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Tiggy and RSG sorry for your loss, I can appreciate how you are feeling as the the same thing happened to my boy a few days before he was due to fly out. As it was said everything happens for a reason even if it does suck!

Damn you and you bulk CR order actually damn me and living in Bunbury haha!

A few questions:

1) is it normal at times to feel like you hate (for want of a better word) your pup? He is driving me NUTS! he wont listen to anything we have been doing so well in training but now it's like everything has gone out the door! he barks at everything and anything and doesn't stop when disciplined I feel like I am constantly at him! I know he's a pup but I feel like it's one step forward two backwards!

2) keeping on the one step forward two backwards track is it common for them to go backwards in toilet training? He was doing so well, I am going back to square one is it meant to be this difficult?

3) every time I leave the room he follows when I go to the gated section of the house he carries on like no tomorrow it is getting a little better. I dont come out of where ever until he has stopped I dont pay attention to him when he is carrying on I just dont know what to do.

I know it sound like a big whinge he isn't bad all of the time I know he's a pup and I'm sure it happens to everyone but I'm so new to this I just want to get a grasp on it no better way than to ask. Sorry if this offends some people I do love my boy and yes I do have the time an patience for him if I didn't care I wouldn't be asking for help.

Thanks in advance :)

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A few new pics of Paddy from the river this morning ........ where he accidentally followed DOugal straight into the river at high speed and was dunked. He had no idea what had happened :)


I see a Ridgeback head there - who's that?

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A few new pics of Paddy from the river this morning ........ where he accidentally followed DOugal straight into the river at high speed and was dunked. He had no idea what had happened :)


I see a Ridgeback head there - who's that?

A ring-in :provoke: Belongs to the lady patting the Goldie :eek:

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Tiggy and RSG sorry for your loss, I can appreciate how you are feeling as the the same thing happened to my boy a few days before he was due to fly out. As it was said everything happens for a reason even if it does suck!

Damn you and you bulk CR order actually damn me and living in Bunbury haha!

A few questions:

1) is it normal at times to feel like you hate (for want of a better word) your pup? He is driving me NUTS! he wont listen to anything we have been doing so well in training but now it's like everything has gone out the door! he barks at everything and anything and doesn't stop when disciplined I feel like I am constantly at him! I know he's a pup but I feel like it's one step forward two backwards!

2) keeping on the one step forward two backwards track is it common for them to go backwards in toilet training? He was doing so well, I am going back to square one is it meant to be this difficult?

3) every time I leave the room he follows when I go to the gated section of the house he carries on like no tomorrow it is getting a little better. I dont come out of where ever until he has stopped I dont pay attention to him when he is carrying on I just dont know what to do.

I know it sound like a big whinge he isn't bad all of the time I know he's a pup and I'm sure it happens to everyone but I'm so new to this I just want to get a grasp on it no better way than to ask. Sorry if this offends some people I do love my boy and yes I do have the time an patience for him if I didn't care I wouldn't be asking for help.

Thanks in advance :)

I hope someone can give you some advice to help you Vaders Mum. I don't think I'd be much good as my pup has been home 4 weeks now and I can't fault him. He does however follow me everywhere too but that doesn't bother me, I just do whatever I went to do.

Maybe you could check with your breeder for some advice? :provoke:

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Yeah I shot her an email off while I was writing the post. I dont mind if he does follow me but it's the carrying on even when someone else is here he will sit a the gate barking howling etc even with redirection no luck. Oh well the joys of puupyhood

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It's been an emotional day today, Shimi had to be PTS :cheer: , she was one very special little puppy :laugh: .

Pea and Shimi


RSG very kindly offered me Pea and I accepted :( .

Oh, Tiggy and RSG I'm so sorry, Shimi was such a little cutie and we were all looking forward to Shimi cuddles, hugs to both of you at this sad time. I'm sure Pea will help ease the pain a little and be a very special puppy. :cheer:

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Hi all well one last perv at all your goings on!! before spasmodic posts!!

Congratulations Tiggy on a birthday and a soon to be new baby to your house! He is gorgeous ( and as you know I am not even a Staffy person!!)

Just a bit of news I wnted to share with you young uns! lol

I too have a new addition! as always its hairless, but its pink and makes a hell of a racket, doesnt do much but pees and poops, its called Jack!!!

Its not quite a Xoloitzcuintle but close!!


My grandson !!

Woohoo, congratulations Wazzat Xolo, on your lovely grandson, even better than puppy cuddles.

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Ohh he's special alright. I may need to post him along with a big whacking stick LOL

Might go get the camera out, seeing as though there's only four out there and I can tell who is who

I think it's Bevan that needs the whacking stick :)

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