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Western Australian Thread


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Grrr I had such an annoying walk today :laugh: . I swear I'll slap the next person that says he just wants to say hello, he's really friendly, grrr :o . I've had the luxury over winter of walking the dogs early when I get home from work(I finish at 12.30 or 1.30) it's been heaven, today was too hot for Banjo so off we went at 5.30 and met the after work crowd, another reason for me to hate summer. Rant over that feels better :( . I had to crack up at Banjo when we got home, I opened the gate and off he ran and I thought what's he up to, I come around the corner and he's all wet, he'd gone and jumped in his sea shell which I just put out today :laugh: . I needed that laugh :) .

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Ok does anyone know the direction to point me in re titre testing for Toby? :)

Also awesome clips Ptolomy and Mirawee. Jenna is just too funny! :)

Doing a clean run order now :o

Bad girl :laugh::laugh:

I need Cool Coats! (and a few tug toys... and an exercise sourcebook... and a couple of balls... :( )

I'm eyeing off the cool coats to :)

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Yay! We all graduated obedience advanced begginers last night. My son and his JRT came 5th out of about 13 with 90 points which is very good, he is only 12 yrs old :laugh: and Rosie and I came 3rd :laugh::o We lost points because she wouldnt retrieve :) (she is a golden retriever who retrievers everything all the time :) ) I think we also lost a point because I said drop twice which was my mistake not hers. Also, I have taught her to sit as soon as I stop, so instead of standing to command, she sat (because I had stopped) then stood :(

Anyhow Im very proud of her, she got 95 points, 2nd place got 96 and 1st place got 97 so it was very close :(

It sounds like you both had a great night (was this at K9??) - Well done and keep up the good work :)

Thank you, yes it was up at K9 :o

Ptolomy, that drop was great! Poor Beans!

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Did anyone else see this:


Major retail stores throughout the Perth metropolitan area will be able to stay open until 9pm on weeknights under legislation passed by state parliament.

The new laws follow Coles managing director Ian McLeod dismissing Western Australia's retail trading hours regime as "a complete farce".

Under the old laws, major retailers were forced to close at 6pm on weeknights with the exception of Thursdays.

Now, under the state government's plan to reform Perth's trading hour arrangements, retailers can keep their doors open well into the evening.

Commerce Minister Bill Marmion said the changes would benefit the community, particularly working parents, who now have the convenience of shopping when they like.

"Creating a retail trading environment that allows choice, flexibility and competition has always been the focus of this Government," Mr Marmion said.

"We take into account the modern lifestyles of West Australians, such as working parents, who may find it difficult to shop within the current restricted trading hours."

Under legislation which passed state parliament, the outer metropolitan suburbs of Midland and Armadale will have their trading hours extended and retailers will be able to open on Sundays.

Last week, Coles managing director Ian McLeod told a business forum in Perth that WA had to change its retail trading hours regime, which was "a decade behind the rest of Australia".

"Western Australian trading hours are a complete farce in my view and it's something I believe ought to be addressed," Mr McLeod said.

That's so weird how we were discussing this lat week, do you think they read DOL? :laugh:

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Grrr I had such an annoying walk today :o . I swear I'll slap the next person that says he just wants to say hello, he's really friendly, grrr :( . I've had the luxury over winter of walking the dogs early when I get home from work(I finish at 12.30 or 1.30) it's been heaven, today was too hot for Banjo so off we went at 5.30 and met the after work crowd, another reason for me to hate summer. Rant over that feels better :) . I had to crack up at Banjo when we got home, I opened the gate and off he ran and I thought what's he up to, I come around the corner and he's all wet, he'd gone and jumped in his sea shell which I just put out today :laugh: . I needed that laugh :) .

hello she's friendly just a boisterous puppy :) sorry you had a bad walk glad banjo made you feel better

Did anyone else see this:

That's so weird how we were discussing this lat week, do you think they read DOL? :laugh:

bahahahahaht that's great :o

bedazzled and ptolomy were you on the main oval at k9 tonight???

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Ptolomy may have been...I reckon 2 trips a week down the hill is enough so not me. I do Mondays and Wednesdays.


that sounds fair enough :laugh: i thought i saw two tollers got kelari out was gonna say hi (hubby was throwing ball for zeus) i took kelari for a quick calm down run and they were leaving :o one day i will get to say hi rof.

but on a good note i think kelari is finally uderstanding how to stack she behaved and i got told she and i are improving :laugh: yay good times good times

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Ptolomy may have been...I reckon 2 trips a week down the hill is enough so not me. I do Mondays and Wednesdays.

bedazzled and ptolomy were you on the main oval at k9 tonight???

Lazy :eek:

I was there tonight with my girls on the top oval getting picked on by Ptolomy :confused: She gave me homework :eek:

Then I went to the bottom oval for our agility assessment. Ruby kicked some booty, very proud of her, but I am choosing to stay back in the same class next term to get some more handling help and get some tips to work on getting a bit more speed out of my Lab :laugh: and Ruby still isn't the most confident on the dog walk so don't want to rush her onto the full height one just yet :eek:

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bedazzled and ptolomy were you on the main oval at k9 tonight???

I was there with Rubystar for a short time and ended up leaving just as it got dark and I could no longer see the kids :confused: . The "other" toller was Zippa who is Cider's half sister and she was playing/ doing zoomies with Strauss.

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I have my Clean Run items in the cart, ready to check out.... but keep putting it off, that's another $73 spent on the dogs! I am saving for a coffee machine for me, and that $73 would be nice to go towards it :( Why do the dogs constantly come first? :)

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bedazzled and ptolomy were you on the main oval at k9 tonight???

I was there with Rubystar for a short time and ended up leaving just as it got dark and I could no longer see the kids :( . The "other" toller was Zippa who is Cider's half sister and she was playing/ doing zoomies with Strauss.

it was you then lol. bugger i should of ame said hi straight away but she would of pulled my arm from the socket lol

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Hey all

Thanks for the birthday wishes - sorry I wasn't there MOnday night - I was scheduled in to assist with some puppies who decided to make an entrance on my birthday :lollipop::(

So, Charlie's first litter was 9 babies (10th didn't make it :)) 6 boys 3 girls and all doing well. I am puppy sitting right now and they are oh so cute :birthday:

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Hey all

Thanks for the birthday wishes - sorry I wasn't there MOnday night - I was scheduled in to assist with some puppies who decided to make an entrance on my birthday :lollipop::(

So, Charlie's first litter was 9 babies (10th didn't make it :)) 6 boys 3 girls and all doing well. I am puppy sitting right now and they are oh so cute :birthday:

Pictures!!! :D Well done Mr Charlie! Any bobs? :whee:

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Sooooo what are you ordering RubyStar - I had a very special gift arrive via email this morning - a clean run gift voucher - wahoo :( .

How'd you get that? Is that a gift from a friend or a Clean Run gift to you cos you're a serial CR shopaholic? :)

Just 2 cool coats and 2 zap balls, nothing spesh!

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Hey all

Thanks for the birthday wishes - sorry I wasn't there MOnday night - I was scheduled in to assist with some puppies who decided to make an entrance on my birthday :lollipop::(

So, Charlie's first litter was 9 babies (10th didn't make it :)) 6 boys 3 girls and all doing well. I am puppy sitting right now and they are oh so cute :birthday:

Pictures!!! :D Well done Mr Charlie! Any bobs? :whee:

Yessss pictures are a must!!

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