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Unfortunatley it is how the journalists put stories across they get a wee bit muddled!!

A great example is the end sentence

" How they sit!!"

Maybe they minced her words and forgot to say the first puppy wasnt shown and was from a kennel ??

Ahh papers been there done that and been in heaps of situations through them that I never would have dreamed of!!

J :thumbsup:

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Just saw this on thewest.com.au - surely she didnt get her show dog form a pet shop?
Breeder laps up dog competition

Dog breeder Margaret Fairbairn is preparing for her 38th dog show at the Royal Show, washing, trimming and walking her beloved pooches and hoping to take home a blue ribbon or two.

Ms Fairbairn, 68, has been breeding Australian terriers since 1972 and is preparing seven of her 24 dogs for the competition.

"You take care of your dog first, then yourself," she said. "You have to take tons of stuff with you to the show; the dogs, their trolleys, grooming kits, the kitchen sink."

The Southern River resident was hooked on breeding after buying a pet shop puppy.

"I thought the dog was wonderful so I put it in the show ring with help from people," she said.

"I had no idea what I was doing, but it won a blue ribbon."

Ms Fairbairn said she was the only Australian terrier breeder in WA and had chosen that breed because although the dogs were not glamorous, they were "lovely".

"I like a dog to be a dog and they are. They're a show dog second and a pet and a mate first," she said.

Placed in groups based on age and type, the dogs are judged on their teeth, coat, gait and how they sit.

Uuughh! well aside from the fact that canine members are not permitted to sell to pet shops I know my dog has never been judged on how it sits in the conformation ring and it wouldn't matter how good its teeth, coat or gait was if it didn't first of all meet the breed standard. Perhaps she has been misquoted and got her love of the breed from a pet shop pup but then went on to getting registered pedigrees and showing.

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I went to see if I could comment on the article but there was no option too. It is a bit like the article when there was the Strangles "scare" a month or so ago - most of the info was from an online forum not from the source!

OzJen, teeth, coat and gait are all part of the standard :) But how they sit isn't :laugh:

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It's funny not long after the snake i found a scorpion in my bathroom - i was so not impressed!!

Seriously? I have to worry about scorpions as well :birthday:

Mirawee your foal is beautiful ;) and GR how cute is your new boy :)

Congratulations to Mason as well :cry:

Louis sniffed a Mastiff's butt at the park yesterday

Well done Louis!! A lot will be how relaxed you are at the other end of the leash so well done to you too! :rofl:

Well, I have been here for many mnay moons and I don;t think I have ever known we had scorpions here. All I ever worry about arre snakes and Huntsman spiders - the ones the size of a dinner plate - and they jump :birthday:

Have you seen any of those yet CC? ( :( )

CC they should probably issue a booklet to anyone who is contemplating moving to Austraila to advise them of the fact that it contains the most species of deadly snakes and spiders!! ;)

it was a pretty small scorpion, and I couldn't bare to kill it (i hate killing things, and i so didn't want to hear the crunch!), so i made my OH do it.. We've had plenty of huntsman here too - they do like to jump, and even though they are harmless, they scare the absolute bejeesus out of you when you see it on a wall or in your closet (which is what happened last week!). I always rescue them though - and take them back to the bush area across the road (who am i kidding it's probably the same huntsman coming back just to scare me!!)

Funny about that article - a lovely lady i work with came in to show me the article this morning, as it's the breeder of her Aussie Terrier... I'm willing to be that she was misquoted - if the writer of the story has little interest in the topic, i doubt they were that interested in getting it right :rofl: perhaps, with the pet shop thing, she did get the pup from the petshop - if the pup came with papers it would have been eligible to show (no mains v limited back then).

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I'm whipper snippering the yard after Ptolomy's snake scare. Just went over a bob tail :D Have to have a break for my nerves now!!!!

It's funny not long after the snake i found a scorpion in my bathroom - i was so not impressed!!

Seriously? I have to worry about scorpions as well :D

Mirawee your foal is beautiful ;) and GR how cute is your new boy :mad

Congratulations to Mason as well :laugh:

Louis sniffed a Mastiff's butt at the park yesterday

Well done Louis!! A lot will be how relaxed you are at the other end of the leash so well done to you too! :laugh:

Well, I have been here for many mnay moons and I don;t think I have ever known we had scorpions here. All I ever worry about arre snakes and Huntsman spiders - the ones the size of a dinner plate - and they jump :eek:

Have you seen any of those yet CC? ( :D )

CC they should probably issue a booklet to anyone who is contemplating moving to Austraila to advise them of the fact that it contains the most species of deadly snakes and spiders!! :D

it was a pretty small scorpion, and I couldn't bare to kill it (i hate killing things, and i so didn't want to hear the crunch!), so i made my OH do it.. We've had plenty of huntsman here too - they do like to jump, and even though they are harmless, they scare the absolute bejeesus out of you when you see it on a wall or in your closet (which is what happened last week!). I always rescue them though - and take them back to the bush area across the road (who am i kidding it's probably the same huntsman coming back just to scare me!!)

Funny about that article - a lovely lady i work with came in to show me the article this morning, as it's the breeder of her Aussie Terrier... I'm willing to be that she was misquoted - if the writer of the story has little interest in the topic, i doubt they were that interested in getting it right :D perhaps, with the pet shop thing, she did get the pup from the petshop - if the pup came with papers it would have been eligible to show (no mains v limited back then).

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Don't worry...he is fine! After I did my initial shriek and lept into the air a few meters, my nephew came out wondering what the fuss is all about. He picked it up and put it somewhere safe :D
Poor little bob tail! :D :laugh:

Oh, I had visions of him being whipped and snipped into tiny pieces! ;) :laugh:

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I think a letter to the editor is in order :thumbsup: Any DOLers putting thier hands up to write it?

I would write To Margaret as I said before I was quoted as spending my childrens inheritance on the dogs!!

Papers only write what they want to sell the paper! You shpould see the article they did on Naca for the Brisbane EKKA

Just out to make a quick sale of said paper and thats all that matters to them!

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