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Tiggy, good news about Sophie :laugh:

RS, yes I am an indian giver - I will give you a ticket so you can get in then you have to give it back :eek:

LR, I do have tickets for Tues, but they are part of the full week ones so harder to give and get back since I am not competing on that day :idea: I do have half price tickets as well though :rofl:

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Hi All!

Tiggy glad that sophie is ok :eek:

RS feel better soon :idea:

Valley Well done on Lincoln!!! so proud of our resident WA Chessie :rofl:

Mirawee if you still have tickets for Wednesday I'd love one :rofl:

Now whats this argument/thread that we are talking about bondi vet and where can i join in? :laugh:

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Thanks :laugh:

Mas the best thing about going to the royal alone is that you can wander aimlessly without having to worry about what someone else might want to do!!! it's not that hard to get lost - the entire grounds seems to run in a bit of a circle... eventually you'd end up at a dog pavillion of some sort if you follow the outside :eek:

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Thanks :)

Mas the best thing about going to the royal alone is that you can wander aimlessly without having to worry about what someone else might want to do!!! it's not that hard to get lost - the entire grounds seems to run in a bit of a circle... eventually you'd end up at a dog pavillion of some sort if you follow the outside :D

You know, the many times I had gone to the show before I got into obedience, I never once stumbled across the dog events!! No wonder I found the show completely boooooring!! Had I found the dog stuff, I might have not only enjoyed the show, but I may have gotten into obedience much sooner!

Mas, if you can get at ticket or buy a ticket for Monday, Amy and I might be there. I am going Sunday to compete but may go Monday to do the show-goer thing and buy a couple of way ovepriced showbags. Refuse to pay $50 for a 90 second ride on something that could fall apart if they missed a bolt or something!! ok, slight exaggeration of price, but it used to be $10 many years ago so I would hate to see the prices now :laugh:

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Yay go Lincoln :laugh: Well done vCBR :cheer:

Rach, I had to comment too :( I do like her though... if no one else agrees with you then start swearing :birthday:

Oh, the other thing I got today was Perth Royal info! I think the world must be coming to an end for them to have gotten it out this quickly :D

If anyone wants free tickets for the Sunday (3 to good homes) or Monday (2 to good homes) then let me know :party: Oh, and I think I have 2 for the Wednesday as well...

Lincoln got RUBOB :)

Way to go :D

I've got good news, Sophie has a sprain not a tear although she may tear it yet because like George(Vet) said of the way she walks :o (she has funny bandy legs), but I'm resting her for another week at least and she's going back for another cartrophen injection in a week so fingers crossed she'll be fine, she ended up having her anal glands done he said they were really blocked up and that's why her back end was up funny :birthday: .

yay george is great guessing swan vet lol. knows his stuff :cheer:

ifa monday ticket goes begging again i will snap it up plz i need one for my photographer kelari and i are entered sunday :) i got my stuff today too put in the dog box before i lose it rofl

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Ruby just got in trouble for doing something that makes me wanna :) and the thing is I have no idea how she is doing it! I won't give details but let's just say I will now be supervising her toilet breaks at night for a while because she's doing some magical tricks that make my head spin!

Anyway, I growled at her, and she slumped down into bed looking all sad. I went into the lounge room where Millie was and sat down with her to give her a cuddle and her tail is thumping loudly on the wood floor. Ruby hears this so sheepishly comes into the lounge room and sits right next to me, looking at me with these deep soulful "sorry" eyes and I could only hold out less than 10 seconds before emotion totally overcame me and I gave her a cuddle :laugh: She knows how to work me with those puppy dog eyes! Can't stay mad at her for long :D

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Thanks :)

Mas the best thing about going to the royal alone is that you can wander aimlessly without having to worry about what someone else might want to do!!! it's not that hard to get lost - the entire grounds seems to run in a bit of a circle... eventually you'd end up at a dog pavillion of some sort if you follow the outside :D

You know, the many times I had gone to the show before I got into obedience, I never once stumbled across the dog events!! No wonder I found the show completely boooooring!! Had I found the dog stuff, I might have not only enjoyed the show, but I may have gotten into obedience much sooner!

Mas, if you can get at ticket or buy a ticket for Monday, Amy and I might be there. I am going Sunday to compete but may go Monday to do the show-goer thing and buy a couple of way ovepriced showbags. Refuse to pay $50 for a 90 second ride on something that could fall apart if they missed a bolt or something!! ok, slight exaggeration of price, but it used to be $10 many years ago so I would hate to see the prices now :laugh:

Yeah I went last year and I could not see the doggy events at all! I will have a look and see what day hubby is not working ( think it might be the saturday) and maybe I can go with him and just see what dog events are on that day :D

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Eeeeuuuuwwwwww!!!!!! Dogs are revolting sometimes aren't they!!!!! Yep..sounds like supervision and pick up is in order!!!! Mine love cat poo....truffles!!!!! and then want to kiss me...I don't think so!!!!

Ruby just got in trouble for doing something that makes me wanna :( and the thing is I have no idea how she is doing it! I won't give details but let's just say I will now be supervising her toilet breaks at night for a while because she's doing some magical tricks that make my head spin!

Anyway, I growled at her, and she slumped down into bed looking all sad. I went into the lounge room where Millie was and sat down with her to give her a cuddle and her tail is thumping loudly on the wood floor. Ruby hears this so sheepishly comes into the lounge room and sits right next to me, looking at me with these deep soulful "sorry" eyes and I could only hold out less than 10 seconds before emotion totally overcame me and I gave her a cuddle :laugh: She knows how to work me with those puppy dog eyes! Can't stay mad at her for long :)

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