has a gross sore, most likely from licking and a flea allergy, which is nice! :laugh: Add that to some bad family news, and a mild car accident, and it was probably my worst day in a while. ;)

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i was just talking to a family member about bobcat work up in the hills, and remember someone asked about it on here the other day - maybe week and cant remember if I replied or not

Look up HP Whiskin, he is a family friend, and does a good job :hug: - and im not just saying that as he is a family friend - i have seen him in action

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I hope its just a minor injury. I have been there with Brookie and thankfully it turned out to be a toe injury. I know how you feel right now. Fingers crossed :hug:

Rommi is at the vets as she injured her toe - again- two weeks ago, all was going well until I started to slowly increase her exercise. Took her back and she had some pain on manipulation of her knee! She definately had a swollen toe but it appears she may have damaged her knee as well. She is in for sedation and xrays of her foot and knee. Geez I hope it isn't her cruciate!! praying very hard here!
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I hope its just a minor injury. I have been there with Brookie and thankfully it turned out to be a toe injury. I know how you feel right now. Fingers crossed :hug:
Rommi is at the vets as she injured her toe - again- two weeks ago, all was going well until I started to slowly increase her exercise. Took her back and she had some pain on manipulation of her knee! She definately had a swollen toe but it appears she may have damaged her knee as well. She is in for sedation and xrays of her foot and knee. Geez I hope it isn't her cruciate!! praying very hard here!

Seems she injured her toe and her knee!

Toe is nearly better, knee isn't. Her cruciate is intact though. 6 weeks crate and dog run rest, then 4 weeks working up to normal exercise.

Fingers crossed it is all normal after that!

Edited by OSoSwift
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Nope not much fun, but on the scheme of things it could have been MUCH worse. I was actually quite happy she was insured yesterday when they said it was her knee and they needed to check her cruciate properly!

Now I just have to put up with getting "the look" on a regualr daily basis for the next little while!

Was wondering if you were keeping a baby as well Emery??? so so cute!

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Are you keeping one Emery??

OSoSwift - glad to hear the bank card survived yesterday and that Rommi doesn't need an op. 6 weeks crate rest doesn't sound like much fun though.......

CC nice to catch up on Monday night :o

Hubby wants a male, if i do not get one out of this mating i will get one from her sisters mating to the same sire that way they are not directly related and it leaves my options open more :cheer:

Help please.......

The rules and regulations link on the Dogswest site is down :D

Can somebody please tell me the age range for Minor, Puppy and Junior classes please :rofl:

minor- dogs of 6 and under 9 months of age

puppy- dogs of 6 and under 12 months of age

junior- dogs of 9 and under 18 months of age

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This is Bear's sister Pamela. Isn't she gorgeous :rofl: .

What a pretty girl :rofl:

We start our class training on monday eeeeeekkkkkkkkk I'm stressed I just know he's going to be the worst in the class!

Where are you taking him? Just relax and enjoy your training, make it fun and don't stress ;)

That sounds great :D Gary likes saying hello face to face, but not much else, he's a bit fussy about other dogs sniffing his bum... So that's something we definitely need to work on. He also doesn't seem to get that other dogs can be played with. :cheer:

Our other one was off to the vet today, just had Gary in yesterday for his vacc's. She has a gross sore, most likely from licking and a flea allergy, which is nice! :) Add that to some bad family news, and a mild car accident, and it was probably my worst day in a while. :)

Sorry you had a crappy day yesterday :D What I meant was that although Louis does need socialisation, he probably wouldn't be a good choice to help socialise Gary as he wouldn't teach him anything positive :D I'm happy to meet for on-lead walks, but no close contact, and I can't take him to any off-lead beaches or parks. He's fine walking up and down the sea front and passing dogs there :) pm me if you're interested.

Rofl ok i'll share ;)

here they are at 10 days ;)

awww, so squidgy - look at them snuggling :o

CC nice to catch up on Monday night ;)

Yeah same here ;) Still can't believe that was Strauss, what happened to the fluff ball I saw at Byford ;)

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