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HI everyone!

Just wondering if any of you know of any second hand dog trailers for sale ( 3-4 berth big enough for rottys ) or possibly the best place to find them! they seem to be everyewhere in the other states but not WA!!! annoying... :love:

Thanks in advance :eek:

Try checking out the greyhound bulletin board on their site too they sometimes have ones available. Occassionally see the odd one in Quokka too.

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Sonds like everyone is busy and having buckets loads of fun!

We have been going great toilet training was going along swimminly until I had a nap and my fiance took over and we had a lot of accidents!! so back to the start and a huge list of do's and dont's on the fridge for my fiance to follow haha poor bugger more rules than the Kenobi!

I just wanted to ask you if you know the obediance classes in bunbury at the dog club I emailed and called but no answer :love: I know its still too soon for him but he is going no if buts and maybes!!! and I would love for him to have some play dates friends (we aleady have a few linned up when hes got his Vacs) or if you have recommendations for somewhere in bunbury that does, I would be very greatful.

I must say he's a bucketful of fun and such a delight oh and what a mums boy he is!

Claire Gick at Benotto does obedience thats were I am taking my two next term, she has a web site


or email me private and I can send you her email and phone number

Thanks heaps I had a peek at the site looks great seems like alot of fun and even better as we will be moving out to dalyellup soon so nice and close for us! I can wait to take him! Seems as though she has a lot of returns too from her FB page.

Thanks again

tell her I sent you, she is a good mate and we will be there next term, she has a facebook site called benotto as well ,

see you soon then!

Oh I will do were enrolling for classes on the 15/11th just after his vacs! I just enrolled him in puppy school too ugh he's def making him self at hime now he loves to bite ankles and far out it hurts! i am trying methods mentioned on here so far no sucess we shall just work at it. :eek:

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There are some DOLers on here who do tracking. I'm pretty sure the tracking season is finished for the year? It's quite short and over the cooler months because of snakes etc. Your pup will probably be a good age for it for next season :rofl:

Here is Trackwest's website:


What breed are you getting? (sorry if I missed it :eek: )

Thanks, amypie :eek: Website is great! Looks like so much fun!

I am getting a Dobermann :)

I am getting a little frustrated though, seems like just about everything is on a weeknight! And like I said before I can only go places at night every second week on weekdays. I am looking for a good place to do obedience and can only find one place that seems to do weekends, but it's over an hour from here. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I am in the southern suburbs. Someone told me that they thought there was a place in Gosnells that had classes on Sundays but I can't seem to find anything.

emery, congrats ;) Was there decent security at the Royal Show for dogs this year? Just curious after what happened to the poor lil Chi.

Hi Ravenau1 :love:

I started tracking with Trackwest this year and its alot of fun with very friendly people. The dogs pick it up very quickly and if the owners pick it up just as quick there is every likelyhood of obtaining a tracking title by the end of the first season. I'm not one of those people though so haven't entered a trial yet, maybe next season.

Tracking is open to dogs of all ages and types and I was told that they are thinking of doing a puppy or youngster group next season. At this stage it is held in the Gnangarra pine forrest on a Saturday morning starting at 8am, there is a reasonable amount of hiking around as we lay tracks for each other as well as follow tracks ourselves. At tracking trails we usually get a lovely roast dinner for $5 after the trial is over and its a nice relaxed atmostphere for the presentations.

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Jenna loved it - I am not sure OzJen did though :eek:

Yeah we were very busy on Sunday. Remind me again why I have an "exotic" breed and one who reminds everyone of their dog? Although apparently I should be breeding working kelpies and selling them for lots of money rather than having show ones :love: While it is true that started working kelpies can be sold for a lot of money you have to have the skill (and time) to start them first!

Heheh I can imagine the look on ozjen's face :)

I bet the Lappies would have pulled a crowd, lovely fluffy teddy bears they are :eek:

Is that what someone told you RE Kelpies? :rofl: Then you won't be able to show them!

I got to catch some of the sheepdog demos which were done near the obedience / agiility section, just brilliant stuff, was great to watch.

Yes, Ozjen was not impressed with Miss Jenna but almost had a heart attack when she landed chest first of the A frame with her front legs buckled under her. I'm sure she only did it so mum would feel sorry for her and not be mad. Pity she was too heavy for me to throw over the pound fence on the way home. ;)

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Yes, Ozjen was not impressed with Miss Jenna but almost had a heart attack when she landed chest first of the A frame with her front legs buckled under her. I'm sure she only did it so mum would feel sorry for her and not be mad. Pity she was too heavy for me to throw over the pound fence on the way home. :rofl:

As if you could do that :eek: Throw her over my fence before you throw her over the pound fence :love:

Crikeys! Glad she's okay!

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Yes, Ozjen was not impressed with Miss Jenna but almost had a heart attack when she landed chest first of the A frame with her front legs buckled under her. I'm sure she only did it so mum would feel sorry for her and not be mad. Pity she was too heavy for me to throw over the pound fence on the way home. :cry:

As if you could do that :cry: Throw her over my fence before you throw her over the pound fence :grouphug:

Crikeys! Glad she's okay!

Wasn't quite that bad, she launched from near the top of the A-frame (Jenna has never even looked at missing the colour before yesterday :cry: That is Abbey's trick when she is feral) and landed on her feet but tripped on landing and went down on her shoulder (I was a bit closer and at a better angle to OzJen). OzJen grabbed her when she left the ring and was worried coz she was shaking - me being the cruel person I am went over and grabbed her, told OzJen she was fine and not to baby her and took her out the back to make her listen before putting her in the crate :cry: However I had noticed that she had trotted off perfectly sound after doing her dive bomb and she was "shaking" due to adrenaline from being a feral Aussie not coz she had injured herself :cry: I am assuming she pulled up all right today. OzJen? I can understand why you would have had a minor heart attack though :cry:

A few dogs lost their footing on the grounds yesterday for some reason when turning or landing after jumps.

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last one after all the cuddles (we spent itme in the cnaine tent meet and greet outside) and the judging she bombed out :cry:

She is just beautiful emery! :grouphug:

I have an irresponsible neighbour 1 door down and he has a Rotti pup about the same size/age as yours.

The poor dog doesn't get walked and my next door neighbours have taken to walking the dog (obviously not used to a lead and has had no discipline) but he is a very funny boy, he puts his paws over the fence, right up to his elbows and just stands there checking everything out. It does look sweet but I dread to think what will become of this puppy. :cry:

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last one after all the cuddles (we spent itme in the cnaine tent meet and greet outside) and the judging she bombed out :cry:

She is just beautiful emery! :grouphug:

I have an irresponsible neighbour 1 door down and he has a Rotti pup about the same size/age as yours.

The poor dog doesn't get walked and my next door neighbours have taken to walking the dog (obviously not used to a lead and has had no discipline) but he is a very funny boy, he puts his paws over the fence, right up to his elbows and just stands there checking everything out. It does look sweet but I dread to think what will become of this puppy. :cry:

thankyou :cry:

oh no poor rotti pup bet he pulls like a train. kealri will pull but not hard as i want her to enjoy the lead and to run with me for shows but trianing is a must. both mine will hang over the fence to check things out they love it especially wehn the neighbours cuddle them lol. rottis are very fast learners and normally very food motivated. i hope they learn to take notice of their family member as rotti's are very much family dogs :cry: i see him ending up in the pound though :cry: plz keep me updated if that looks like happening and i will see what i can do :cry:

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last one after all the cuddles (we spent itme in the cnaine tent meet and greet outside) and the judging she bombed out :rofl:

She is just beautiful emery! :)

I have an irresponsible neighbour 1 door down and he has a Rotti pup about the same size/age as yours.

The poor dog doesn't get walked and my next door neighbours have taken to walking the dog (obviously not used to a lead and has had no discipline) but he is a very funny boy, he puts his paws over the fence, right up to his elbows and just stands there checking everything out. It does look sweet but I dread to think what will become of this puppy. :D

thankyou :eat:

oh no poor rotti pup bet he pulls like a train. kealri will pull but not hard as i want her to enjoy the lead and to run with me for shows but trianing is a must. both mine will hang over the fence to check things out they love it especially wehn the neighbours cuddle them lol. rottis are very fast learners and normally very food motivated. i hope they learn to take notice of their family member as rotti's are very much family dogs :) i see him ending up in the pound though ;) plz keep me updated if that looks like happening and i will see what i can do ;)

Yes, I will let you know if the dog's outlook becomes bleak(er).

It's an Indian or Sri Lankan guy that owns this dog, and it's shelter is an old car in the carport. One of the back doors is tied open to one of the carport poles. I'm assuming he has the dog for 'security' purposes :rofl:

On a brighter note, I only have 3 days to go before I pick up my little bundle of mischief. :laugh:

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How on earth do you keep your white suit clean :) :D

That's exactly what I was thinking :)

I should have him in my arms by 11am. ;)

I probably could have picked him up earlier but I figure this will be my last sleep in for ....... well for a long time anyway! :laugh:

Woohoooooooooo! How exciting, yes make the most of that last sleep in ;)

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Lovely photos Emery - thanks for posting. Now the BIG question is........

How on earth do you keep your white suit clean :D :laugh:

i think i was just lucky i did get one faint mark down the bottom of the leg from her paws but all else stayed clean i did change back into normal clothes after i had finished in the ring though :)

last one after all the cuddles (we spent itme in the cnaine tent meet and greet outside) and the judging she bombed out :o

She is just beautiful emery! :)

I have an irresponsible neighbour 1 door down and he has a Rotti pup about the same size/age as yours.

The poor dog doesn't get walked and my next door neighbours have taken to walking the dog (obviously not used to a lead and has had no discipline) but he is a very funny boy, he puts his paws over the fence, right up to his elbows and just stands there checking everything out. It does look sweet but I dread to think what will become of this puppy. ;)

thankyou :D

oh no poor rotti pup bet he pulls like a train. kealri will pull but not hard as i want her to enjoy the lead and to run with me for shows but trianing is a must. both mine will hang over the fence to check things out they love it especially wehn the neighbours cuddle them lol. rottis are very fast learners and normally very food motivated. i hope they learn to take notice of their family member as rotti's are very much family dogs :rofl: i see him ending up in the pound though :rofl: plz keep me updated if that looks like happening and i will see what i can do :eat:

Yes, I will let you know if the dog's outlook becomes bleak(er).

It's an Indian or Sri Lankan guy that owns this dog, and it's shelter is an old car in the carport. One of the back doors is tied open to one of the carport poles. I'm assuming he has the dog for 'security' purposes :mad

On a brighter note, I only have 3 days to go before I pick up my little bundle of mischief. ;)

yay a new puppy to :drool: over :D

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Had a good day at the show yesterday, saw all my favourite ridgies :laugh: ....Missed the DWD though. Will be going to the show BY MYSELF next year................Didnt get to see half what I really wanted to. Bad enough with an OH, cant imagine what it would be like with kids as well!!

The dogs slept like hairy logs last night after being in kennels for 3 nights....Poor girls probably thought we werent coming back to get them!!

I have picked out my baby Llama, and the other will be a surprise! Im getting a pregnant female and will keep the baby from her...Getting excited now :) Dont have any photos, but baby Felea is black and cheeky!

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