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awww I have to see him before he is a full sized dog ahhaha

they dont have to be show dogs, but stacked yes I am hoping to bump into ruby before its due :confused: everyone is using one of the labs from tafe and I have to say I love her but she isnt the best representative of the breed (overweight ahha)

and its not a new job actually, im getting crazy hours at dominos at the moment working thursday, friday, saturday, sunday nights and usually tuesday as well and they have started giving me shifts during the days

Edited by Rach...
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awww I have to see him before he is a full sized dog ahhaha

they dont have to be show dogs, but stacked yes I am hoping to bump into ruby before its due :D everyone is using one of the labs from tafe and I have to say I love her but she isnt the best representative of the breed (overweight ahha)

and its not a new job actually, im getting crazy hours at dominos at the moment working thursday, friday, saturday, sunday nights and usually tuesday as well and they have started giving me shifts during the days

Well, as a hint, I will be up your way (least I think it's your way) at the northern suburbs training grounds in Carine this Sunday morning :D

Not sure Ruby is the best representation of the breed either, but hey, she's pretty :confused:

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I havent really had the internet for the past week, so have been m.i.a and i really cannot be bothered catching up on 20 pages or so ahahha i made it halfway through catching up and gave up :confused:

Tiggy I am sorry to hear about Shimi but congratulations on Pea! He is definately adorable

Congrats on becoming a grannyyyyy Jacqi and also Naca's title

I went to the show last saturday and saw Lisa and Kelari and got some more of my assignment photos I am still missing a Golden Retriever, Staffy, Jack Russell, Labrador and Cocker Spaniel.. I know some of those will be easy but others ahhaha

Oh and here are some pics of kelari i took last weekend

I can provide you with Golden photos... or do you need to actually take them?

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Hi everyone,

Just read a few comments regarding the fires and as I work in bushfire management I just thought I'd remind everyone of a couple of things that you may/may not already know

1) If you see smoke check out the FESA and Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) websites as they have all current alerts on them. Re-check these regularly as they are updated every few hours or when conditions change. Remember that it takes time to get information from the field to the office to the media - so updates are not instant.

2) If you live in a fire prone area (i.e. anywhere in the Perth Hills or a country town, or anywhere near bushland) have a fire plan BEFORE there is a fire. FESA has some great booklets on this. Having a plan helps you know what you are going to do before hand as opposed to trying to make tough decisions in the heat of the moment. If you do decide to leave - GO REALLY EARLY! The road is not a place you want to be caught in a fire...

3) Remember that if you do get evacuated pets and animals are not allowed in evacuation centres, so have a back up plan to take them somewhere. During recent evacuations people have brought their dogs but had to sit outside with them at the evacuation centre.

Hope this helps!

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Well, as a hint, I will be up your way (least I think it's your way) at the northern suburbs training grounds in Carine this Sunday morning :D

Have you been doing your homework ;)

I havent done a lot of the heeling part but I have done the feet on something for backend awareness :confused:

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I havent done a lot of the heeling part but I have done the feet on something for backend awareness :confused:

Interesting the feet on brick exercise for backend awareness. I started Stands with Strauss yesterday and every time I went to stand in front of him he started moving his back end towards me - hmm houston I think I have created a problem :D

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Ptolomy I may actually have a solution for you! :D (or no idea what I am doing with rear end awareness most likely :confused: )

When I do rear end awareness with my boys I have been using a riding crop to touch the side I want them to move away from, I have also been using teh same crop to touch thir chests and teach backing up. This is because it's how I taught my horse rear end awareness and I am too lazy to read how to teach it properly for dogs (although I saw Amypie doing it woth Trixie on Sunday ;) )

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I'm figuring out my training roster for next year ;) Mondays - Obedience at K9, Tuesdays - Agility ACWA but if I come for obedience on Mondays I won't be able to take Banjo to Eden Hill for agility and I was going to do the puppy agility with Bear at ACWA so now I'm not sure if I should do ACWA with Banjo and miss the puppy classes with Bear :D decisions, decisions :confused: .

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Hmm thanks for the suggestion of using a riding crop - I actually have one of those - somewhere!!!!

Now I want to go home and try again ......

You can always use a stick :D

A question to you now ( :confused: ) does rear end awareness (i.e twirling on the brick) lead to anything other then a dog that hopefully kowns how to pivot in heelwork? Like are you supposed to get in "heel" position with the dog and teach him to line up while on the brick?

Also with the hand targeting heeling if you were attempting the continous touch method you would obviously have you hand ay the dogs head height right?

Toby broke a tooth so I am thinking next week he will be going under GA to get that removed and while he is under I want to get his dew claws done too.

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Toby broke a tooth so I am thinking next week he will be going under GA to get that removed and while he is under I want to get his dew claws done too.

How did he manage that? Does he have rear dew claws or do you mean the front ones?

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Toby broke a tooth so I am thinking next week he will be going under GA to get that removed and while he is under I want to get his dew claws done too.

How did he manage that? Does he have rear dew claws or do you mean the front ones?

I think it was on a bone or something stupid he was chewing on. And it's his front dew claws, he gets skin infections in the fold of skin between the leg and the claw and one of grew in a really odd direction because of being in a cast when he was growing. :confused:

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I think RE awareness is required for agility too, aids in proper weaving, contacts, etc.

Don't know if you've seen this Kikopup video vCBR but it shows her teaching the exercise then doing the pivot in heel position


Poor little Tobylarone ;) Man that dog must love the vet! :D

I will watch the clip at home :)

Yeah Tobylarone is the only dog I have ever owned that gets excited by a vet visit, and the only dog who the vets all know on first name basis. :D

When i call up they are like what's your surname and then I say it and they go... "OH Toby!!! What's he done now?" :confused:

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I think RE awareness is required for agility too, aids in proper weaving, contacts, etc.

Don't know if you've seen this Kikopup video vCBR but it shows her teaching the exercise then doing the pivot in heel position


Poor little Tobylarone ;) Man that dog must love the vet! :D

I will watch the clip at home :)

Yeah Tobylarone is the only dog I have ever owned that gets excited by a vet visit, and the only dog who the vets all know on first name basis. :D

When i call up they are like what's your surname and then I say it and they go... "OH Toby!!! What's he done now?" :confused:

Lol I know how you feel, Mason is also ALWAYS at the vet, silly puppy!.

Ptolomy its funny the things dog come up with isnt it? I think for RE awareness - when I was having the issue of Mason only wanting to sit with his paws on the step/book etc this is why i had the issue....., I had taught him to sit in the hula hoop a few weeks before, so he was thinking hmmm sit in hoop get treat, she must want me to sit with my paws on the book lol.....

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my 8 year old cousin got bitten by a rotti (not mine the dog in question is just an extension of what his owner lacks)

she has a big bruise on her leg and her pjs got torn.

owner told ranger cousin ran dogs foot over hence it is justified :S

ranger told cousins mum to let my cousin make friends with the dog and he isn't pursuing it any further.

Am seeking advice to see if it can be taken further as cousin was just walking on path and the owner after being spoken too didn't even apologise and refuses to muzzle.

no dog should attack a child unprovoked and get a second chance and as its my breed involved i am even madder

(almost want to go take the rotti and give it some training) the owner doesn't deserve him

Oka vent over.

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my 8 year old cousin got bitten by a rotti (not mine the dog in question is just an extension of what his owner lacks)

she has a big bruise on her leg and her pjs got torn.

owner told ranger cousin ran dogs foot over hence it is justified :S

ranger told cousins mum to let my cousin make friends with the dog and he isn't pursuing it any further.

Am seeking advice to see if it can be taken further as cousin was just walking on path and the owner after being spoken too didn't even apologise and refuses to muzzle.

no dog should attack a child unprovoked and get a second chance and as its my breed involved i am even madder

(almost want to go take the rotti and give it some training) the owner doesn't deserve him

Oka vent over.

Emery that is wrong!!! I would take matters further - not sure how you would go about this though...

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